Trading without money? Why a new system can address the economic spiral, can i trade without money.

Can i trade without money

The oldest and largest such system comes from the home of financial conservatism: switzerland.

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Trading without money? Why a new system can address the economic spiral, can i trade without money.

Trading without money? Why a new system can address the economic spiral, can i trade without money.

Trading without money? Why a new system can address the economic spiral, can i trade without money.

In basel there is a nationwide bank, the banque WIR that since 1934 has issued its own currency. Each WIR is equivalent to one swiss franc, but cannot be exchanged for them, as it merely acts as an accounting system for the value of trade amongst its 70,000 business members. About $2bn of value a year is traded between the members in this alternative currency. Of the participants 80% are small firms that find their membership important for keeping their business going during economic downturns. That is when banks restrict new credit, especially to small businesses, and so at such times these firms increase their use of the WIR to buy inventory from other participating firms. Independent research has found that the WIR has helped the swiss economy suffer less severe economic cycles as its neighbours. Whether in business, investment, philanthropy, or politics, there are few more important, less understood and less pursued objectives today than monetary reform. It is time to direct more of our time and resources to the underlying causes of our multiple crises, and swiftly learn about the pros and cons of alternative systems.

Trading without money? Why a new system can address the economic spiral

While more politicians promote new measures of progress, they remain fixated on increasing economic growth. Why this obsession? Photograph: graham turner for the guardian

While more politicians promote new measures of progress, they remain fixated on increasing economic growth. Why this obsession? Photograph: graham turner for the guardian

Earlier this month the founder of firm patagonia, yvon chouinard questioned the impact of greener business within an ever expanding economy. "the elephant in the room is growth," he said. As an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) simply means more money changing hands, chouinard is not alone in thinking it's a fairly inadequate measure of human progress. Politicians of most countries now agree new measures would be useful, and there is a growing community of professionals who seek to audit various aspects of our happiness and wellbeing.

When colleagues enthuse about new measures of progress, I can't help but wonder why for the past 20 years an alternative measure of progress has had such little impact on public policy or corporate strategy. The human development index (HDI) is backed by the united nations and measures life expectancy, education, and income. The country with the highest HDI in africa was recently considered to need military intervention, which does little to build the case that alternative metrics influence policy.

While more politicians promote new measures of progress, they remain fixated on increasing economic growth. Why this obsession? Do they simply prefer it to other measures of progress? Clearly that can't be the reason. The answer lies in our current monetary system, which requires economic growth, as otherwise our money supply disappears and we experience recession. To understand how that is the case, we must first understand the origin of the money we use. So let us take a couple of moments to recap on our monetary system.

In most countries, about 3% of our money originates from government-owned mints that make notes and coins. The rest is digital and created by private banks, out of nothing, when they issue loans. When we go to a bank to take out a loan, the bank does not lend its own money or that of its depositors. As a deputy governor at the bank of england put it: "banks extend credit by simply increasing the borrowing customer's current account … that is, banks extend credit by creating money." as banks create the amount borrowed, but not the interest to be paid on that loan, there is now more debt in the world than money. That means there must be an increasing amount of lending to pay off debts plus interest while maintaining the amount of money in circulation, which means economic activity must continually increase. Otherwise, as debts are paid off, so our money supply shrinks, which leads to defaults, foreclosures, bankruptcies, unemployment, depression, and, history shows us, then crime and extremism.

This monetary system also means that although individually we might pay off our debts, collectively we are in debt forever, paying interest to the banks. So this money system makes increasing inequality a mathematical certainty. Is it any wonder that 2% of the world's population controls about half the world's wealth? This monetary system means governments do not issue the money they spend, but go into debt to private banks that "lend" money they simply create. It's a sleight of hand that becomes a strangling hold, as people assume the government cannot afford to help their citizens by spending their own currency, due to the deficit. Yet the real deficit is in our thinking.

So why do so many people ignore thoughts about the monetary system? Perhaps for the same reasons I did for 15 years before the financial crisis: I thought this topic was beyond me, and I was confused about what it might mean for my future work. Yet to have any agency we need to think freely, which requires our love of truth to be greater than our fear of consequences. Risking one's status, career progression, or inviting criticism, are some of the fears that work semi-consciously to restrict people's ability to consider uncommon ideas. Yet the financial crisis has made it essential more of us find the time and courage to escape our specialisms and look deeper at the very design of our economy.

Last year campaigns for monetary reform picked up pace, such as positive money. Putting this issue on the political agenda is a huge task. So more people are now taking matters into their own hands, and creating their own systems for clearing credit amongst networks of peers and businesses – indeed, their own local currencies. It might sound unusual, but it is not a new idea, and there is much to learn from.

The oldest and largest such system comes from the home of financial conservatism: switzerland. In basel there is a nationwide bank, the banque WIR that since 1934 has issued its own currency. Each WIR is equivalent to one swiss franc, but cannot be exchanged for them, as it merely acts as an accounting system for the value of trade amongst its 70,000 business members. About $2bn of value a year is traded between the members in this alternative currency. Of the participants 80% are small firms that find their membership important for keeping their business going during economic downturns. That is when banks restrict new credit, especially to small businesses, and so at such times these firms increase their use of the WIR to buy inventory from other participating firms. Independent research has found that the WIR has helped the swiss economy suffer less severe economic cycles as its neighbours.

It is not just business networks that use alternative systems to trade without official money. A recent book co-authored by an associate scholar with the institute for leadership and sustainability (IFLAS), john rogers, describes worldwide innovations in community exchange systems, such as banco palmas in brazil, which is creating thousands of new jobs. There is constant innovation in relevant software, with groups such as communityforge offering it free and open source. Soon, the thousands of poorly funded and largely unmarketed initiatives will be joined by impossible.Com – an initiative backed by model lily cole and wikipedia founder jimmy wales. It seems scale is inevitable.

There is a long way to go before these interesting experiments provide viable alternatives to an unsustainable economy based on bank-issued debt. That is a reason for more experimentation and analysis on how to scale them effectively. At IFLAS we therefore run workshops throughout the year on such systems.

Is prosperity without economic growth possible? Yes, but only if we transform monetary systems. Is there a way for businesses to thrive with an alternative monetary system? Yes, as more credit would go to productive economic activity not speculation.

Whether in business, investment, philanthropy, or politics, there are few more important, less understood and less pursued objectives today than monetary reform. It is time to direct more of our time and resources to the underlying causes of our multiple crises, and swiftly learn about the pros and cons of alternative systems.

Professor jem bendell is founding director of the institute for leadership and sustainability at the university of cumbria. He is co-author, with thomas greco, of the essay currencies of transition in the forthcoming necessary transition from greenleaf publishing.

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3 tips on how to trade stocks without spending a penny

Timothy Sykes

I hear this all the time: “tim, I want to learn stock trading, but I don’t have any money. What can I do?” and what the people asking this forget is that I was once exactly where they are. I didn’t have a mentor, and I didn’t have some special training program to help me uncover the trading patterns that have made me successful.

I worked hard, and I did it on a budget. Here are three ways you can do the same:

1. Take advantage of free resources.

There are so many great training videos, blogs and other resources that will help you get started that you have absolutely no excuse for not jumping in today. I’ve got over 100 hours of video footage on my youtube channel HERE -- all free for you at absolutely zero cost.

Can you imagine where you’d be as a trader if you took the time to go through all of those videos? Say you took two hours a day to study my stock-trading advice. You’d get through the videos in under two months, and I guarantee you’d be in a better position than the people out there who buy into big-ticket courses, then never act on the information they’ve purchased.

I wish I could show you all the hours I spent when I was first getting started, sitting at my computer and studying stock charts until my eyes glazed over. I started from “square one,” too -- and I didn’t have access to nearly as many resources as you do. Fifteen years ago, the internet was a totally different place. If I could pull it off with my limited access, you can do much better now, with all the different resources out there today.

2. Set up a practice account.

With all the different free resources out there, I want you to go crazy. Read every blog post or book you can get your hands on and watch every video. Learn about the fundamentals of stock trading, what it means to watch price action and how to execute trades.

But I also want to caution you that there’s a point where you have to translate all that education you’ve invested into action. Reading about trading isn’t enough. You aren’t a trader until you, well . . . Trade.

If you don’t yet have the money to open your first brokerage account, at least start practicing. Find a website online that lets you set up a practice account and actually execute a few test trades. Practice the strategies I teach, but do it in a low-risk way. While practice portfolios aren’t perfect mirrors of real-world accounts, they’ll at least get you used to the feeling of researching and executing a trade.

3. Start saving for your brokerage account

As you research and run trades in your practice account, take a look at the brokers I use, because I want you to think ahead for the future. One of the great things about penny-stock trading is that you can get started with a small account. Let’s say you’ve got just $2,000 to invest. With that money, you could buy about 16 shares of apple stock at $120 a share, or you could buy 2,000 shares of a stock trading at $1 a share.

And since you make money when you enter and/or exit a stock based on the number of shares you hold, which of these options do you think will help grow your account the fastest?

Penny stocks are a great fit for beginners, but I do want to caution you on one thing: don’t use your last $2,000 to open your brokerage account. Set it up with money you can afford to lose. If you don’t have a few hundred dollars or a few thousand you regard in that way, cut your expenses or earn a little extra pocket change until you do.

When you’re ready to start actively trading, find a mentor who'll help you make the most of the money you’ve been able to save. While that isn’t always free, the amount you’ll save by not making stupid mistakes and avoiding unnecessary losses will help start you out on the right foot toward long-term profitability.

If you’ve started investing on a shoestring budget, what other tips would you add to this list? Leave a comment below with your suggestions.

Forex trading without deposit | no deposit bonus explained

Start Forex trading without deposit

It’s generally known that in order to get started in forex, you need to put a lot of resources into it. And while these resources can be your time and energy, the most straightforward one is, of course, your money.

It’s no surprise that one regular lot is equal to 100,000 currency units – forex trading is definitely an expensive endeavor. However, there are still some ways in which you can start trading forex while maintaining some sort of profitability without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars.

No deposit bonus in a glance

In forex trading you can, in fact, start trading with no money of your own or even making a deposit. With free no deposit bonus offered by the top forex brokers, you can start forex trading without deposit with a good boost.

There is no sense in hiding the fact that FX trading is risky, especially if you are trading without proper knowledge and at least minimal experience. In an attempt to prevail over the risk of losing your money and to stay safe, it is undoubtedly better to start trading with a free forex account or no deposit bonus offered by various FX brokers. Especially if such deals are not so rare at this time and even best forex brokers sometimes offer such deals.

It is always better to preview all conditions that offer you an option to trade without money of your own. So, be sure to start forex trading without a deposit now and get yourself a good and reliable deal!

But let’s say that although you’ve learned how to start deposit free forex trading, it’s still too risky for you. Thankfully, there is an alternative. One way to start trading with a broker is by opening a free forex demo account for beginners. A demo account will allow you to try your hand at trading on the real market without ever touching real money. One of the best brokers to try a free demo account with would be FXTM. If you don’t want to be working with FXTM and want access to a reliable forex broker that offers its services around the globe, alpari offers a similar service, including forex trading demo accounts. If you are a US citizen that wants to trade with local brokers, then you should go for forex.Com, who offer their services within the US and are known to be one of the best brokers in the world.

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How to start forex trading without deposit: tips & recommendations

As a matter of fact, a lot of brokers worldwide try to offer their clients those no deposit deals, and we’ve even seen some trading apps without deposit popping up here and there. Do not perceive this as an act of generosity though, those bonuses serve as a sort of protection for them also. But still, this is good for you if you want to start forex trading without a deposit.

Here are some of the main considerations that can help you spot a decent no deposit bonus:

  • If you somehow dislike conditions and terms offered by the broker – simply skip the promotion. Let’s investigate the ways that may help you find the best bonus in FX. First of all, bonuses must be easy to understand and transparent in general conditions. If you see non-explicit information presented, avoid the promotion or ask the broker for clarification.

  • If you wish to take part in the particular promotion and start forex trading without investment, then do not overlook terms and conditions. Even the smallest detail must be in your sight. A free bonus is actually not always 100% free. Some brokers may ask you to deposit some money in order to collect your profits. Indeed, such promotions are scams.

  • Be attentive, because some forex brokers can demonstrate a good opportunity with their no deposit bonus, however it may ask to complete the trading volume requirement. Stay away from the bonus that asks to complete more than 1 lot for $10 to further unlock the profits and balance.

  • Bonuses can vary in terms of geographical location requirements. Therefore, ensure that FX bonus accounts of the broker are given in your country as well if you desire to start forex trading without investment. Furthermore, there can be account restrictions. This means that no deposit bonuses may not always be available for every account at a particular broker. Thus, check whether you applied for a correct account.

  • In addition, make sure what instruments can be traded to withdraw your profit before you begin trading as sometimes FX bonus accounts are not available for some of them. As for the withdrawal, some forex bonus brokers limit the maximum profit available to withdraw from the account. So, do not miss this field before you start trading on your no deposit FX bonus account.

  • Bonuses are frequently represented only in 1 currency equivalent. However, there are many no deposit bonuses that evaluate a similar amount in your local currency, so doing your research in order to figure out how to join forex trading without making any deposits is a good way for ensuring success in the long run.

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How to start forex trading without a deposit?

As one of the cases, no deposit bonus may come with SMS verification. It is recommended to make sure that you have the right phone number prior to start applying for the bonus.

One of the last tips that can help you find a trustworthy no deposit bonus, or at least help you get through a scammer, is to save the terms and conditions document as a .Pdf file. Do this even if you deal with the best no deposit forex bonus account. You can use the help of your account manager and ask him to confirm all the statements of the bonus promotion in which you participate.

Start forex trading without deposit: introduction to best no deposit bonuses

Although there are very good no deposit bonuses offered by industry leaders and most proficient brokers, you should understand one fact: FX bonuses without a deposit are most frequently offered by bad brokers. That is the very reason why you should be very careful not to get entangled with a scammer.

All this leads to us stressing how important it is to be attentive at all times, so be attentive to details when researching how to start trading with no deposit bonuses. Fortunately, we have examples of the best brokers/investment firms.

Start forex trading without investment: XM forex broker

To begin with, XM is recognized by the united kingdom-based organization – investors in people for its powerful efforts in developing individuals to realize their entire potential and achieve both individual and corporate goals. We should also admit that this organization provides a huge amount of proven tools and resources specially designed to complement its unique framework with an aim to boost performance and indeed maximize sustainability. XM achieves this standard by showing that it is a driving force in the online trading sector and is committed to the provision of services and products of the best quality. How to start forex trading without money? If you are interested, you can claim the XM 30 USD no deposit bonus!

Get your 30 USD no deposit bonus with XM, and start trading today

Sign up with top tier broker and get the best no deposit deal on the market

*clients registered under the EU regulated entity of the group are not eligible for the bonus

No deposit bonus as an alternative – is it worth it?

So, now that you know what no deposit bonuses are and how they work, one question remains active: is it actually worth it to sign up for one yourself? Will you get any significant benefit from it?

The answer to that question is subjective; some traders can definitely find use in this type of promotion by amassing a small account balance and then turning it into a full-blown trading career. But in order to do so, you need to be very careful not to catch a scammer instead of a legitimate promotion issuer.

As for other traders, they often prefer spending their own money, which gives them more incentive to be more careful in the market – after all, it’s their own money they’re risking.

So, suffice to say no deposit bonuses have their time and place; one just has to seize that exact moment.


For beginners, the forex market can be hard to navigate. There is a lot of jargon that you have to wrap your head around in order to be able to make any reasonable profits. The problem is, it takes a lot of time to master all the crucial skills that are required to qualify as a professional. Often times, many novice traders give up without making a dime.

But do you really have to trade to make money on forex? What if there was a way to invest profitably without actually having to trade? The good news is, there is a way. It is called forex copy trading.

What is copy trading ?

As the name suggests, copy trading is a form of forex trading where you copy or replicate the trading patterns of other traders. This is a trend that emerged in the early 2000’s and has over the years proved to be a real savior for inexperienced traders. With copy trading, also known as mirror trading or sometimes social trading, you can make profits as a forex trader even with minimum skills.

FBS Copy Trade

The only skills you require is to understand the whole concept of copy trading, that is mostly, how to choose a good trader to follow. You should, however, keep in mind that forex trading, in general, is risky and high returns are not guaranteed. Although copy trading gives you an opportunity to make profits without investing in research and having to understand the ins and outs of forex, the risk is still there and a lot of caution is required.

In most cases, forex copy trading can backfire because of a poor choice of traders to follow. That is why it is important that you carefully analyze your potential “masters” using the stats provided by the copy trading platform of your interest to make good money.

Below are a few tips on how to find a good trader to follow.

How to find A good trader to follow

The following tips will help you land the perfect trading pro:

  • Discover the most followed traders

The number of followers often point to the credibility and prowess of that particular trader. If a potential professional is followed or copied by many traders, it usually means that they have consistently recorded outstanding performance.

  • Analyze their followers/copiers

Sometimes followers can be fabricated. That is why you should critically analyze the followers to ensure that they are real humans. Another reason for this is to ensure that the follower base is consistently growing. If the number of traders copying your potential professional grows and suddenly drops, it may mean a drop in good performance. However, if the followers are ever increasing, you should add that investor to your list.

  • Should have consistent monthly performance

Your search for the perfect trader should not end with the most followed. Sometimes, they might have a lot of traders copying them, but the balance between profits and losses is not promising. That is why it pays to dig deeper and unearth trading gurus who have posted good and consistent monthly performance.

  • Number of trades and time on a platform

Traders who have been on the platform for a long are most preferred. They are usually more experienced and know their way around trading. The number of trades conducted is also another indicator. The person you wish to follow should have done a good number of trades with consistent profits.

You might not find the perfect trader to follow, but as you gain more useful skills, you will be able to make more constructive analysis and choose wisely. The type of copy trading platform you choose also matters. A lot of seasoned traders use credible forex brokers and you will hardly see them on new platforms or those with a bad reputation.

Benefits of forex copy trading

Copy trading presents a lot of good opportunities for both those who copy others and those who are copied.

  • You gain invaluable trading skills from professionals you follow

  • There is a lot of transparency as the trading history of the trader is publicly disclosed to followers

  • You can make passive income without actively trading

  • You don’t have to understand all the aspects of forex trading

With forex copy trading, you can make good money without having to actively trade. The point is to choose the right trader to follow by carefully analyzing their profiles and utilizing the stats provided by the various platforms.

How to trade forex without money? (free credits and money)

A lot of people want to start investing but just don’t have the money to do so but want to get involved anyway. Anything that deals with investing whether it be stocks or forex comes with its risks. Of course is it much better to get involved without having to use your hard earned money.

how to trade forex without money

So how is it possible to trade forex without actual money? Most all brokers will allow you to setup a demo account fore 100% absolutely free so you can get the full effect of trading without losing actual money. There are also brokers that allow you to open a no deposit account which is where you trade with live money of theirs but you can’t actually withdraw that money until you make money off of it.

There are 4 main ways to get involved with forex without having money of your own to invest:

  1. Demo

  2. Through A broker

  3. Contests

  4. Affiliate

Demo – we went over this briefly above but you should always demo to at least initially learn how to trade before moving forward to a live account anyway. Most all brokers allow you to use a demo account for free and there literally is no difference between demo and live besides the fact that you connect to a different server for the data feed which I will get into at a later time. The brokers I have used (live in U.S.) are finpro, FX choice, JAFX, and traders way. If you live outside the U.S. You have many more options usually.

Through A broker – there are brokers out there that will allow you to trade a small amount of their money live. I have never personally done this because I haven’t heard anything good about it. But what happens in they give you a no deposit account where you trade their money you can’t take that money out until you actually make money with it. The bad thing I have heard is that they make excuses as to why you can’t withdraw the money or it takes a long time to actually withdraw the winnings then it ends up being the wrong amount. So if you go this route make sure you go with somebody reputable.

Contests – okay now this can be fun because they are almost always a public contest where results are shown so the broker has to be honest and is held accountable for these. JAFX actually had one awhile ago (I was nowhere close to winning) that you were given a demo account and I believe it was a month to make the most money trading by any means and I believe the person who won it traded bitcoin (BTCUSD) exclusively and kicked butt. The prize for this was $10k USD that was deposited to their account of live money! Again you will probably want to look to demo safely first but if something like this pops up just go for it because there is no risk involved.

You may ask well why do brokers do this but it is for the publicity and the spread of their business they reel in many new long term customers by doing this. There are other contests like I believe at the time of this writing there is a scalping contest coming up I think this is it right here: https://www.Mexgroup.Com/demo_competition

broker contest forex

Affiliate – let’s say you start demoing with a broker and you like their platform, feed seems to be right on, and their spreads and fees are very low. Well why not tell your friends, family and anyone else about them? Most brokers also have an affiliate program that gives you a percentage of what people trade live (included in brokers fees). So why not sign up and spread the word on a great broker that you are using.

The only thing you really can’t promote on is a deposit and withdrawal since you haven’t actually done this yourself but that is okay because most people looking to get into forex look at spreads mostly especially scalpers.

The bonus methods of making money in forex without having money:

  1. Start A blog (like this) – yes that’s right write as you learn to trade and let google make money for you. The chance is pretty good you either found this article by searching google or through one of my social media posts. I do actually make money by ads along with people signing up to my email list or affiliate offers. It is not that hard to do and I will actually be doing a free post on how to do this. Just don’t expect to make money on it overnight but it is like keeping a running journal of your journey to becoming a professional trader or at least that is how I look at it.

  2. Affiliate offers – there are many paid forex educational platforms that some are great, some are mediocre, and others are outright scams. If you learn to trade from one of these paid educational platforms and make money why not share it with people. I myself started getting serious about forex trading after joining IML (imarketslive). This is an educational platform that has a lot more to offer by learning from many years of experience of forex traders along with crypto gurus. The one main reason I stay active with them is because of the new paradigm guru who is named steve gregor he has been a trader for over 15 years as of this writing and I have learned most everything I know from him. There are others out there and you have some people that over hype things (IML included) that make it look scammy that is why you need to look for a mentor that is honest and been around for a long time (not me). I have only been trading for going on 2 years at the time of this article.

How to make money in forex without actually trading?

You can make money the 4 ways we described above which include: broker affiliate, broker demo contests, no deposit broker, blogging about forex, and becoming an IBO for an affiliate forex educational platform.

How much money do you need to start trading forex?

You need absolutely no money to get started in forex you can demo as long as you like now you will need access to a computer and the internet however.

Can you get rich by trading forex?

Yes of course but it isn’t as easy as a lot of people say. Once you get a strategy down by doing volumes of trades it does get much easier and steer clear of the news.

Can forex trading be profitable?

Forex trading can be very profitable but you also need to focus on being patient and proper risk management.

Can I do forex trading without A broker?

Yes you can but I do think it would be a big mistake to start forex trading this way unless you are already a millionaire of course. One of the biggest cons of this is you will have no leverage.

Hello I am tab winner welcome to my forex blog. I have been trading forex and cryptos for over 5 years now. Been a stay at home dad for about the same amount of time.

Saving your charts is a great way to never lose your work or markups. The other upside is you can access it from anywhere you have an internet connection that includes even tradingviews mobile.

It happens you get going want to share with world your idea on trading then bam you make a mistake hit publish now you want to go back and fix. Publishing an idea on tradingview does need some fixes.

About me

Hello I am tab winner welcome to my forex blog.

My site is called stayathometrader.Com for 2 main reasons:

1. I am a stay at home father have been for over 5 years now. This blog will be documenting my journey and daily struggles of raising a daughter (4 years old now) and intraday trading forex and crypto.

2. I trade from home. I do two things for work SEO and trading forex. Both I think of in terms of compounding for myself and families future. I will be trying to post at least 1-2 times a week as I work on my education and daily trades during the week.

Some other quick things about me:

– I live in the middle of nowhere and own a small old
family farm
– we also have horses, dogs and a cat
– I do not consider myself a professional trader even
though I do make a living from it I am continually
learning and building on my methodology.
– I am a big believer in mindset. Once you get your
mind right you can do anything you want to in life.

Stay at home trader is owned and operated by tab winner. Stay at home trader is a participant in the amazon services LLC associates program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.Com. Stay at home trader also participates in affiliate programs with siteground, clickbank, CJ, shareasale, and other sites. Stay at home trader is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.

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Can you trade more profitably without stop losses?

The thing that stops them from doing that is usually their stop loss. A stop loss triggers at the “wrong time” and throws out the trade before it has had chance to move into profit. Sounds familiar?

No stop loss strategies

If you’re using stop losses in your trading strategy and they’re working for you then all well and good. However if you think there’s room for improvement, and there nearly always is, its well-worth spending a bit of time looking at some of the alternatives to stop losses.

Trading without stop losses might sound like the riskiest thing there is. A bit like going mountaineering without safety gear. Yet with the right risk-control in place it’s not as crazy as it first sounds.

Moreover, as I explain below your stop losses may not actually be providing you with the protection that you think they are.

Stop losses and the law of diminishing returns

The natural reaction when traders try to reduce the numbers of stopped-out trades is to widen their stop losses. But there is a law of diminishing returns in doing this.

Figure-1 shows how wide the stop loss needs to be versus the probability of the stop being reached. This example is for EURUSD over a 12 hour time frame but that’s not important. What’s important is the shape of the curve.

Figure 1: Stop distance required vs probability that stop will be hit

The curve increases exponentially. This means you need a correspondingly bigger and bigger stop loss to reduce the chances of it being reached.

For example, if you want a 50% chance of the stop loss being reached after 12 hours you would need a 45-pip stop distance. If you want a 25% chance, the stop distance has to increase to 72 pips. That’s a jump of 27-pips for a 25% reduction.

Further along the curve, for a 2% chance of stop-out, the stop needs to increase to 142 pips. Then if you want to reduce that to a 1% chance, the stop has to increase to 215 pips. That’s a step of 73-pips for just a 1% reduction in the chance of the stop being reached.

The further along the curve you go, the bigger the jump needed to get to lower stop-out percentages.

Narrowing that last 1% requires an enormous stop distance for hardly any gain.

To see how these curves are calculated see here.

Reasons for not using stop losses in forex

Not all traders use stop losses, for one because there are often better ways of managing risk, such as with hedging as we’ll see below. But first, here are some of the arguments against using stop losses.

  • By placing a stop loss you are telling your dealer where you are planning to exit the trade

If your broker is a dealer they’re also making a market for you. Unlike an ordinary broker a broker-dealer can take market risk. That means they may not be entirely impartial. They could potentially be on the other side of your trade or those of many other clients.

This means your loss is their profit. When the dealer can see at what price orders are set to exit, that gives them an unfair advantage.

It’s doubtful that a retail forex dealer – a minor player in the league of things – could single-handily move a currency pair. They just don’t have the muscle to swing the market to eat-up stop losses in pacman-like fashion.

Nevertheless a dealer could easily open their spread to capture bunches of nearby stops – if they really wanted to. Given the kinds of legal actions we’ve seen regulators take against some brokers, this doesn’t seem too far-fetched.

  • A widening spread can only ever trigger a stop loss, not a take profit

When the price is the same, a widening spread can only ever trigger a stop-loss. It can’t trigger a take-profit. Therefore if the spread is fluctuating it’s far more probable to have a trade stopped-out rather than reaching a take profit.

The spread disparity greatly increases the ratio of stopped trades to profit trades – even when the stop and profit distance is the same. This is why many forex trades on the retail side end in loss.

  • With a stop loss you risk being stopped out by a temporary price spike

How many times have you looked at a trade that’s been stopped out only to see the market happily moving in the direction you first predicted? This happens classically when a volatility spike fires a stop loss, and so closes the position.

Far from being smooth and orderly, forex pairs have a tendency for bursts of high volatility. Spikes and single candle events are where the bid/ask price makes a large step-change.

These events are common at breakouts. These fake-outs are where the market makes a false break in the other direction before eventually reversing. Spreads are also on the rise which further increases the chance of a stop out (see above point).

  • Trades are not independent and should be managed as a group

Most trading strategies will hold more than one trading position. So given that most markets are correlated to some point, does it make sense to manage stop losses independently?

In this case a trader may be quite relaxed about a loss on one trade, where it’s compensated for by a profit on another. This is ordinary hedging.

With some strategies, hedging can be a safer and more reliable way of protecting downside losses than stop losses.

  • Trading with a stop loss makes you careless

Some say that trading with stop losses leads to lax analysis and sloppy trading. Perhaps this is because the trader subconsciously sees the stop loss as a safety net. In the same way that riding a bike with safety stabilizers could make you over-confident as well as more prone to take uncalculated risks.

The trader without stop losses might be more prudent in the choice of trade, money management, and the control and monitoring for the account.

  • In a real market-meltdown a stop loss may not protect you anyway

This final point is the killer. Far from being a guaranteed safety net, a stop loss is only as good as your broker’s ability to exit the trade at your stop price. When the market collapses and liquidity dries up – something that happens from time to time – a trade will exit at the first price it happens to hit. That could be many percentage points away from a stop out level, potentially leaving you with massive losses.

How to trade without stop losses

Here are some alternative ways you can protect downside losses without using broker stop losses. It comes with caution though.

Omitting stop losses should only be done with full consideration of the risks and after careful testing.

Dynamic stop loss protection

With dynamic stop loses you need a piece of software to keep watch on your account such as an expert advisor. The software continually checks the floating losses on open trade positions. When a loss-limit is reached, one or more of the positions is automatically closed. This limits downside losses on the account.


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Dynamic stop losses allow for much more flexibility than broker-side stops because the software can apply any logic that you want.

The main risk of using dynamic stops is that for some reason the software fails and allows large losses to accrue before they’re noticed.


Hedging means that one trade position is covered by another. In a straight hedge for example a long EURUSD position is covered entirely by a short EURUSD position of equal size. The difference between the two determines the profit – but once both trades are in place the profit or loss is locked at that amount.

With a more practical hedging strategy a trader would use different currency pairs as well as other instruments to create a basket that has lower volatility with improved risk-adjusted returns.

Ideally they will also use a VAR calculator to estimate the account exposure. This checks the overall effect of hedging between each position in the account.


Options can be a great way to protect downside losses in place of stop losses. They do require a bit more planning but once mastered can offer at least as much protection.

With this approach the trader buys out of the money call or put options that will cap the downside losses on one position or even on the entire account.

An out of the money put option works like a wide stop loss on a long position. While an out of the money call option works like a wide stop loss on a short position.

But options do have a cost even though by using out of the money options this cost is relatively small.

In a worst case scenario if your positions go south the options will pay out and protect against the downside.


Some traders who’re sitting at the screen all day may forego stop losses altogether. A scalper for example would look to make only a few pips on each trade. Each position may only be open for a few minutes or hours. During this time the trader is monitoring it closely and is ready to react if it goes into the red.

Wait for a margin call

There’s a final more basic way to trade without stop losses. That is simply to hold a small reserve balance in your trading account. You then rely on your broker to tell you when your margin limit is approaching – that’s assuming they do give you notice, not all do.

Not surprisingly this is not recommended. The risk is that you may not be around when your broker calls or emails, so you won’t have enough time to do anything about it. That means that your broker may close out your trades at prices that are highly disadvantageous to you. There’s also the chance that you can run a negative balance. That may also attract penalty fees.


As I’ve shown, while stop losses seem like an easy and safe choice, there can be some significant drawbacks in using them.

Stop losses might be the right choice for some strategies but not others. It isn’t a given to use stops because there are alternative and often more precise ways of managing risks.

As a final point if your risk control relies on your own systems, it is generally best-practice to place wide broker-side stop losses anyway. These act as a failsafe just in case your other methods fail.

Interesting article, thanks. How about position sizing when not using stops? Usually the lot size is derived from the risk, in this case the risk is limitless. Any suggestions? Thnx.

That’s what I call “dynamic stop loss” or post-fixed stop loss.

Trading without a stop loss doesn’t mean keeping your stop loss hidden with a software.

It means exiting your position on an exit signal whether you are in gain or in loss.

Eg. Exiting on a moving average or on a stochastic signal.

Trading without money? Why a new system can address the economic spiral

While more politicians promote new measures of progress, they remain fixated on increasing economic growth. Why this obsession? Photograph: graham turner for the guardian

While more politicians promote new measures of progress, they remain fixated on increasing economic growth. Why this obsession? Photograph: graham turner for the guardian

Earlier this month the founder of firm patagonia, yvon chouinard questioned the impact of greener business within an ever expanding economy. "the elephant in the room is growth," he said. As an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) simply means more money changing hands, chouinard is not alone in thinking it's a fairly inadequate measure of human progress. Politicians of most countries now agree new measures would be useful, and there is a growing community of professionals who seek to audit various aspects of our happiness and wellbeing.

When colleagues enthuse about new measures of progress, I can't help but wonder why for the past 20 years an alternative measure of progress has had such little impact on public policy or corporate strategy. The human development index (HDI) is backed by the united nations and measures life expectancy, education, and income. The country with the highest HDI in africa was recently considered to need military intervention, which does little to build the case that alternative metrics influence policy.

While more politicians promote new measures of progress, they remain fixated on increasing economic growth. Why this obsession? Do they simply prefer it to other measures of progress? Clearly that can't be the reason. The answer lies in our current monetary system, which requires economic growth, as otherwise our money supply disappears and we experience recession. To understand how that is the case, we must first understand the origin of the money we use. So let us take a couple of moments to recap on our monetary system.

In most countries, about 3% of our money originates from government-owned mints that make notes and coins. The rest is digital and created by private banks, out of nothing, when they issue loans. When we go to a bank to take out a loan, the bank does not lend its own money or that of its depositors. As a deputy governor at the bank of england put it: "banks extend credit by simply increasing the borrowing customer's current account … that is, banks extend credit by creating money." as banks create the amount borrowed, but not the interest to be paid on that loan, there is now more debt in the world than money. That means there must be an increasing amount of lending to pay off debts plus interest while maintaining the amount of money in circulation, which means economic activity must continually increase. Otherwise, as debts are paid off, so our money supply shrinks, which leads to defaults, foreclosures, bankruptcies, unemployment, depression, and, history shows us, then crime and extremism.

This monetary system also means that although individually we might pay off our debts, collectively we are in debt forever, paying interest to the banks. So this money system makes increasing inequality a mathematical certainty. Is it any wonder that 2% of the world's population controls about half the world's wealth? This monetary system means governments do not issue the money they spend, but go into debt to private banks that "lend" money they simply create. It's a sleight of hand that becomes a strangling hold, as people assume the government cannot afford to help their citizens by spending their own currency, due to the deficit. Yet the real deficit is in our thinking.

So why do so many people ignore thoughts about the monetary system? Perhaps for the same reasons I did for 15 years before the financial crisis: I thought this topic was beyond me, and I was confused about what it might mean for my future work. Yet to have any agency we need to think freely, which requires our love of truth to be greater than our fear of consequences. Risking one's status, career progression, or inviting criticism, are some of the fears that work semi-consciously to restrict people's ability to consider uncommon ideas. Yet the financial crisis has made it essential more of us find the time and courage to escape our specialisms and look deeper at the very design of our economy.

Last year campaigns for monetary reform picked up pace, such as positive money. Putting this issue on the political agenda is a huge task. So more people are now taking matters into their own hands, and creating their own systems for clearing credit amongst networks of peers and businesses – indeed, their own local currencies. It might sound unusual, but it is not a new idea, and there is much to learn from.

The oldest and largest such system comes from the home of financial conservatism: switzerland. In basel there is a nationwide bank, the banque WIR that since 1934 has issued its own currency. Each WIR is equivalent to one swiss franc, but cannot be exchanged for them, as it merely acts as an accounting system for the value of trade amongst its 70,000 business members. About $2bn of value a year is traded between the members in this alternative currency. Of the participants 80% are small firms that find their membership important for keeping their business going during economic downturns. That is when banks restrict new credit, especially to small businesses, and so at such times these firms increase their use of the WIR to buy inventory from other participating firms. Independent research has found that the WIR has helped the swiss economy suffer less severe economic cycles as its neighbours.

It is not just business networks that use alternative systems to trade without official money. A recent book co-authored by an associate scholar with the institute for leadership and sustainability (IFLAS), john rogers, describes worldwide innovations in community exchange systems, such as banco palmas in brazil, which is creating thousands of new jobs. There is constant innovation in relevant software, with groups such as communityforge offering it free and open source. Soon, the thousands of poorly funded and largely unmarketed initiatives will be joined by impossible.Com – an initiative backed by model lily cole and wikipedia founder jimmy wales. It seems scale is inevitable.

There is a long way to go before these interesting experiments provide viable alternatives to an unsustainable economy based on bank-issued debt. That is a reason for more experimentation and analysis on how to scale them effectively. At IFLAS we therefore run workshops throughout the year on such systems.

Is prosperity without economic growth possible? Yes, but only if we transform monetary systems. Is there a way for businesses to thrive with an alternative monetary system? Yes, as more credit would go to productive economic activity not speculation.

Whether in business, investment, philanthropy, or politics, there are few more important, less understood and less pursued objectives today than monetary reform. It is time to direct more of our time and resources to the underlying causes of our multiple crises, and swiftly learn about the pros and cons of alternative systems.

Professor jem bendell is founding director of the institute for leadership and sustainability at the university of cumbria. He is co-author, with thomas greco, of the essay currencies of transition in the forthcoming necessary transition from greenleaf publishing.

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3 tips on how to trade stocks without spending a penny

Timothy Sykes

I hear this all the time: “tim, I want to learn stock trading, but I don’t have any money. What can I do?” and what the people asking this forget is that I was once exactly where they are. I didn’t have a mentor, and I didn’t have some special training program to help me uncover the trading patterns that have made me successful.

I worked hard, and I did it on a budget. Here are three ways you can do the same:

1. Take advantage of free resources.

There are so many great training videos, blogs and other resources that will help you get started that you have absolutely no excuse for not jumping in today. I’ve got over 100 hours of video footage on my youtube channel HERE -- all free for you at absolutely zero cost.

Can you imagine where you’d be as a trader if you took the time to go through all of those videos? Say you took two hours a day to study my stock-trading advice. You’d get through the videos in under two months, and I guarantee you’d be in a better position than the people out there who buy into big-ticket courses, then never act on the information they’ve purchased.

I wish I could show you all the hours I spent when I was first getting started, sitting at my computer and studying stock charts until my eyes glazed over. I started from “square one,” too -- and I didn’t have access to nearly as many resources as you do. Fifteen years ago, the internet was a totally different place. If I could pull it off with my limited access, you can do much better now, with all the different resources out there today.

2. Set up a practice account.

With all the different free resources out there, I want you to go crazy. Read every blog post or book you can get your hands on and watch every video. Learn about the fundamentals of stock trading, what it means to watch price action and how to execute trades.

But I also want to caution you that there’s a point where you have to translate all that education you’ve invested into action. Reading about trading isn’t enough. You aren’t a trader until you, well . . . Trade.

If you don’t yet have the money to open your first brokerage account, at least start practicing. Find a website online that lets you set up a practice account and actually execute a few test trades. Practice the strategies I teach, but do it in a low-risk way. While practice portfolios aren’t perfect mirrors of real-world accounts, they’ll at least get you used to the feeling of researching and executing a trade.

3. Start saving for your brokerage account

As you research and run trades in your practice account, take a look at the brokers I use, because I want you to think ahead for the future. One of the great things about penny-stock trading is that you can get started with a small account. Let’s say you’ve got just $2,000 to invest. With that money, you could buy about 16 shares of apple stock at $120 a share, or you could buy 2,000 shares of a stock trading at $1 a share.

And since you make money when you enter and/or exit a stock based on the number of shares you hold, which of these options do you think will help grow your account the fastest?

Penny stocks are a great fit for beginners, but I do want to caution you on one thing: don’t use your last $2,000 to open your brokerage account. Set it up with money you can afford to lose. If you don’t have a few hundred dollars or a few thousand you regard in that way, cut your expenses or earn a little extra pocket change until you do.

When you’re ready to start actively trading, find a mentor who'll help you make the most of the money you’ve been able to save. While that isn’t always free, the amount you’ll save by not making stupid mistakes and avoiding unnecessary losses will help start you out on the right foot toward long-term profitability.

If you’ve started investing on a shoestring budget, what other tips would you add to this list? Leave a comment below with your suggestions.

How to trade cryptocurrency without paying fees

How to buy and sell cryptocurrency without paying fees (or with paying minimal fees)

We explain how to trade cryptocurrency without paying fees (i.E., how to go from USD to cryptocurrency and back again without paying fees). [1] [2]

The page originally focused on using coinbase pro to avoid fees, this method was great as you could deposit dollars for free, then move your dollars to coinbase pro and place limit orders there for free. However, starting march 22nd 2019 coinbase pro ended free limit orders and then over the course of 2019 gradually replaced them with rather steep fees starting at 0.5% a trade (with discounts for volume).

Given the change to coinbase pro, there are no longer any major exchanges that allow trading without fees, however, there are a few major exchanges that have reasonably low 0.1% fees including kucoin and binance that can be made even lower by using the tokens of these exchanges (when you use their tokens to pay your fees you get a discount on your trading fees).

Meanwhile, while there are some smaller exchanges that try to incentivize users with zero fees, but those are few and far between and generally zero fees are only promotional … and often only offered on exchanges that don’t have the trust or liquidity of larger exchanges.

So here in jan 2021, trading crypto without fees isn’t really a thing for the most part anymore.

Back in early 2019, cobinhood was an option for zero-fee trading, but putting aside the fact cobinhood is no longer operational (see notes below), even at the time you had to get crypto into cobinhood to trade (which meant paying some fees to get your crypto and transfer it there).

So really, the good old zero-fee coinbase pro days are gone, and there is no longer any way that we know of to trade crypto without paying fees!

Thus, this page is now going to be about “how to trade crypto at low fees / minimal fees” and other options.

TIP: other exchanges aside from the ones noted here allow you to trade without fees or with low fees. This page just provides some examples. To do your own research google “fee schedule” + “the name of the exchange.” for example, see kraken’s fee schedule. [3]

Using robinhood or trading grayscale to trade for free: you can essentially still trade crypto without trading fees by using robinhood to trade crypto or by trading grayscale trusts (like GBTC) with some brokers (some brokers charge fees, others don’t; check with your’s).

Trading fee discounts: you can get discounts on trading fees as a promotional offer with specific promotional codes. We have some codes on our site (go to a specific exchange page for the code by selecting ‘exchanges’ above), or you can see a list of promotional deals to save on crypto fees here.

UPDATE JANUARY 2020 (IMPORTANT UPDATE ON COBINHOOD): cobinhood was offering zero-fee trading, they however announced they are temporarily shutting down. According to the announcement they are shutting down from jan 10 2020 to feb 9 2020 and reopening on feb 10th. In the meantime, there are still other low fee and conditional offers to take advantage of. For example you can lower fees by holding and using some exchange tokens (for example holding and using BNB to pay fees on binance) and you can take advantage of conditions offers like the zero dollar USD trading on bittrex for those who trade over $30,000 in volume.

UPDATE MARCH 2019: limit orders on coinbase pro (GDAX) are no longer free starting march 22nd 2019. See: coinbase pro market structure update. Note, free limit orders are still offered to those who do over $50 million in volume. Also, if you trade over $100k worth of crypto, your fees are reduced to 0.1%. So if you trade a lot, coinbase pro sill offers reduced fees.

To keep fees low, as a rule of thumb, use bank deposits and limit orders: in general things like using bank wires to fund a crypto account, buying with a credit card, and using market orders instead of limit orders can result in higher fees. Not all exchanges will charges “makers” and “takers” different fees, but some will so keep this in mind.

Coinbase pro used to be called GDAX: GDAX is now called coinbase pro. At one point in time this page was about trading for free on GDAX. Times have changed, now it is about trading for minimal fees on exchanges like binance, kucoin, and coinbase pro.

Why does this matter? Most (if not all) user-friendly ways to buy cryptocurrency involve paying rather hefty fees. For example, if you have a coinbase.Com account (the app and website, not the coinbase pro exchange), you probably have already realized that buying cryptocurrency via the basic interface means paying fees (at least 1.4% per buy and 1.4% when you sell). That means you have to not only make money on cryptocurrency but have to make an extra 3% at least to pay off coinbase before you see a profit. That isn’t ideal, so we tell you how to avoid that.

NOTE: fee schedules are always subject to change. Please check the current fee schedule.

IMPORTANT: with cobinhood down and coinbase pro raising their fees, your best bet to reduce fees is using exchanges like binance and kucoin. Keep that in mind when reading the how-tos below.

How to trade with no fees

To trade with no fees you’ll need to use a method described above, which could mean choosing an exchange that is offering a promotion. It is likely they won’t also be offering a way to depost fiat currency (although not impossible, bittrex had a solid zero-fee promotion a while back and they offer fiat trading and deposits). However, assuming you have to buy crypto to then trade with zero fees, you’ll want to do something like this:

  1. Fund a coinbase account using a bank deposit. You can follow the directions below for how to sign up and deposit funds in coinbase. We are doing this method to avoid fees, there is no fee for using your bank account to fund your account with dollars.

  2. Transfer your dollars to coinbase pro.

  3. Buy dai, BTC, ETH, LTC, or another coin that trades on the exchange you want to trade on using coinbase pro (it is cheaper than using coinbase directly).

  4. Transfer the coin you bought to the new exchange.

  5. Optional: buy some of that exchange’s coin to lower margin fees and withdrawal fees (BNB on binance does this for example).

  6. Trade on the new exchange for free (typically for the duration of the promotion).

  7. Transfer back to a coin that trades on coinbase to trade back to dollars.

With this method you’ll pay for your initial trade via coinbase pro and for your fees for sending crypto between exchanges, but you will otherwise pay zero fees.

How to trade at minimal fees using binance and kucoin

Here is how to trade at minimal fees (this is not the only way, just one way that will work):

  1. Fund a coinbase account using a bank deposit and then convert your dollars into USDC or simply use your bank account to buy USDC on coinbase. You can follow the directions below for how to sign up and deposit funds in coinbase, and then you can swap your dollars for USDC or buy USDC directly. We are doing this method to avoid fees, there is no fee for using your bank account to fund your account with dollars or for using your bank account to buy the USDC stable coin directly.

  2. Transfer your USDC to binance or kucoin.

  3. Use USDC to buy binance’s BNB or kucoin’s KCS. Using these tokens to pay fees will allow you to get a discount on fees.

  4. Go into your account settings and toggle the switch that lets you use the exchange’s token to pay discounted fees.

  5. Use limit orders and market orders, you’ll pay the 0.1% rate minus the discount for using BNB or KCS respectively to bring your fees below 0.1%.

  6. Transfer back to USDC and send back to coinbase to swap USDC back to dollars.

Thus the only fees you’ll pay are your discounted trading fee and the fee to send USDC.

NOTE: alternatively, if you are a high volume trader, you can move your dollars or USDC to coinbase pro and trade until you qualify for lower fees.

How to use coinbase/GDAX to buy/sell cryptocurrency without paying any fees

NOTE: given the changes to GDAX’s name and fee structure, it is important to note that the information below is somewhat dated. For one, GDAX is now coinbase pro… for two, the method below will result in 0.5% fees instead of “$0” fees unless you are a high volume trader. While this is cheaper than the coinbase app (and I think for that reason is worth at least keeping around), this section no longer explains how to trade without fees (unless you do over $50 mil in volume, in which case you can trade for free).

The idea below is to set up both coinbase and GDAX, to fund your account in USD, and then use limit orders on GDAX to trade. After that, you can use a platform like shapeshift to change bitcoin, litecoin, or ethereum into other altcoins like ripple and dash.

This isn’t the only way to trade cryptocurrency without paying fees, but it may be the simplest and most user-friendly option (especially in WA and NY where choices of exchanges are limited due to state regulations).

To trade cryptocurrency without paying any fees:

  1. Sign up for coinbase (click that link for instructions and a link that will net us both $10 in bitcoin). NOTE: you’ll need to at least attach your bank account (so you can withdraw and deposit money and verify yourself). You’ll probably also want to upload your ID. Verifying your identity via an ID and bank account will expand your withdrawal limits and spending limits and such.

  2. Sign up for coinbase’s GDAX (click that link for instructions, coinbase and GDAX use the same login).

  3. Deposit money into coinbase or GDAX (use a bank wire and pay a small fee, but get access quickly and avoid limits, or make a deposit and wait about 4-8 days and pay no fee, but face a limit of somewhere around $200 – $5,000). NOTE: there is no difference as far as I know between depositing into coinbase or GDAX.

  4. If it is that you deposited into coinbase (and not GDAX), then transfer your funds from your coinbase USD wallet to your GDAX account by clicking “deposit” in GDAX (on the top left under “balance”). NOTE: go to “deposit,” the button right next to “withdraw,” select the “coinbase account” tab, change the “source” to your USD wallet, and hit “withdraw” funds. All withdrawals and deposits are instant and free (same is true for moving coins between accounts).

  5. Now buy and sell your coins in GDAX. To avoid all fees you must only buy with limit orders and “let the order sit on the books.” in other words, you can’t buy/sell too close to the current price (as that could trigger a fill or partial fill of the order immediately and result in a fee). In simple terms, if your order sells too quick you pay a “taker” fee. NOTE: GDAX is intimidating to get used to, but ultra-simple to use. Just turn of margin trading, set limit orders, and double check numbers before you hit the “place an order” button. See our page on GDAX for more.

  6. Once you have USD from your coin trading on GDAX, “withdraw” your USD from GDAX and put them in your USD wallet in coinbase (do not withdraw coins from GDAX and sell them on coinbase unless you want to pay the 1.4% fee; you must sell them on GDAX). NOTE: go to “withdraw,” the button right next to “deposit,” select the “coinbase account” tab, change the “destination” to your USD wallet, and hit “withdraw” funds).

  7. Now from coinbase go to “accounts,” go to your USD wallet, and hit “withdraw” to withdraw to your bank account.

And that is it, GDAX was your exchange, coinbase was like your “home base,” and the grand result is that instead of paying a 3% total fee or more for every buy/sell combo, you have now traded cryptocurrency paying no fees at all. Pretty sweet!

Considering we just potentially saved you some money, consider sending some coins to one of our wallets below:

NOTE: we didn’t create the video below, but it pairs well with the page.

TIP: I do not mean to say that one should never use coinbase. I do personally (and when I do, I have no problem paying the fees for the ease of use and risk they are taking regarding market volatility in doing my trade for me). First off, coinbase has an app, and GDAX doesn’t, which means one you can manage on the go, and the other you can’t. With that said, I only do this when the situation calls for it (for example, if the price of BTC dips, I only have my phone on me, and my limit orders aren’t set to take advantage of the dip on GDAX). In other words, one could say that theoretically, the goal would be for 95% of your trading to be done on GDAX with limit orders, 2.5% on GDAX with market buys, and 2.5% on coinbase. That 5% should be situations where sitting at a desktop and being methodical isn’t an option.

TIP: market buys on GDAX cost about .5%, which is way better than 1.4%. Still, 0% is better. Since limit and market orders cost the same, it can make sense to favor limit orders and avoid slippage.

ADVICE: to get your feet wet, you may want to use only coinbase. Then when you get to GDAX, you may want to try a few market buys. Once you start buying for real though, do yourself a favor, focus on GDAX and limit orders (using coinbase, market buys, and stops only when necessary).

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So, let's see, what we have: <p>from community exchanges to the swiss WIR, can alternative monetary systems cure our unhealthy addiction to growth, asks <strong>jem bendell</strong></p> at can i trade without money

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