MT4 Investor Password: Everything You Need to Know, fbs investor password.

Fbs investor password

Click on “login to trade account” in the “file” menu at the top. As you already know, you need the master password to change the read-only password.

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MT4 Investor Password: Everything You Need to Know, fbs investor password.

MT4 Investor Password: Everything You Need to Know, fbs investor password.

MT4 Investor Password: Everything You Need to Know, fbs investor password.

MT4 investor password: everything you need to know


In this tutorial, rimantas explains what MT4 investor password is and how you can use it. You’ll learn where to find it, how to create it, change it, or delete it. You’ll also learn how to become investor password forex trader.

If you prefer watching a video about MT4 investor password then here it is:

If you want a step-by-step metatrader 4 tutorial about investor password then continue reading.

What is an investor password?

Investor password in MT4 is just another password to login to your MT4 account. It’s a secret phrase containing numbers and letters. It gives read-only access to the trading account, and this is how you can show your trading results to other traders.

Each metatrader account has two passwords – main password (a.K.A. Master or primary) and an investor password. Each password gives us different permissions in the trading account.

Usually, we log in to MT4 account using the main password as this is what forex brokers provide us. The main password gives us all trading permissions. It means we can open new trades, and change or close existing trades.

When we log in to MT4 account using an investor password, we do not have any trading permissions. We can only see the open trades and account history.

When you give your investor phrase to other traders, they can evaluate your trading strategy. And of course, you are safe because trading is not allowed in investor mode. You can share your read-only password with anyone you want: other traders, your friends, family, clients, etc.

What you can do with the investor password

How to use a read-only password in MT4:

  • Give your investor password to friends and family so they can see your trades. They can take the same trades or learn from your trading.

  • Give your investor password to potential investors so they can evaluate your trading performance.

  • Use your investor password to upload and verify trading record on myfxbook. It will show you analytics of your trading.

  • Sell access to your MT4 trading account via investor password for additional income. Other people can buy it to access your trades and copy them to their account.

When you log into MT4 using the investor secret phrase, traders also call this “investor mode” or “MT4 investor account”.

In MT4 investor mode, the platform does not allow any trading operations. It means you are entirely safe to share your investor secret phrase with others.

If at any point you want to deny this access you change the read-only password.

How to find MT4 investor password

Investor password is usually created automatically by your forex broker when you open an MT4 account with them. Both demo and live trading account have them.

Places where you can find read-only password:

  • You are presented your investor secret phrase every time you create a demo MT4 account. Make sure you write it down.

  • You can find it in the mailbox tab at the bottom of metatrader.

  • Brokers might send it by email.

  • You can create it yourself if you have the main MT4 password.

Always save MT4 passwords as a screenshot

Always save MT4 passwords as a screenshot;Best way to keep your MetaTrader passwords safe and be able to find them anytime is to save them as a screenshot on your computer. After you create an account on MT4, the last screen of this process will show you all information on the new account. In the example screenshot, you can see it shows account name, type, deposit type, server name, login (MT4 account number) and both password (main and investor). If you click Finish at this stage, you won

Best way to keep your metatrader passwords safe and be able to find them anytime is to save them as a screenshot on your computer.

After you create an account on MT4, the last screen of this process will show you all information on the new account.

In the example screenshot, you can see it shows account name, type, deposit type, server name, login (MT4 account number) and both password (main and investor).

If you click finish at this stage, you won’t see them again. Forex broker might send them to your email, but usually, they don’t.

So it is best to save this window as a screenshot on your computer.

I have a folder on my computer. Every time I create a new MT4 account I always save passwords as a screenshot. The file name is MT4 account number (login), so it is easy for me to find it when I need it later.

Additionally, I have linked this folder with my dropbox account, and it means I store all screenshots in the cloud as well. I can access them from any other device too.


Here’s how my screenshots folder looks like. Dozens and dozens of MT4 account credentials saved as images. I can find any password to any account I need anytime.

I highly recommend you doing the same. You’ll thank me later ��

Another way to find investor password

Another way to find MT4 investor password;If you did not save your MT4 passwords and your broker did not send them in your email inbox, then you can search for your intestor password in the Mailbox tab at the bottom of MT4. Usually, there are lots of messages from the broker. What you need to look for is the message with the subject New Account Registration or something similar. Then, click the right-mouse button on it and choose View.

If you did not save your MT4 passwords and your broker did not send them in your email inbox, then you can search for your investor password in the mailbox tab at the bottom of MT4.

Usually, there are lots of messages from the broker. What you need to look for is the message with the subject “new account registration” or something similar.

Then, click the right-mouse button on it and choose “view“.

;In the New Account Registration message you can find both MT4 passwords, main password, and the investor password. Make sure to double check the Login if it matches the MT4 account number you need. It could be that you will have multiple messages with passwords if you had several accounts on that MT4 platform.

In the “new account registration” message you can find both MT4 passwords, main password, and the investor password.

Make sure to double check the login if it matches the MT4 account number you need. It could be that you will have multiple messages with passwords if you had several accounts on that MT4 platform.

You can find live MT4 trading account passwords in your inbox

You can find Live MT4 trading account passwords in your inbox;When you open a real trading account with the Forex broker, they usually send MT4 login credentials by email. So you can find it in your inbox. For me, the easiest way to do this is typing MT4 account number in the search bar. Not all brokers might send this information by email, but if they did, then you might find MT4 investor password and MT4 master password easily. Some brokers send MT4 passwords by email for demo accounts too. So if you cannot find your MT4 account password, it is well worth a try to search in all your email inboxes :-)

When you open a real trading account with the forex broker, they usually send MT4 login credentials by email. So you can find it in your inbox.

For me, the easiest way to do this is typing MT4 account number in the search bar.

Not all brokers might send this information by email, but if they did, then you might find read-only password and master password easily.

Some brokers send MT4 passwords by email for demo accounts too. So if you cannot find your MT4 account password, it is well worth a try to search in all your email inboxes ��

How to login into MT4 using investor password

;Click on Login to Trade Account in the File menu at the top.

Click on “login to trade account” in the “file” menu at the top.

;In the login window, type login (MT4 account number), investor password, and server name. It is quite convenient to have Save account information checked so that you don

In the login window, type login (MT4 account number), investor secret phrase, and server name.

It is quite convenient to have “save account information” checked so that you don’t need to enter these credentials in the future.

In this window, you can log in to MT4 account using the primary password or investor password.

For example, let’s say you have pepperstone login credentials. You would type them in this window and click on “login” button.

In this example, I use fxopen demo account, but the same procedure is for any metatrader terminal from any broker.

The difference is only the server name as each broker has different server names. So make sure you have installed MT4 from the right broker so that you can see their server names on this list.

Investor mode or master mode?

When there is a possibility to log into MT4 using two passwords it is a good idea to learn how to tell which password did you use exactly?

How can you know if you are logged into MT4 with investor password or main password

How can you know if you are logged into MT4 with investor password or main password;When you login into MT4 with investor password it means you are viewing the account in investor mode or read-only mode. It means you cannot perform any trading operations like opening trades, modifying trades or closing them. After you login into MT4, you can open the Journal tab at the bottom of MetaTrader to find the investor mode [trades are not allowed] message. It tells you that you are logged in using the investor password.

When you login into MT4 with read-only password it means you are viewing the account in “investor mode” or “read-only” mode. It means you cannot perform any trading operations like opening trades, modifying trades or closing them.

After you login into MT4, you can open the “journal” tab at the bottom of metatrader to find the “investor mode [trades are not allowed]” message. It tells you that you are logged in using the read-only password.

;Another way to know if you are logged in with investor password or main password is to look at the top toolbar where the New Order button is located. In investor mode, this button is disabled.

Another way to know if you are logged in with investor password or main password is to look at the top toolbar where the “new order” button is located.

In investor mode, this button is disabled.

;When you log in using the main MT4 password the New Order button is enabled, and you can open new trades. If you click on New Order button, you

When you log in using the main MT4 password the “new order” button is enabled, and you can open new trades.

If you click on “new order” button, you’ll see a new window opens with sell and buy buttons.

;In investor mode, MT4 also hides other menus for trading. If you click right-mouse button on the chart, then you

In investor mode, MT4 also hides other menus for trading. If you click right-mouse button on the chart, then you’ll see there are no trading menu options there.

;Here are trading menu options when logged into MT4 using the master password.

Here are trading menu options when logged into MT4 using the master password.

;New Order menu is also hidden in the Market Watch popup window when you log into MT4 using investor password.

“new order” menu is also hidden in the market watch popup window when you log into MT4 using investor password.

;New Order menu is available in Market Watch popup if you log into MT4 using the master password.

“new order” menu is available in market watch popup if you log into MT4 using the master password.

Now you know how to find out if you’re logged into MT4 investor mode or trader mode.

Next, let me show you how you can change investor secret phrase if want to cut out all the people who already have investor mode access to your MT4.

How to change investor password in MT4

The same steps to change the investor secret phrase can also be used to create it.

Basically, to make it clear. Every MT4 account has a read-only password created by default. You just might not have it if your broker did not send it to you.

So usually, when someone says “create investor password” or “delete investor password” it simply means “change MT4 investor password”.

Want to delete old investor secret phrase? Change it to a new one.

Want to create a new investor secret phrase? Change the old one.

Want to cut out everyone from your MT4 account? Change the investor password.

You will also need to set a new read-only password if you are uploading your trading track record on myfxbook and want to verify the ownership of the account.

Now let me show you how to change it.

To change the read-only password, you’ll need the main MT4 password.

Click on Options Ctrl+O in the Tools menu;

Click on “change” button in the options window

Click on Change button in the Options window;It will open Change password window.

It will open “change password” window.

;As you already know, you need the master password to change the investor password. Enter your MT4 master password in the Current password field. Then, select the Change investor password option. Be careful here. If you choose another option, then you

As you already know, you need the master password to change the read-only password.

Enter your MT4 master password in the “current password” field.

Then, select the “change investor password” option. Be careful here. If you choose another option, then you’ll change the master password.

And finally, enter a new password twice.

Click “OK” button to change the password.

If the password is changed, this window will disappear.

If the password is not changed, this window will stay open. In this case, I would suggest you type the passwords all over again and try clicking the “OK” button.

Make sure you enter a correct master password.

Make sure your new password match in both fields “new password” and “confirm”.

Also, I believe there are specific requirements for the read-only password. I think it has to have letters and numbers and must be at least seven characters long.

How to delete MT4 investor password

As explained previously, to delete the read-only password you have to change it to a new one.

See the steps above. Not much to explain here ��

Investor password forex trading

When someone says that they are investor password forex trader, it means they are copying forex trades from another MT4 account logged in using investor secret phrase.

It is quite a common thing to do because you can easily copy all trading positions from MT4 investor account to other MT4 accounts automatically.

Different types of investor passwords you can have:

  • IC markets investor password

  • XM investor password

  • FBS investor password

  • JAFX investor password

  • Fxpro investor password

  • Oanda investor password

  • Tradersway investor password

  • Fxopen investor password

  • Pepperstone investor password

  • Basically, investor password from any forex broker providing metatrader accounts.

How to copy forex trades from the MT4 investor account


There’s a unique computer program which can link multiple MT4 accounts together and copy trades between them. This software is called the local trade copier.

Local trade copier is an add-on for metatrader 4, and it can copy trades between many MT4 accounts instantly and simultaneously.

Investor password MT4 access is enough for the local trade copier to read the open trades and pass them to other MT4 accounts fast and accurately.

In the image above you can see two MT4 accounts connected with the LTC copier and a USDJPY BUY trade copied at the same price of 110.024.

But that’s just a simple demonstration. You can have any amount of MT4 accounts connected. Basically, as much as your computer can handle ��

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you have five MT4 accounts on the same computer. You can install local trade copier on each platform and connect them together with the local trade copier. You choose the first account to act as a master account and other MT4 account act as client accounts.

MT4 account acting as a master can be running in investor mode. It means you can log into the MT4 account using the investor secret phrase and with the help of the LTC copier open the same trades to other MT4 accounts at the same time automatically.

Copy successful forex traders

If you want to copy successful forex traders automatically, then you can do it if you have a read-only access to their metatrader account.

To copy trades from a read-only MT4 account, you will need:

– read-only password or main password to the MT4 account acting as a master. Click here to buy investor password MT4 access.

– main password to MT4 accounts acting as clients (must be logged in using the primary MT4 password, cannot use investor secret phrase here).

– install multiple metatrader 4 terminals on the same computer (follow this tutorial).

– learn to run multiple expert advisors on the same MT4 account (follow this tutorial).

– trade copier for MT4 from www.Mt4copier.Com


Now you know everything about the MT4 investor password that a forex trader should know. I hope this MT4 tutorial was helpful for you. If you want to receive metatrader 4 tutorials like this, then subscribe to EA coder newsletter and even submit your MT4 question.

I recommend you to try trade copying between a few demo accounts and then copy forex trades from vavatrade investor password account.

Privacy policy


FBS respects the privacy of any user that accesses its site(s); therefore, the company is committed in safeguarding any existing or prospective clients, applicants and visitors. The present privacy policy (the “privacy policy”) describes the processes of gathering, storage, protection and distribution of client information acquired by the company.



Information gathered from your activity on the FBS website

When you enter the FBS website, the company automatically starts gathering general data, including (but not limited to):

  • HTTP headers

  • Internet protocol (IP) address

  • Cookies

  • Web beacons and pixel tags

  • Browser fingerprint data

  • Software and hardware configuration data

  • The date and time the website and services were accessed

  • Geographical location data

  • Other types of personal information required for processing in accordance with the website conditions

  • Personal information the company receives from FBS partners in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreements concluded by you and your partner, as well as the agreements concluded by the company and the partner.

We will use the information that we collect about you in order to:

  • Create and maintain your account;

  • Allow you to log in to FBS;

  • Contact you about your account and/or the services that FBS offers.

  • Manage our marketing relationships. These include without limitation:

    • Learning about your interests and preferences to contact you with information that is relevant to you and helping us target marketing communications and adverts so that they are more relevant to you.

    • Using your pseudonymised details to show you advertising on social media platforms, such as facebook or via other third party advertising that may appear on other websites you use. The information shared with these platforms is pseudonymised to protect your personal data.

    • Analyzing and continually improving the site and our services and helping us pilot test versions of the site internally to develop new features and ensure the efficient running of FBS services.

    • Detecting and reducing fraud and credit risk.

Information gathered from your personal area on the FBS website

When you register a real and/or demo accounts with FBS, the company collects the data of the following types:

  • Personal information you provide to comply with the company’s terms and conditions, such as your name, phone number, age, physical address, and email address

  • Payment information

  • Identification document information (passport or national identity card)

We will use the information that we collect about you in order to:

  • Verify your identity and carry out checks that we are required to conduct by applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, “know your client”, anti-money laundering, fraud, sanctions and politically exposed person checks;

  • Contact you on matters related to your account, including without limitation, to request any additional information and/or documentation;

  • Tailor the products and services offered through the website to you, including without limitation, to perform any suitability or appropriateness assessments for using our services and/or products, (for example by email, push notifications, text messaging, and online messaging channels), so that we could send you FBS news, details about new features and content available at FBS, special offers, promotional announcements, consumer surveys, and to assist you with operational requests such as password reset requests. Please see the "email notifications" section of this profile settings to learn how to set or change your communications preference.

  • Assess your credit risk;

  • Assess your risk score according to parameters determined by FBS;

  • Maintain administrative records relating to our business;

  • Set up security measures to secure your account, including without limitation, carry out two-factor authentication;

  • Provide you with notices related to your account, general updates, market updates and other marketing materials.

  • Please note that it is prohibited to use VPN services allowing you to change your IP-address while trading or otherwise transacting or operating through the trading platform. In case you use VPN or other similar services while being logged in to the trading platform, we will consider your activities suspicious and/or fraudulent and reserve the right to decline and/or cancel the underlying transaction(s) or operation(s) and terminate our agreement and business relationship with you. Frequent access and/or logins to your personal area from different IP-addresses and/or countries indicate that you use VPN and/or other similar services and/or you gave access to your account to third parties and/or access to your account was compromised. Note that the use of VPN and/or any similar services may raise a doubt as to whether your actions or activities have a legitimate cause or reason, are not in breach of the law and/or the client agreement. Furthermore, VPN and/or any other similar services may affect the operation and stability of the trading platform and may not deliver the best execution to you.


The company may disclose the personal information we hold about you to:

  • Our group companies and affiliates;

  • FBS’s service providers, including IT hosting companies;

  • Banks, other financial institutions and credit reference agencies;

  • Payment service providers;

  • Third party companies in the event that FBS is involved in a corporate transaction such as an actual or potential merger, joint venture, consolidation or asset sale;

  • Professional advisors such as attorneys, accountants, auditors, financial and other professionals;

  • Regulatory authorities including tax authorities;

  • Law enforcement agencies, courts and other relevant tribunals.

  • This document should be read in conjunction with the client agreement, of which it constitutes an integral part.

Question: how to reset or change my forgotten MT4/MT5 login password?

FXTM brand does not provide services to residents of the USA, mauritius, japan (日本), alberta, british columbia, quebec,
saskatchewan, haiti, suriname, the democratic republic of korea, puerto rico, and the occupied area of cyprus. Find out more
in the regulations section of their faqs.

Metatrader4 is where you can make trades and invest in forex and CFD tradings.

To change the password

If you wish to change your MT4 password for security reason, you can do it directly from the metatrader4 trading platform.

To do that, please follow the below instructions.

After logging into your MT4 trading account, go to “tools”→”options”. Or you can simply type “ctrl+O”.

Then you will see the below new screen, where you can change the password and save.

You can simply type in your preferred new password in there and click on “change”.

Please note that you can not change the password, if you don’t know the current password.

If you have forgotten the password

In case you have forgotten the password for logging into your MT4 account, you need to send an email to FXTM to reset it.

Unfortunately you can not reset the password by yourself, so you may need to wait for a certain time until logging into your trading account in this case.

If you haven’t changed the password, you can also find out the password by checking the email sent by FXTM when you have verified your account.

The email should contain full login credentials of your MT4 trading account.

For a security reason, FXTM might ask you to submit some additional documents to verify before resetting the MT4 password.

In case you have forgotten the password for the FXTM’s client portal, you can reset it at the login page.

You can also change the password to a new one by logging into the client portal.

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FXTM brand does not provide services to residents of the USA, mauritius, japan (日本), alberta, british columbia, quebec,
saskatchewan, haiti, suriname, the democratic republic of korea, puerto rico, and the occupied area of cyprus. Find out more
in the regulations section of their faqs.


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Hercules.Finance is a financial education website powered by a team of financial specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of forex, CFD and commodity investment, and a number of payment services. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, hercules.Finance offers trusted and timely information for investors and users of the services. By referring to hercules.Finance, you can find all latest news/information, financial technical/fundamental analysis, main/exclusive bonus promotions of partnered companies and a number of educational materials of finance. For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. For more latest information of the website, please visit hercules.Finance.

Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

Privacy policy


FBS respects the privacy of any user that accesses its site(s); therefore, the company is committed in safeguarding any existing or prospective clients, applicants and visitors. The present privacy policy (the “privacy policy”) describes the processes of gathering, storage, protection and distribution of client information acquired by the company.



Information gathered from your activity on the FBS website

When you enter the FBS website, the company automatically starts gathering general data, including (but not limited to):

  • HTTP headers

  • Internet protocol (IP) address

  • Cookies

  • Web beacons and pixel tags

  • Browser fingerprint data

  • Software and hardware configuration data

  • The date and time the website and services were accessed

  • Geographical location data

  • Other types of personal information required for processing in accordance with the website conditions

  • Personal information the company receives from FBS partners in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreements concluded by you and your partner, as well as the agreements concluded by the company and the partner.

We will use the information that we collect about you in order to:

  • Create and maintain your account;

  • Allow you to log in to FBS;

  • Contact you about your account and/or the services that FBS offers.

  • Manage our marketing relationships. These include without limitation:

    • Learning about your interests and preferences to contact you with information that is relevant to you and helping us target marketing communications and adverts so that they are more relevant to you.

    • Using your pseudonymised details to show you advertising on social media platforms, such as facebook or via other third party advertising that may appear on other websites you use. The information shared with these platforms is pseudonymised to protect your personal data.

    • Analyzing and continually improving the site and our services and helping us pilot test versions of the site internally to develop new features and ensure the efficient running of FBS services.

    • Detecting and reducing fraud and credit risk.

Information gathered from your personal area on the FBS website

When you register a real and/or demo accounts with FBS, the company collects the data of the following types:

  • Personal information you provide to comply with the company’s terms and conditions, such as your name, phone number, age, physical address, and email address

  • Payment information

  • Identification document information (passport or national identity card)

We will use the information that we collect about you in order to:

  • Verify your identity and carry out checks that we are required to conduct by applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, “know your client”, anti-money laundering, fraud, sanctions and politically exposed person checks;

  • Contact you on matters related to your account, including without limitation, to request any additional information and/or documentation;

  • Tailor the products and services offered through the website to you, including without limitation, to perform any suitability or appropriateness assessments for using our services and/or products, (for example by email, push notifications, text messaging, and online messaging channels), so that we could send you FBS news, details about new features and content available at FBS, special offers, promotional announcements, consumer surveys, and to assist you with operational requests such as password reset requests. Please see the "email notifications" section of this profile settings to learn how to set or change your communications preference.

  • Assess your credit risk;

  • Assess your risk score according to parameters determined by FBS;

  • Maintain administrative records relating to our business;

  • Set up security measures to secure your account, including without limitation, carry out two-factor authentication;

  • Provide you with notices related to your account, general updates, market updates and other marketing materials.

  • Please note that it is prohibited to use VPN services allowing you to change your IP-address while trading or otherwise transacting or operating through the trading platform. In case you use VPN or other similar services while being logged in to the trading platform, we will consider your activities suspicious and/or fraudulent and reserve the right to decline and/or cancel the underlying transaction(s) or operation(s) and terminate our agreement and business relationship with you. Frequent access and/or logins to your personal area from different IP-addresses and/or countries indicate that you use VPN and/or other similar services and/or you gave access to your account to third parties and/or access to your account was compromised. Note that the use of VPN and/or any similar services may raise a doubt as to whether your actions or activities have a legitimate cause or reason, are not in breach of the law and/or the client agreement. Furthermore, VPN and/or any other similar services may affect the operation and stability of the trading platform and may not deliver the best execution to you.


The company may disclose the personal information we hold about you to:

  • Our group companies and affiliates;

  • FBS’s service providers, including IT hosting companies;

  • Banks, other financial institutions and credit reference agencies;

  • Payment service providers;

  • Third party companies in the event that FBS is involved in a corporate transaction such as an actual or potential merger, joint venture, consolidation or asset sale;

  • Professional advisors such as attorneys, accountants, auditors, financial and other professionals;

  • Regulatory authorities including tax authorities;

  • Law enforcement agencies, courts and other relevant tribunals.

  • This document should be read in conjunction with the client agreement, of which it constitutes an integral part.

Forex investor password

Forex investor password

One of the main aim of creating a forex investor password is to give a third party the ability of having the log in details of a trader's account to see his/her trading history, without having to alter the performance of the account.


This is a password that enable traders share their strategy, join performance, share trading data etc. This password gives a third party the access to this information to check the trading history and performance while the trader who owns the account enjoys a rest of mind as he/she is assured his performance cannot be altered by the third party accessing his account base on the password they possess.


Many traders often find it difficult to distinguish between a master password and a password, which might make some traders skeptical when it comes to sharing their investor password. The master password is the password a trader keeps confident as it gives the trader the access to alter and make a trade order, while an investor password merely gives information such as price level of trade opening and closing, timing to other traders and brokers but do not provide control to the trader's account.


Creating a password is very easy, the following guidelines are here to help guide a trader in creating an investor's password:

Check for the TOOLS>OPTION and select it on the top menu bar or alternatively press ctrl and O

After selecting change type in the current master password

If the password is not check already, you are to “select investor password”

Then type in the new password in the “new password” text field, note: make sure it is not the same as your master password.

At the second "confirm" text field retype the new password

At the completion of these steps you have successfully crated an investor password.


In situations where a trader has forgotten his/her password or need to reset the old one, the following steps will help:

First go to the top menu bar and select "tools" and then click the "options" icon

After clicking the options icon a pop up window will display, then go to the "server tab" and click on the “change" icon

A window will display that enables change and confirmation of new password.

Forex investor’s password gives a broker or other traders the access to peripheral information of a trader's trading account, but not the ability to alter trade orders or other key orders which only master password provides so it is important for a trader to understand the difference between them before giving any out.

The content of this article reflects the author’s opinion and does not necessarily reflect the official position of liteforex. The material published on this page is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered as the provision of investment advice for the purposes of directive 2004/39/EC.

Bagaimana cara memperoleh password investor

Dimana saya bisa dapatkan password investor saya di octafx?

Untuk sigit,

Anda dapat mengetahui password investor hanya pada saat anda membuka akun trading. Pada saat pembukaan akun trading, semua informasi penting seperti nomor akun, server, password trading/investor akan ditampilkan. Anda harus menyimpan baik-baik informasi tersebut, karena hanya ditampilkan satu kali saja! Berikut tampilannya.

Apakah trading sebagai investor bisa dilakukan? Bagaimana caranya?

Untuk abu dana,

Jika yang anda maksud apakah bisa bertrading di akun investor? Jawabannya, tidak bisa. Karena akun investor hanya bersifat read-only, yang artinya anda tidak bisa melakukan order untuk membuka posisi.

Namun jika yang anda maksud adalah apakah bisa bertrading sebagai investor? Maka jawabannya, tentu bisa. Sehingga dalam hal ini anda bertindak sebagai investor (pemilik dana/modal), yang mempercayakan dananya untuk ditradingkan oleh account manager atau professional trader dengan perjanjian (bagi hasil/profit sharing atau sistem lainnya) tertentu. Hal semacam ini disebut layanan PAMM atau MAM.

Lalu bagaimana caranya? Caranya mudah sekali. Anda cukup membuka akun pada broker yang menyediakan layanan PAMM atau MAM tersebut. Setelah anda membuka akun dan sebelum memulai layanan PAMM atau MAM, broker biasanya menyediakan informasi dari beberapa account manager atau professional trader mengenai track record/performa trading, reputasi trader, persyaratan minimum dana, hingga besaran bagi hasilnya atau biayanya.

Dengan begitu, anda tidak perlu lagi bertading secara manual jika telah bergabung dengan layanan PAMM atau MAM. Sebagai saran dari kami, pilihlah account manager/trader yang memiliki performa bagus dengan persyaratan yang tidak terlalu membebani.

Seberapa besar risikonya pak erik? Saya barusan resign dari kantor saya dengan uang pesangon yg lumayan. Rencana mau saya pakai untuk investasi di forex. Tapi saya buta sama sekali dengan dunia forex. Karena itu mau jadi investor saja. Banyak yang sudah menawarkan, dan profit yang mrk tawarkan cukup menggiurkan.

Untuk abu dana,

Resiko yang pasti ada pada pasar forex (baik bertrading manual ataupun menjadi investor) tentu saja adalah kerugian. Sehingga, jika anda memutuskan untuk menjadi investor dengan cara bergabung dengan layanan PAMM atau MAM, maka pastikan anda memilih account manager atau trader yang memiliki performa yang baik.

Resiko kerugian pada pasar forex tidak mungkin bisa dihindari. Meskipun begitu, resiko tersebut dapat diminimalisir. Jangan mudah tergiur dengan iming-iming keuntungannya saja, namun perhatikan juga presentase kerugian yang ada. Selain itu, perhatikan juga faktor-faktor dan persyaratan lainnya. Data-data yang menunjukkan performa trader, presentase keuntungan/kerugian, dan lain-lain, biasanya akan dibeberkan oleh broker. Oleh karena itu, anda WAJIB untuk mencermati data tersebut untuk menentukan account manager ataupun trader mana yang ingin anda pilih.

Have questions? We've got answers!









I forgot my trading password

To recover your trading account password, please, first log in to your personal area and click on your trading account in the dashboard table.

In the opened account settings page you will see the "generate new MT4/5 password" option in the "MT server" section.

Upon clicking the button, you will see a warning pop-up window. Click on the "confirm" button if you are sure that you want to generate a new trading password for this account.

You will see the page with the new trading account information.

What is the minimum deposit amount?

Please, take into consideration the following deposit recommendations for different account types respectively:

    For "cent" account the minimum deposit is 1 USD;

For "micro" account - 5 USD;

For "standard" account - 100 USD;

For "zero spread" account – 500 USD;

  • For "ECN" account - 1000 USD.

  • Please, kindly be informed that these are recommendations. The minimum deposit amount, in general, is $1. Please, consider that the minimum deposit for some electronic payment systems like neteller, skrill, or perfect money is $10.

    To know how much it is needed to open an order in your account, you can use trader's calculator on our website.

    How can I deposit?

    You can deposit money on your account in your personal area.

      Click on "finances" in the menu on top of the page.

  • Choose "deposit".

  • Choose a suitable payment system and click on it.

  • Specify the trading account you want to deposit to.

  • Specify the information about your e-wallet or payment system account if needed.

  • Type the amount of money you want to deposit.

  • Choose the currency.

  • Click on the “deposit” button.

  • Withdrawals and internal transfers are done in the same fashion.

    You will be able to monitor the status of your financial requests in the transaction history.

    Important information! Please, take into consideration that according to the customer agreement: a client can withdraw funds from his/her account only to those payment systems which have been used for the deposit.

    Please, kindly be informed that in order to deposit to FBS applications such as FBS trader or FBS copytrade you need to make a deposit request right in the needed application. Transfer of funds between your metatrader accounts and FBS copytrade / FBS trader accounts is not possible.

    How long does it take to withdraw my funds?

    Please, kindly consider, that the financial department of the company usually processes the clients’ withdrawal requests on a first-come, first-served basis.

    As soon as our financial department approves your withdrawal request, the funds are sent from our side, but then it is up to the payment system to process it further.

    • Electronic payment systems withdrawals (like skrill, perfect money, etc.) should be credited immediately, but sometimes may take up to 30 minutes.

    • In case you withdraw to your card, please, be reminded that on the average it takes 3-4 business days for the funds to be credited.

    • As for bank transfer withdrawals are usually processed within 7-10 business days.

    All the payments are being processed according to the financial department's business hours.
    The FBS financial department's business hours are: from 19:00 (GMT+3) on sunday to 23:00 (GMT +3) on friday.

    Please, kindly be reminded that you can monitor the status of your financial requests in the transaction history.

    How can I withdraw?

    Important information! Please, consider that according to the customer agreement: the client can withdraw funds from his/her account only to those payment systems which have been used for the deposit.

    You can withdraw money from your account in your personal area.

      Click on "finances" in the menu on top of the page .

  • Choose "withdrawal".

  • Choose a suitable payment system and click on it.

  • Specify the trading account you want to withdraw from.

  • Specify information about your e-wallet or payment system account.
    For withdrawal via card click on “+” sign to upload back and front sides of your card copy.

  • Type the amount of money you want to withdraw.

  • Click on the “confirm withdrawal” button.

  • Please, kindly take into consideration, that withdrawal commission depends on the payment system you choose.

    Withdrawal process time also depends on the payment system.

    You will be able to monitor the status of your financial requests in the transaction history.

    Please, kindly be reminded that according to the customer agreement:
    5.2.7. If an account was funded via debit or credit card, a card copy is required to process a withdrawal. The copy must contain the first 6 digits and the last 4 digits of the card number, cardholder’s name, expiry date and cardholder’s signature.

    You should cover your CVV code on the backside of the card, we do not need it.
    On the backside of your card, we need only your signature which confirms card validity.

    How to log in to my trading account?

    How to set up the connection in case you have "NO CONNECTION" error in metatrader:

    1. Click on "file" (top left corner in metatrader).

    2. Select "login to trade account".

  • Enter the account number into the "login" section.

  • Enter a trading password (to be able to trade) or investor password (only for observation of activity; placing orders option will be switched off) to the "password" section.

  • Select the proper server name from the list suggested at the "server" section.

    Please, kindly be informed that the number of the server was given to you at the opening of the account. If you do not remember the number of your server, you can check it while recovering your trading password.
    Also, you can insert the server address manually instead of choosing it.

    How can I verify my phone number?

    Please, take into account that the phone verification process is optional, so you might stay on e-mail confirmation and skip verification of your phone number.

    However, if you'd like to attach the number to your personal area, log in to your personal area and click on the "confirm phone" button in the "verification progress" widget.

    Enter your phone number and click on the "send SMS code" button.

    After that, you will receive an SMS code that you should insert in the provided field.

    In case you are facing difficulties with phone verification, first of all, please, check the correctness of the phone number you put in.

    Here are some tips to take into account:

      You do not need to enter "0" at the beginning of your phone number;

    You do not need to enter the country code manually. The system will be automatically set it once you choose the correct country in the drop-down menu (shown with the flags in front of the phone number field);

  • You need to wait for at least 5 minutes for the code to arrive.

  • If you are sure that you have done everything correctly but still don’t receive the SMS code, we would suggest trying another phone number. The issue can be on your provider side. For that matter, enter a different phone number in the field and request the confirmation code.

    Also, you can request the code via voice confirmation.
    To do that, you need to wait for 5 minutes from the code request then click on the "request a callback to get the voice call with a verification code" button. The page would look like this:

    Kindly take into consideration that you can request a voice code only if your profile is verified.

    Fbs investor password

    Broker = superforex
    account number = 397667
    password = forextrade1
    server = superforex-real
    account started = 15th oct 2019

    Broker = FBS
    account number = 210337944
    server = FBS real 1
    account start date = 3rd nov 2020

    Broker = FBS
    account number = 210337951
    server = FBS real 1
    account start date = 19th oct 2020

    Broker = FBS
    account number = 210337962
    server = FBS real 1
    account start date = 7th oct 2020
    forextrade1 starts from = 10th nov 2020

    Broker = FBS
    account number = 260490481
    password = ft@123
    server = FBS REAL 6
    account started = 17th dec 2020

    Compounding lot size = 1 lot to 3 lots
    hight risk reward strategy

    759 USD profit booked in SELL GBPUSD signal by trading in live account.

    1.3750-1.3650 = 100 pips gain

    Check the complete performance from the last 16 months

    Check the last update in a telegram channeread more

    1.3750-1.3650 = 100 pips gain

    Check the complete performance from the last 16 months

    Check the last update in a telegram channel

    A trade placed with supply and demand, 20in1 indicator to get the consistent profit.

    USD 900 near profit booked in real account and holding small lot as per the revise SL strategy.

    1.3700-1.35900 = 110 pips gain

    It's a micro account, so 10lots = 1 standard lot.
    We have the following tools for the trade:
    1. 20in1
    2. Supply and demand

    1.3700-1.35900 = 110 pips gain

    It's a micro account, so 10lots = 1 standard lot.
    We have the following tools for the trade:
    1. 20in1
    2. Supply and demand

    Trend trading in SELL GBPUSD with hedge against BUY XAUUSD - learn hedging strategy

    November 2020 to jan 2021
    SELL GBPUSD in hedge with BUY XAUUSD

    Verify trend link

    read more

    November 2020 to jan 2021
    SELL GBPUSD in hedge with BUY XAUUSD

    Verify trend link

    Check our copytrade service management

    Investor account booked 311 USD profit and hold the small trade with revise SL strategy.

    1.3640-1.3600 = 40 pips gain
    we have taken the trade based on the supply and demand, 20in1 indicator, giving us the best results.

    1.3640-1.3600 = 40 pips gain
    we have taken the trade based on the supply and demand, 20in1 indicator, giving us the best results.

    Profit 1200 USD booked in the investor account by trading in SELL GBPUSD pair.

    1.3680-1.3540 = 140 pips gain
    we have taken the trade based on the supply and demand, 20in1 indicator, giving us the best results.

    1.3680-1.3540 = 140 pips gain
    we have taken the trade based on the supply and demand, 20in1 indicator, giving us the best results.

    SELL GBPUSD live running profit in forex investor account

    28th dec 2020
    1.3620 to 1.34491
    $850 live profit is running on
    the trade we have placed using 20in1 trend and supply and demand indicator can take the precise entry for the trade.

    Implement these indicators in your real accoread more

    28th dec 2020
    1.3620 to 1.34491
    $850 live profit is running on
    the trade we have placed using 20in1 trend and supply and demand indicator can take the precise entry for the trade.

    Implement these indicators in your real account and start making a profit.

    $1000 profit booked in the real account in SELL GBPUSD signal as per the today's opportunity.

    Today exactly as per the resistance levels, we have traded in SELL GBPUSD, booked the $500 profit, and closed the position.

    1.3390-1.3300 = 90 pips gain

    Check the previous update for the account
    read more

    Today exactly as per the resistance levels, we have traded in SELL GBPUSD, booked the $500 profit, and closed the position.

    1.3390-1.3300 = 90 pips gain

    Check the previous update for the account

    We have taken the trade based on 20in1, strength candle, supply, and demand all these tools we have used to take the 100% accurate entry.

    SELL GBPUSD 3500 USD profit booked in live account - forex live trade

    New strain of virus found in the UK!! + no deal brexit almost as the new deadline will come soon.

    We have predicted these details, and that's the reason we hold the SELL GBPUSD signal.
    1.3620-1.3190 = 430 pips gain
    currently, 700 USD profit is running now in the read more

    New strain of virus found in the UK!! + no deal brexit almost as the new deadline will come soon.

    We have predicted these details, and that's the reason we hold the SELL GBPUSD signal.
    1.3620-1.3190 = 430 pips gain
    currently, 700 USD profit is running now in the account with revised SL cost.

    SELL GBPUSD PROFIT with level trading and retail sales numbers - consistent forex profit

    We predicted bad RETAIL SALES DATA and already overbought condition of GBPUSD
    1.3620 to 1.3520 = 100 pips gain
    and booked profit with revise sl

    We predicted bad RETAIL SALES DATA and already overbought condition of GBPUSD
    1.3620 to 1.3520 = 100 pips gain
    and booked profit with revise sl

    $2338 profit booked in real account by trading in SELL GBPUSD - forextrade1 2020

    14th dec 2020
    1.3430 to 1.3300
    550 USD profit running with revise SL strategy.

    The trades we have placed based on the following tools:
    1. 20in1 indicator
    2. Supply and demand indicator
    1.3430 to 1.3300
    550 USD profit running with revise SL strategy.

    The trades we have placed based on the following tools:
    1. 20in1 indicator
    2. Supply and demand indicator
    3. Volume pattern indicator

    SELL GBPUSD trade in real account currently trade open with 300 USD profit with revise SL strategy.

    10th dec 2020
    1.3450 to 1.3290
    300 USD profit running with revise SL strategy.

    10th dec 2020
    1.3450 to 1.3290
    300 USD profit running with revise SL strategy.

    SELL GBPUSD live traded signal in forex investor account with precise entry

    9th dec. 2020
    1.3450 to 1.337
    700 USD live profit is running on
    the trade we have placed using 20in1 trend and supply and demand indicator can take the precise entry for the trade.

    9th dec. 2020
    1.3450 to 1.337
    700 USD live profit is running on
    the trade we have placed using 20in1 trend and supply and demand indicator can take the precise entry for the trade.

    BUY GBPUSD $400 profit running - live trade video with best forex indicators

    7th dec. Bought with precise level suggested by 20in1 trend indicator and supply and demand MT4 tool

    $400 USD profit running in live
    1.3260 to 1.3340 = 80 pips of net gain

    7th dec. Bought with precise level suggested by 20in1 trend indicator and supply and demand MT4 tool

    $400 USD profit running in live
    1.3260 to 1.3340 = 80 pips of net gain

    Level trading with best forex trading results in forex investor account - SELL GBPUSD live chart

    7th dec. 2020
    sell GBPUSD
    1.3530 to 1.3270
    $500 live profit running
    1800% ROI using 20in1 trend indicator and supply and demand indicator

    7th dec. 2020
    sell GBPUSD
    1.3530 to 1.3270
    $500 live profit running
    1800% ROI using 20in1 trend indicator and supply and demand indicator

    1 account 1 consistent performance with 1800% ROI/year - best forex trading strategy

    From last 1 year consistent update for an account with investor ID and password

    CHECK GBPUSD 4th DEC performance
    precisely from level using 20in1 indicator and supply and demand indicator
    $2000 USD PROFIT

    From last 1 year consistent update for an account with investor ID and password

    CHECK GBPUSD 4th DEC performance
    precisely from level using 20in1 indicator and supply and demand indicator
    $2000 USD PROFIT

    Life time consistent profit in FOREX - 1800% ROI in 14 months

    From last 1 year consistent update for an account with investor ID and password

    SELL EURUSD traded using 20in1 trend indicator and supply/demand indicator - small and safe profit using proper strategy

    From last 1 year consistent update for an account with investor ID and password

    SELL EURUSD traded using 20in1 trend indicator and supply/demand indicator - small and safe profit using proper strategy

    23% ROI delivered in real account as per the SELL EURUSD trade.

    Nov 26th, we last updated this account on the telegram channel

    » main deposit balance = $10,000
    » balance = $182287
    » net profit = $175929
    » withdrawal =read more

    Nov 26th, we last updated this account on the telegram channel

    » main deposit balance = $10,000
    » balance = $182287
    » net profit = $175929
    » withdrawal = $00
    » running profit = $351

    GBPUSD live chart added in a real account with 20% ROI

    00:00 introduction
    01:00 132% month ROI secret revealed
    02:40 consistent performance update

    Nov 23rd we last updated this account on the telegram channel

    00:00 introduction
    01:00 132% month ROI secret revealed
    02:40 consistent performance update

    Nov 23rd we last updated this account on the telegram channel

    » main deposit balance = $10,000
    » balance = $182287
    » net profit = $173640
    » withdrawal = $00
    » running profit = $1300

    One account - one performance
    since past 1 year - consistently

    1700% ROI in 13 months - account with investor ID and password -

    00:00 introduction
    00:25 real account with investor password
    01:25 GBPUSD trade analysis
    03:40 real account - consistent perfrom 13 months

    Watch this account to verify live trades with investor ID and password

    Main deposit balance = $10,000

    How $10k to $100k profit is achieved in just 10 months

    Check full video where we have made $10k to $100k USD profit in just 10 months

    Every month 100% ROI
    10times fold return over the capital
    check this post

    Investor PASSWORD
    10times fold return over the capital
    check this post

    Investor PASSWORD
    broker - superforex
    account number - 397667
    server - superforex-real
    password - forextrade1

    $94000 USD PROFIT in real account - analyzed and explained

    Check real account with investor id and password

    Broker - superforex
    account number - 397667
    server - superforex-real
    investor pswd = forextrade1

    Nov = 2019 to jun = 2020
    7 months
    $10000 USD capital
    $94000 USD NET PROFIT

    Check real account with investor id and password

    Broker - superforex
    account number - 397667
    server - superforex-real
    investor pswd = forextrade1

    Nov = 2019 to jun = 2020
    7 months
    $10000 USD capital
    $94000 USD NET PROFIT

    Account analyzed and explained through a software

    Superforex real account $88000 USD PROFIT

    Account 3 update
    account start date : 8 nov, 2011

    broker - superforex
    account number - 397667
    server - superforex-real
    read more

    Account 3 update
    account start date : 8 nov, 2011

    broker - superforex
    account number - 397667
    server - superforex-real
    investor pswd = forextrade1

    Total profit = $88000
    base capital = $10000

    $10k to $32k real account - forextrade1

    Check and verify
    account 3 update

    — — —
    please check the account along with link
    nov. 5, GMT11:26 am msg updated

    MT platform login ID: 397667
    read more

    Check and verify
    account 3 update

    — — —
    please check the account along with link
    nov. 5, GMT11:26 am msg updated

    MT platform login ID: 397667
    server: superforex-real
    INVESTOR password: forextrade1
    account 3 update

    — — —
    $10k to now $32k
    320% ROI in just 40 days

    Account started = 15-oct-2019
    account size = 0.1 lots to 5.0 lots

    HUGE GAIN with our trading strategy

    How to earn PROFIT ON PROFIT?

    Withdraw your capital

    1st target $10k = achieved
    2nd target $50k =
    3rd target $100k =
    4th target $250k =
    5th target $500k =
    6th target $1 million =

    Keep watching live account

    Live trading account + investor ID pswd

    Live accounts
    live trades
    live profit / loss results
    live performance

    Check 3 accounts with investor ID and password

    Live accounts
    live trades
    live profit / loss results
    live performance

    Check 3 accounts with investor ID and password

    Complete explanation about our trading strategies

    Connect your account with our strategies now

    $1000 USD forex account with investor ID and password = 1k PART 1

    Base capital = $1000
    account number = 210337944
    server = FBS real 1
    investor password = forextrade1
    account start date = 3rd nov 2020

    Account is live with investor ID and password
    running with 10% risk

    Same strategy you can observread more

    Base capital = $1000
    account number = 210337944
    server = FBS real 1
    investor password = forextrade1
    account start date = 3rd nov 2020

    Account is live with investor ID and password
    running with 10% risk

    $10000 USD forex trading account with investor ID and password - 10k PART 1

    Account balance = $10000
    risk = 10% (compounding lot size)
    account number = 210337951
    server = FBS-real-1
    investor password = forextrade1
    account start date = 19/oct/2020

    Client made some $1000 USD loss
    and now he gave the account

    Account balance = $10000
    risk = 10% (compounding lot size)
    account number = 210337951
    server = FBS-real-1
    investor password = forextrade1
    account start date = 19/oct/2020

    Client made some $1000 USD loss
    and now he gave the account

    Keep watching this account with above credentials

    Real $1 million USD forex account with investor ID and password - forextrade1 - 1M PART 1

    1st part of $1million in US dollar account with investor ID and PASSWORD

    Base capital = $1,000,000 USD
    account number = 210337962
    server /> investor password = forextrade1

    Account start date: 7th oct 2020
    foread more

    1st part of $1million in US dollar account with investor ID and PASSWORD

    Base capital = $1,000,000 USD
    account number = 210337962
    server /> investor password = forextrade1

    Account start date: 7th oct 2020
    forextrade1 starts from: 10th nov 2020

    This account is set to run on 10% risk with increasing compounding lot size

    USDJPY only with 143% ROI in just 1 day - $14000 IN just 1 day FOREX PROFIT - 10kjpyonly - PART 1

    10kjpyonly - PART 1
    total balance - $24298
    total equity : $24298

    Verify statement
    read more

    so, let's see, what we have: in this tutorial, I'll explain what MT4 investor password is and how to use it. Where to find investor password, how to create it, change it, or delete it. At fbs investor password

    Contents of the article

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