FORTS brokers, forts forex.

Forts forex

When the contract is closed (in a counter transaction), the guarantee obligations are returned to the parties.

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FORTS brokers, forts forex.

FORTS brokers, forts forex.

FORTS brokers, forts forex.

Thus, the available funds can be used to purchase 10-20 times more contracts than if they are paid in full. This is leverage and provides a significant profit. According to the FORTS rules, there is no additional fee for using these funds and no deposit fee. Along with standard forex instruments such as major currency pairs and crosses, the best brokerage companies and dealing centers try to offer their clients additional financial instruments. Recently, the possibility of trading futures and options FORTS has become increasingly popular. This page contains the rating of brokers with access to the FORTS market.

FORTS brokers

Along with standard forex instruments such as major currency pairs and crosses, the best brokerage companies and dealing centers try to offer their clients additional financial instruments. Recently, the possibility of trading futures and options FORTS has become increasingly popular. This page contains the rating of brokers with access to the FORTS market.

The term FORTS (from the english futures and options on RTS – futures and options on the RTS exchange) appeared in 2001 and refers to a set of trading technologies developed by the saint petersburg exchange in the mid-90s. These technologies are designed to work with fixed – term obligations-options and futures on popular assets, such as the RTS index, shares of large domestic companies, bonds and urals oil.

Futures – obligations to buy or sell in the future at current prices, with a pre-set specification (quantity, packaging, delivery date or "expiration"). Trading such contracts is similar in many ways to trading ordinary shares, but it has several important advantages:

  • The buyer does not need to pay for the purchased asset itself;

  • The seller is not obliged to carry out the delivery itself, that is, the actual provision of the goods to the buyer is not required;

  • The parties must make a guarantee in the amount of 5-15% of the contract value, which serves as a pledge.

When the contract is closed (in a counter transaction), the guarantee obligations are returned to the parties. Thus, the available funds can be used to purchase 10-20 times more contracts than if they are paid in full. This is leverage and provides a significant profit. According to the FORTS rules, there is no additional fee for using these funds and no deposit fee.

Options grant the right (but not the obligation) to sowarrange a purchase and sale in the future at a pre-agreed price. The terms of these contracts are similar to those of futures, but their main purpose is to hedge transactions on the underlying assets, thereby reducing the possible risk in trading.

Despite the high potential yield of FORTS contracts, a novice trader should understand that high leverage entails high risks. Under unfavorable circumstances, there is a high probability of losing all funds in a very short time. It is known that the biggest and most scandalous exchange bankruptcies occurred in the options market.

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Welcome bonus позволит вам попробовать свои силы в реальных рыночных условиях, не рискуя своими деньгами! Данный бонус является бездепозитным и не требует внесения собственных средств. Вы можете узнать больше о нашем приветственном бонусе на корпоративном youtube канале


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  1. Авторизуйтесь в личном кабинете.

  2. Во вкладке “учетная запись” откройте раздел “верификация”.

  3. Верифицируйте номер мобильного телефона. Для этого необходимо получить SMS c кодом, который вносится в специально выделенное поле.

  4. В поле верификации личных данных загрузите документы, подтверждающие личность и адрес регистрации.

  5. После того, как сотрудники компании проверят ваши документы, в личном кабинете во вкладке “бонусы” и подразделе “приветственный бонус” станет активной кнопка “получить бонус”.

  6. Более подробно с правилами и процедурой верификации личных данных вы можете ознакомиться на нашем youtube канале.


  1. Welcome bonus может получить каждый новый клиент компании, который прошел процедуру верификации в личном кабинете.

  2. Получить welcome bonus возможно в течение 10 календарных дней с момента регистрации учетной записи на сайте компании.

  3. Сумма бонуса равна 35 долларов (3500 центов, если у вас счет ЦЕНТ, либо же соответствующий эквивалент в евро или рублях, в зависимости от валюты вашего счета).

  4. Воспользоваться welcome bonus можно только один раз и только на один торговый счет.

  5. Welcome bonus недоступен на счетах для новичков, на PRO и S.T.A.R счетах.

  6. Бонусом не смогут воспользоваться ваши родственники, если вы его уже получали.

Вывод welcome bonus, а также прибыли, полученной с него, возможен только при выполнении условий по обороту на торговом счете: на классических счетах необходимо совершить торговый оборот общим объемом 20 лотов; на центовых счетах - 2000 лотов.


Партнеры получают вознаграждение согласно пропорции собственных средств клиента. Если у клиента на счете 90% собственных средств и 10% бонусных, вы получите 90% от обычной комиссии.

Fort financial services LTD,
registration number 25307 BC 2019
suite 305, griffith corporate centre
P.O. Box 1510, beachmont kingstown
st vincent and grenadines

Fort financial services LTD зарегистрирован на территории сент-винсента и гренадин как международная бизнес-компания с регистрационным номером 25307 BC 2019. Объектом деятельности компании является любая деятельность, разрешенная законом о международных коммерческих компаниях (включая внесенные поправки), главой 149 пересмотренных в 2009 году законов сент-винсента и гренадин, и включает в себя, не ограничиваясь, осуществление любых коммерческих, финансовых, кредитных операций, заимствования, торговлю, оказание услуг и участие в других предприятиях, а также предоставление брокерских услуг, обучение и управление счетами, торгующими валютой, сырьевыми товарами, индексами, CFD и финансовыми инструментами с использованием заемных средств.

Торговля на финансовых рынках сопряжена со значительными рисками, включая возможность полной потери инвестиционного капитала. Данный вид деятельности подходит не всем инвесторам. Высокое кредитное плечо увеличивает риск (уведомление о рисках).

Клиент имеет право отказаться от услуг компании. В этом случае возврат денежных средств осуществляется согласно клиентскому соглашению и политике возврата денежных средств.

Деятельность компании соответствует нормам международного законодательства по предотвращению преступной деятельности, отмыванию денег и финансированию терроризма (AML policy и политика "знай своего клиента").

Компания ERA TODAY ltd (agiou athanasiou, 74 agios athanasios, 4102 limassol, cyprus), AREA SOFT LLP заключила партнерское соглашение с fort financial services ltd.

Сервис недоступен гражданам и резидентам США, а также для любых общественно-политических деятелей.

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Как получить бонус?

Создай учетную запись на сайте fortfs и пройди процедуру верификации, загрузив все необходимые документы

В личном кабинете открой вкладку счета и перейди в раздел ввод средств

В выпадающем списке выбери торговый счет, на который необходимо зачислить депозит и бонусные средства

Выбери megaprotect bonus и в графе сумма пополнения укажи желаемую сумму депозита, но не менее 100 USD

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  1. В акции могут участвовать счета типа “FLEX” и “FORT”, на которых отсутствуют другие бонусы компании (“welcome bonus”, “deposit bonus”).

  2. Для получения бонуса необходимо:

    • Верифицировать персональные данные и телефон;

    • Выбрать бонус при пополнении в личном кабинете;

    • Произвести пополнение счета на сумму от 100 USD (либо 10000 для центовых счетов);

  3. Максимально допустимый размер кредитного плеча для работы с данным бонусом составляет 1:500.

  4. Сумма бонуса зачисляется в графу «баланс» и полностью участвует в торговле, в том числе при просадке, если суммарные средства счета опустятся до уровня стоп-аут (SO).

  5. Размер бонуса составляет 100% от суммы пополнения.

  6. Бонусные средства недоступны для перевода между счетами.

  7. При наличии уже активного бонуса на счете, невозможно взять другие бонусы, предлагаемые компанией.

  8. Максимальная сумма активного бонуса, который может присутствовать на счете составляет 5000 USD (либо эквивалент в валюте вашего счета). Общая сумма бонусов на всех счетах трейдера не может превышать 15000 USD.

  9. Сумма бонусных средств на счете рассчитывается как сумма бонуса и прибыли/убытка совершенного на бонусные средства.

  10. В момент пополнения/снятия производится перерасчет «коэффициента бонусных средств» = «бонусные средства» / «баланс».

  11. Прибыль/убыток, а также объем торговых операций распределяются пропорционально на бонусный и собственный прибыль/убыток с учетом коэффициента бонусных средств.

  12. Прибыль, полученная с участием собственных средств доступна к выводу в любой момент.

  13. Сумма депозита становится доступной для вывода / перевода на другой торговой счет клиента после выполнения условий по торговому обороту и последующей отмены бонуса.

  14. Бонусная прибыль/убыток - это прибыль/убыток, полученные с момента начисления бонусных средств. Для каждой позиции рассчитывается по формуле «коэффициент бонусных средств» * «прибыль/убыток».

  15. Бонусная прибыль становится собственностью клиента и доступна для вывода после совершения необходимого бонусного торгового объема в размере «сумма бонуса в USD или USD центах» / 2 (лота).

  16. Статистика по отработке бонуса доступна для отслеживания в личном кабинете клиента.

  17. В отработке участвуют сделки совершенные на контрактах групп forex, commodities (metals).

  18. После отработки бонусной прибыли сумма выданного при пополнении бонуса продолжает участвовать в торговле, в том числе и при просадке, а прибыль/убыток по ней более не распределяется на бонусную и собственную прибыль.

  19. Сумму выданного при пополнении бонуса невозможно вывести, она может быть только отменена.

  20. Бонусные средства могут быть отменены в случае:

    • Самостоятельной отмены бонуса клиентом в личном кабинете;

    • Наличия на балансе счета суммы, недостаточной для совершения торговых операций (1 USD и ниже).

  21. Отмена бонуса в личном кабинете приводит к списанию всей суммы бонуса, а также прибыли полученной с его помощью, если был совершен недостаточный объем торговли.

  22. Партнерское вознаграждение начисляется только на объем совершенный на собственные средства привлеченного клиента, т.Е. С учетом коэффициента бонусных средств.

  23. В случае обнаружения любых мошеннических действий (например, таких, как получение бонуса одним клиентом на несколько счетов, зарегистрированных на разные учетные записи; торговля одним клиентом с нескольких счетов, зарегистрированных на разные учетные записи; разнонаправленные сделки; генерирование лотов без торгового/экономического смысла без предоставленного бонуса; высокая нагрузка на счет, ведущая к дополнительным рискам; нецелесообразная без бонусных средств и т.П.), компания оставляет за собой право без предупреждения списать с такого счета (счетов) сумму бонуса и прибыль, полученную с его помощью.

  24. В случае любых пересечений учетных записей (IP адреса, используемый в работе устройств и т.Д.), а также при использовании средств, обеспечивающих анонимность работы (децентрализованные/гибридные анонимные сети типа tor, прокси-сервера, VPN-сети, специальное ПО), компания оставляет за собой право в списании бонусных средств и прибыли, полученной с его помощью.

  25. Компания оставляет за собой право не раскрывать способы обнаружения мошеннических действий.

Fort financial services LTD,
registration number 25307 BC 2019
suite 305, griffith corporate centre
P.O. Box 1510, beachmont kingstown
st vincent and grenadines

Fort financial services LTD зарегистрирован на территории сент-винсента и гренадин как международная бизнес-компания с регистрационным номером 25307 BC 2019. Объектом деятельности компании является любая деятельность, разрешенная законом о международных коммерческих компаниях (включая внесенные поправки), главой 149 пересмотренных в 2009 году законов сент-винсента и гренадин, и включает в себя, не ограничиваясь, осуществление любых коммерческих, финансовых, кредитных операций, заимствования, торговлю, оказание услуг и участие в других предприятиях, а также предоставление брокерских услуг, обучение и управление счетами, торгующими валютой, сырьевыми товарами, индексами, CFD и финансовыми инструментами с использованием заемных средств.

Торговля на финансовых рынках сопряжена со значительными рисками, включая возможность полной потери инвестиционного капитала. Данный вид деятельности подходит не всем инвесторам. Высокое кредитное плечо увеличивает риск (уведомление о рисках).

Клиент имеет право отказаться от услуг компании. В этом случае возврат денежных средств осуществляется согласно клиентскому соглашению и политике возврата денежных средств.

Деятельность компании соответствует нормам международного законодательства по предотвращению преступной деятельности, отмыванию денег и финансированию терроризма (AML policy и политика "знай своего клиента").

Компания ERA TODAY ltd (agiou athanasiou, 74 agios athanasios, 4102 limassol, cyprus), AREA SOFT LLP заключила партнерское соглашение с fort financial services ltd.

Сервис недоступен гражданам и резидентам США, а также для любых общественно-политических деятелей.

Forts forex

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Почему трейдеры выбирают fortfs

Исполнение ордеров - ECN/STP

Быстрый ввод/вывод средств

  • Спред от 0,1 пункта

  • Скорость исполнения от 0,1 секунды

  • Минимальный лот 0,01

  • Точность котирования до 5 знаков

  • Форекс, фьючерсы, индексы

  • Любые торговые стратегии разрешены

  • Комиссия до 65% от спреда

  • Комиссия до 25 USD за лот

  • Выплаты до 10% от финансового оборота

  • Вывод комиссии круглосуточно

  • Детальная статистика по клиентам

  • Персональный менеджер

  • Механизм ограничения риска

  • Инвестиции от 1 месяца

  • Удобный ввод/вывод средств

  • Объективные рейтинги управляющих

  • Прозрачная система распределения прибыли

  • Полный контроль за инвестициями

Типы счетов

Счет для новичка - это компенсация убыточных сделок на 10% в автоматическом режиме, торговля без свопов и комиссий. На счете для новичка вы сможете полностью сосредоточиться на трейдинге и приобрести необходимый опыт.

Fort - это фиксированные спреды с исполнением по заявленным ценам и точный расчет издержек, для тех, кто ценит стабильность. Счет fort дает вам возможность открыть безсвоповый счет с плечом от 1:1000, что делает его наилучшим выбором для классической и консервативной торговли.

Счет flex - это низкие спреды, отсутствие комиссий и быстрое исполнение от 0,1 секунды. Flex удачный выбор, если вы любите участвовать во всех промо-акциях компании fortfs, торговать на 200+ торговых инструментах с кредитным плечом до 1:1000. Доступные каждому клиенту опции центовый и безсвоповый аккаунт позволят диверсифицировать портфель и увеличить вашу прибыль.

Станьте VIP-клиентом и получите еще больше преимуществ для работы. 0% комиссий на ввод/вывод средств, автоматическая компенсация спредов, начисление 3% на все прибыльные сделки, персональный менеджер, 10% годовых на остаток свободных средств, начисляются ежемесячно, а также эксклюзивные, доступные только VIP клиентам обзоры от ведущих аналитических агентств выведут вас на новый уровень трейдинга.

С 1 по 12 февраля примите участие в розыгрыше от fortfs и выиграйте смартфон samsung galaxy или деньги на торговый счет!

В связи с празднованием дня австралии 26 января 2021 года произойдут следующие изменения в расписании торговых сессий

Настроения инвесторов на финансовых площадках остаются смешанными.

Технический анализ рынка #WTI с помощью метода оценки - “потенциал тренда". 26 января, 2021

Технический анализ рынка EUR/USD с помощью метода оценки - “потенциал тренда". 26 января, 2021

Технический анализ рынка XAU/USD с помощью метода оценки - “свинги ганна и price action" 26 января, 2021

Цены на нефть сегодня удерживаются в красной зоне торгов.

Золото во вторник показывает смешанную динамику торгов.

Пара GBP/USD сегодня обновила трехдневный минимум торгов.

Настроения инвесторов на финансовых площадках остаются смешанными.

На прошлой неделе ситуация на финансовых рынках стабилизировалась на фоне снижения политической неопределенности в США.

В первую торговую неделю 2021 года фокус внимания инвесторов был направлен на политические новости из США.

С 1 по 12 февраля примите участие в розыгрыше от fortfs и выиграйте смартфон samsung galaxy или деньги на торговый счет!

В связи с празднованием дня австралии 26 января 2021 года произойдут следующие изменения в расписании торговых сессий

Настроения инвесторов на финансовых площадках остаются смешанными.

Технический анализ рынка #WTI с помощью метода оценки - “потенциал тренда". 26 января, 2021

Технический анализ рынка EUR/USD с помощью метода оценки - “потенциал тренда". 26 января, 2021

Технический анализ рынка XAU/USD с помощью метода оценки - “свинги ганна и price action" 26 января, 2021

Цены на нефть сегодня удерживаются в красной зоне торгов.

Золото во вторник показывает смешанную динамику торгов.

Пара GBP/USD сегодня обновила трехдневный минимум торгов.

Настроения инвесторов на финансовых площадках остаются смешанными.

На прошлой неделе ситуация на финансовых рынках стабилизировалась на фоне снижения политической неопределенности в США.

В первую торговую неделю 2021 года фокус внимания инвесторов был направлен на политические новости из США.


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О рынке forex

Fortfs предлагает трейдинг на forex и других международных финансовых рынках. Торговля ведется в целях спекуляции и страхования финансовых активов. Например, производители и экспортеры таких товаров, как нефть, газ, золото, серебро, платина, палладий, пшеница, кофе, какао, соевые бобы и т.П. Ежеквартально инвестируют в соответствующие товарные контракты на фьючерсы и применяют опционы, либо производные CFD инструменты для ограничения влияния резких колебаний цен на свою прибыль. Следовательно, они обеспечивают защиту и приумножение активов своих компаний. Преимущества и различия CFD на фьючерсы от биржевых фьючерсов часто не остаются без внимания даже опытными хеджерами и инвесторами.

Fortfs отслеживает новые и наиболее перспективные тренды на мировых валютных и биржевых площадках. Так, одним из восходящих трендов в мире финансов стало инвестирование в ETF CFD контракты на целые экономические регионы: USA, азия, европа, африка, индия, латинская америка.

Компания использует сервисы не только для квалифицированных инвесторов, но также и для начинающих трейдеров с небольшим опытом на форекс. В основном они используют такие услуги fortfs, как счет для новичка, бонус без депозита (приветственный бонус), бонус на депозит и бонус, поддерживающий маржу (support margin bonus).

Брокер fortfs предоставляет инвестиционные сервисы для клиентов, желающих получать стабильный пассивный доход. S.T.A.R. И copytrading (копитрейдинг) востребованы опытными трейдерами, которые извлекают дополнительный доход, являясь управляющими фондов.

Регулярные торговые сигналы, уникальная аналитика, эксклюзивные биржевые обзоры и экономические новости, литература о FX, валютном трейдинге, обучающие материалы для новичков, аналитические и практические вебинары для трейдеров – вся совокупность информации об инвестировании и спекуляции на бирже широко представлена fortfs.

Мы стремимся не только расширять линейку своих программ и сервисов для клиентов, но также постоянно улучшаем качество предоставляемых услуг на рынке forex. Передовые алгоритмы обработки торговых ордеров и контракты с лучшими провайдерами ликвидности помогли завоевать fortfs международное признание в рейтинге (TOP 10) лучших брокеров ECN с NDD исполнением.

Fort financial services LTD,
registration number 25307 BC 2019
suite 305, griffith corporate centre
P.O. Box 1510, beachmont kingstown
st vincent and grenadines

Fort financial services LTD зарегистрирован на территории сент-винсента и гренадин как международная бизнес-компания с регистрационным номером 25307 BC 2019. Объектом деятельности компании является любая деятельность, разрешенная законом о международных коммерческих компаниях (включая внесенные поправки), главой 149 пересмотренных в 2009 году законов сент-винсента и гренадин, и включает в себя, не ограничиваясь, осуществление любых коммерческих, финансовых, кредитных операций, заимствования, торговлю, оказание услуг и участие в других предприятиях, а также предоставление брокерских услуг, обучение и управление счетами, торгующими валютой, сырьевыми товарами, индексами, CFD и финансовыми инструментами с использованием заемных средств.

Торговля на финансовых рынках сопряжена со значительными рисками, включая возможность полной потери инвестиционного капитала. Данный вид деятельности подходит не всем инвесторам. Высокое кредитное плечо увеличивает риск (уведомление о рисках).

Клиент имеет право отказаться от услуг компании. В этом случае возврат денежных средств осуществляется согласно клиентскому соглашению и политике возврата денежных средств.

Деятельность компании соответствует нормам международного законодательства по предотвращению преступной деятельности, отмыванию денег и финансированию терроризма (AML policy и политика "знай своего клиента").

Компания ERA TODAY ltd (agiou athanasiou, 74 agios athanasios, 4102 limassol, cyprus), AREA SOFT LLP заключила партнерское соглашение с fort financial services ltd.

Сервис недоступен гражданам и резидентам США, а также для любых общественно-политических деятелей.

Fort financial services reviews and comments 2021

I deposited around $500 into my account. Now fortfs has taken all of my money away. I am a US citizen, so they said they have the right to take all of my money.

Charles 15 january, 2020 reply

I trade with FORTFS about a year. This is not a very long period but it is enough to write a review. The impression of the company is good. The conditions for manual trading are very good but for EA I think it is just perfect! Withdrawals are OK so I think this broker deserves positive review.

I am with fortfs 1,5 years now. Started with no deposit bonus but could not work out conditions to withdraw it. But trading is really OK. I deposit 100 USD and already withdraw more than 200. Spreads sometimes go wider on news but all brokers have it. But in general everything is good . Withdrawals are OK.

Manuel G. 12 december, 2019 reply

I want to withdraw my money but they are not givng money. Support is also off. Phone is off.

Javed 28 november, 2019 reply

Be aware after complete lots when i submit withdraw request they reject and i recive and email i have a complete statement or withdraw request screen shot.
Dear client, welcome bonus and profit gained with the help of bonus funds were canceled according to the clauses 11-12 of welcome bonus conditions. 11. In case of fraudulent actions (such as: the bonus was received by the same person on more than one account or under different profiles, multi-directional trades, meaningless lots generating and etc.), the company reserves the right to, without prior notice, cancel the bonus and the earned profit from such an account (accounts). 12. In case of any relation is detected between accounts (IP address, used devices and etc.) as well as the use of services that provide anonymity (VPS, proxy, VPN, networks such as VPS and etc.), the company reserves the right to, after investigation, cancel the welcome bonus and the earned profit. In particular, our investigation has revealed trading without commercial meaning in order to artificially generate lots, which is a direct violation of terms. Sincerely yours, fortfs. Ticket details. Ticket ID: 275490. Department: dealing. Type: issue. Status: closed. Priority: normal

I opened and account with them, they cleaned out my account for 1200 euros. Are these people for real, fraudulent no respect for clients.

Asande N shange 7 august, 2019 reply

Took the recent bonus, the bonus is good. They paid me my money after some time, all i need is trade many lots. But it is free bnus. Recommend for new trader to try. Tq fort

Arianto 18 july, 2019 reply

I work thoroughly for about a year with a broker, I like that the leverage has range, I trade at 1: 200 is pretty safe. MT4 is also convenient, I do not even really need MT5. Money is paid in good faith. And this broker faithfully withdraws money without incomprehensible delays.

I started not so great but I gained a lot of respect for fortfs. There was a misunderstanding at first and a mistake but they can admit when they were not right and solved the problem with my order. The live chat was very helpful. I will continue trading here for now because they seem a responsible broker.

Daniel 13 december, 2018 reply

Not my first forex broker and impressions about it make it the most good. The platform is reliable, fast, with no glitches, for example, there is no way for them to change the order. Learning and demo and real is just great. I have a STAR account that grows really well, I'm very happy. In general, very professional. I spoke recently with people whom I recommended tp join my STAR on fort fs, also pleased.

Helmut 25 october, 2018 reply

Fortfs is a scam, very bad broker, i funded my account with $100, one day i woke to $0 without trading, with no explanation whatsoever. Stay away.

Guest 19 october, 2018 reply

That is super weird to read, just came here to leave a good review. Such thing never happened to me. Are you sure you have done nothing wrong?

Helmut 25 october, 2018

My negative live experience is in two areas: 1.) 27.6.2018 broker fortfs without prior notice expanded EURZAR spread from 640 points to 14260 . When I closeed my positions one day after, the broker narrowed the spread to 7,200 points. At this time, no interest rate on the EUR or ZAR changed or the spread of the other brokers did not change. 2.) the $ 12,000 withdrawal took more than 2 months. Because I funded by my credit card, I had to withdraw by making a payment card with a limited choice of $ 2,000. At fortfs you have to wait until the money are on my account and it can take weeks, so it is usually the case that the withdrawal is after 6 days waiting rejected. When you ask why, it will tell you that the error occurred with the sorexpay payment company. It's the lie, because if you want to write a error statement from fortfs, they do not send anything and the subsequent transfer will go well. For me, the behavior of this company is unacceptable and unprofessional, even if under their conditions everything is hidden and so NOTHING actually works against business rules. Beware of this broker with many awards.

Guest 13 september, 2018 reply

Was trading with no deposit bonus and have jsut received my withdrawal. Very good and transparent. Nice experience, dank!

Julia de jong 24 august, 2018 reply

I trade with fortsfs for 2 years. Never any problems, support is always helpful. Platforms work really well and spreads are some of the lowest. I wd almost 2k during my time with them. Very good broker for everyone.

Tumelo 20 july, 2018 reply

Very professional and support team is verry helpful. They have accounts for demo and actual. I use flex account spreads is some of the tightest. Can use MT5 as well. Very good metatrader broker.

Poonjit ninlaphan 6 june, 2018 reply

Fort financial services is a well regulated broker, they a have good team espicially a nice support who is always present. Trading with fort fs is a real fun

Ghafsi malika 14 march, 2018 reply

I have been trading on many brokers and the truth is fortfs is considered one of the best brokers, there are no fees for withdrawals and deposits, the spreads are tights, the support always presents and they are giving no deposit bonus which allow you to test their services without any risk.

Ibrahim issaad 16 january, 2018 reply

Good broker. When I wanted to withdraw they ask me to verifiy. And I upload documents and they verified my documents with 20 minutes and withdraw my money. Compare other broker fortfs have good spread and low commision. Fast withdraw, good support, help and friendly. I can recommend for trading on news. And their copytrade platform is very good. Good luck

Kamolchanok 17 november, 2017 reply

Hi, forex-rating. Fortfs account 3777282 wthdraw decline #975969. I am writing to express my utmost fury at fortfs as they rejected my withdraw request of $318.40 profits, I placed 1 trade fair and square with 1 trade position on friday 23:55 pm at market price for the french election and held over the weekend following the correct procedures and closed postion at market open prices on sunday only to be told that from the email that my withdraw was canceled due to: ''your request was rejected due to the decision of risk-management'' 5. Non-market prices. 5.5. The company shall guarantee that a non-market price will be deleted from the instant quotes by bringing the trading history in line with the actual market prices. 5.6. Provided that the company or a client could provide a sufficient evidence that opening and/or closing the trade has been executed with the price significantly different from the market price, the company undertakes to recalculate financial results of such trade according to real market (exchange or interbank) quotations or completely cancel it.'' I have emailed their support@fortfs.Com and have strongly asked that they recheck this as I have provided the evidence from screenshots taken during the trade this and and asked them to proceed with my withdrawal, they replied with the same email and now they are no longer responding to my emails. I have ask IFSC/FPA to raise a case against fortfs to try and get my profits back especially when I traded to fairly, please see evidence below. Thanks.

Quy truong 9 may, 2017 reply

It was a nice platform long time ago. I've discovered they increase spreads in some cases so you can't notice it. But my automated scripts identified that spreads are getting bigger when there is a flat market and no obvious reasons to get wider. So they get some extra income and we lose some advantages to make more profit. It's up to you to work with them. However, I encourage all traders to switch to another broker. Please, give some comments on it if you face the same problem.

Cesar 16 march, 2017 reply

Since I opened a trading account here, I could test out the options available using no deposit bonus without spending my own funds. I’ve chosen floating spreads and I am satisfied with their fair values. By the way they also provide pairs with zero spread and proper liquidity. There is a huge range of trading tools, which allow players to trade with profit easier. Withdrawal is available only after verification of a trading profile and that’s a perfect safety measures. Even if I try to mention some negative point, I couldn’t. In addition to its support service the broker offers online consultant, which renders assistance in trading right on its website.

This is a broker with a good trade execution and attentive customer service ready to answer any question. Here you find professional trading platforms offering relatively low spreads. Moreover, they give pleasant bonuses allowing easy trading without any financial risk. New traders get $ 5 no deposit bonus and trade with it. Hedging and scalping are available. During news you can face some slippage. But that’s ok. Much worse when the broker rejects withdrawals if, as they say, the trading terms are abused. And there is no chance to prove the opposite! So if you are not experienced, you’d better look for a less aggressive broker.

Hello everyone! The fort financial services broker is my favourite broker for now. Since I opened a trading account I was able to get no deposit bonus so I could test out the services without making any deposit. Currently I'm working on my floating spread swap free account and I enjoy it. The execution is fast, the list of trading instuments is huge and the spreads are fair. This broker requires verification of a trading profile for withdrawals, but it's very quick and easy. In fact if I have any problems with my trader's room or services I contact their support team. The support team is very good and operaties very quick. I can recommend fort financial services broker to everyone who is looking for a trustworthy and fair broker.

Gabriel 26 may, 2016 reply

It is 100% doubtless and confidently said that fort financial services as one of the best brokers.I have a/c newbie flex. Low spread mostly withdrawal is very smoothly. Live long, forts. Rezaur rahman.

Rezarahmanbd 29 april, 2016 reply

Hi! I have an account with the broker and being working with them for a while. Personaly, I rate fort financial services as one of the best brokers available for the traders like me. I have a deposit about $2000 and I use their free VPS. Generally I use in my trading several accounts, depending on a strategy. My VPS allows me to use at the same time five the MT4 trading platforms and it works well with me EA. A couple times I had problems with my EA due to its hyperactivity, but it was easy to fix and fort financial services customer support quickly helped to me to solve the problem. What I especially like about the broker is: quick exectution, fast withdrawal request processing, low spread, a wide range of trading instruments provided. So far I have only positive experience with the broker. Five stars out of five.

Geramigelius 9 february, 2016 reply

Hello everyone. I trade on news and scalping is my strategy. The broker is appealing for me in the sense that there is no limitation of the duration of an orde r. Not at all. That means that an orde r can be closed immediately after it was opened. I also like that I could start my trading with a free $5 bonus. Everyone is allowed to get the bonus after verification. So go ahead get registered than verified and get your free bonus. Better try it once rather than speculate about it.

Gammymaggy182 5 february, 2016 reply

Fort financial services has some good points in comparison with other brokers. They have low spreads and they allow to use some strategies that are forbidden in other companies. They also provide pairs with no spread for those who don't want to deal with it. All this makes fort FS a perfect broker for newbies and experienced traders.

Ian_glover 29 january, 2016 reply

I'm taking a part in S.T.A.R. Program offered by fort financial services. Currently i'm working as investor - not because i'm a new one but due to the fact that see that serious traders work with them and i can feel myself calm investing money in good manager. After some time i would definitely become a manager by myself. I recommend to check their conditions as well as managers of this investment program. Highly recommended service, great service!

Proof_cat 20 january, 2016 reply

Fort financial services is good for several reasons. They work with most countries in the world and provide their service professionally. They grand welcome bonus to all clients and let withdraw it without depositing your own funds. They have all instruments that you need in trading. Their support is always ready to answer your questions.

Paula 18 january, 2016 reply

Not so long time ago i've been spending my days in searc of a good and fair broker. On some forum i found the article tell us STAR programs which is offered by fort financial services. Sounds good - I thought. I checked this program and it is appeared the one i was looking for. I'm good in trading but from time to time i do not have my own free funds to invest and that is why i prefer to be a manager. The conditions these company offers are quiet comfotrable for both sides - you agree the amount of profit each of both sides get. You can use the leverage up to 1:200 and trade a big list of instruments. In next few weeks i'm goint to test this program

Graham 20 december, 2015 reply

Fort financial services is a licensed international financial broker which operates under a license IFSC/60/256/TS/14 issued by international financial services commission of belize. The company is operating since 2010 and is trusted by clients from more than 30 countries worldwide. The unique.

Fortfs $35 forex no deposit bonus in 2020

Fort financial services shortly called as fortfs, the broker was established on the year of 2010. Fortfs publishing a lot of bonuses in a calendrer year. They believe in promoting themselves by publishing bonuses. $35 forex no deposit bonus

The broker fort financial services are now providing a $35 free welcome no deposit bonus to their new customers. A lot of people around us trying to open a live trading account to start their trading journey, but most of the time they can’t start it for the money.

Sometimes they have money but they can’t deposit because of deposits methods. Fortfs brings this bonus for those peoples, who want to start a live forex trading account, without having other troubles. The free welcome bonus of $35 can be claimed easily by following these procedures.

Fortfs $35 claiming procedure:

  • Register a new account with fort financial services.

  • Login to your trading room.

  • Complete your profile verification with your own documents.

  • Now, proceed to the welcome bonus. $35 forex no deposit bonus

  • Get bonuses and start trading.

So, how can you verify your profile?

  • After completing the registration login to the trader's room.

  • Select the verification section. $35 forex no deposit bonus

  • Send OTP for verify your phone number.

  • Go to the personal documents section and fill up your data by following its instruction.

  • One of the managers will approve it, and you will see a get “bonus” button.

  • You can watch a video to get more information from fortfs channel.

Terms and conditions of the $35 welcome bonus:

Brokers are setting different rules for each separate promotions, the broker fort financial services also creates detailed terms and conditions on their website. Here are the most important terms from fortfs, check it out before joining with them.

Fort financial services

  • Credit/debit cards

  • Fasapay

  • Local bank transfer

  • Neteller

  • Perfect money

  • QIWI

  • Skrill

  • Webmoney

  • Wire transfer

Account types:

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Pending orders

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:1000

  • Gold & silver 1:100

  • CFD 1:10

  • Oil 1:100

  • Stocks 1:10

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:3

  • Minimum account size $5

  • Minimum position size 0.01 lot

  • Spread type variable

  • Typical spread on EUR/USD, pips 1.3

  • Minimum spread on EUR/USD, pips 0.8

  • Commission (one-way) for CFD per 1 std. Lot $10

  • Scalping allowed

  • Expert advisors allowed

  • Trading instruments

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Pending orders

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:100

  • Gold & silver 1:100

  • CFD 1:10

  • Oil 1:100

  • Stocks 1:10

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:3

  • Minimum account size $5

  • Minimum position size 0.01 lot

  • Spread type variable

  • Typical spread on EUR/USD, pips 1

  • Minimum spread on EUR/USD, pips 0.3

  • Commission (one-way) for CFD per 1 std. Lot $10

  • Trading instruments


74 reviews of fort financial services are presented here. All reviews represent only their author's opinion, which is not necessarily based on the real facts.

Now there are a lot of brokerage companies on the market. It’s very difficult to make a choice. Several times, other companies deceived me. I have been working with FORTFS for almost a year. They work honestly. Approved all withdrawal applications. Do not stop me from trading when I make money.

The company offers the trader many interesting things. A lot of trading tools, including cryptocurrencies and cfds. More choices than many competitors. + the company gives the trader several trading platforms to choose from (chose MT5 for me).

I have been trading with this company since march 2019. Already six times made small withdrawals. I like the terms of trade. Several times I contacted technical support for advice. The guys quickly told everything and answered questions. I like that broker has MT4 and MT5 platforms. There are no reasons to change the company. I will trade here further.

I find it difficult to evaluate this company. There are both advantages and disadvantages. The company offers a large selection of trading accounts that are suitable for both beginners (cent accounts) and experienced traders. There are several trading platforms to choose from. The company offers favorable conditions for deposit / withdrawal of funds (commission 0%). On the other hand, there are companies on the market that can offer lower spreads (the commission in this case will be higher). For many traders, the spread is very important. I give this broker 8 stars!

I’ve been working here for some time and I want to say that the broker is quite adequate. I didn’t notice requotes; slippage sometimes happens on strong price movements. Online support managers really help . The company gives bonuses on good terms. I have already withdrawn more than I deposited. Trading conditions did not become worse.

I’ve been working here for some time and I want to say that the broker is quite adequate. I didn’t notice requotes; slippage sometimes happens on strong price movements. Online support managers really help . The company gives bonuses on good terms. I have already withdrawn more than I deposited. Trading conditions did not become worse.

Good broker.. I’m received my bonus money.. No deposit, just take the bonus.. Today I’m received 85 usd as they said. Good reputation broker.. All take bonus. Tq

I want to tell some information about this broker.

For the first sight nothing special, everything is ok. You can pass the registration and open a trade account. After I have maid a deposit (not so much money) everything was all right.

My trade situation was very nice, profit was about 40 % from deposit for one month. Then I decide to make a big deposit to make my profit bigger.

After that I asked support team about verification and other thing, and it was so unexpectively for me that they are so slow. Like I should wait for answer from support team for a few hours.

Than my situation is changed, I need money, so I want to withdraw it from my trade account. They ask me to pass verification one more time, and they ignore me at all. Now I made like a 5 tickets, and nobody answer me.

My first impressions were not great but I gained a lot of respect for fortfs. There was a misunderstanding at first and I lost my bonus but they can admit when they were wrong and solved the issue with my order. The live chat was super helpful. I will continue with them trading here for now because they grew on me.

I liked the welcome bonus. A good way for beginners to try a company without investing their own funds. And there is no one forcing you to invest money and open an account, so no pressure. If you work hard enough you can withdraw it too, one of my buddies did. Bonuses are exactly that, bonuses, and the company itself is well suited for any type of trade, in my opinion.

Good from start, but it is a big pity that spreads are indeed much wider than they advertise on their site. They say that spread is dynamic and can differ from time to time, but it was not different from time to time it is huge in up to 2.5 pips almost all the time! And when to withdraw starting deposit and trade from profits that have made, slippage appears on every trade that is more volume that 0.1 pip. I was about to check how do they withdraw but it is a problem that just nothing to withdraw. When you make negative trades they process quickly but when you profit they execute several seconds and always with slippage. To obvious just to be unlucky market movement. They play against traders.

Not my first forex broker and impressions about it make it the most good. The platform is reliable, fast, with no glitches, for example, there is no way for them to change the order. Learning and demo and real is just great. I have a STAR account that grows really well, I’m very happy. In general, very professional. I spoke recently with people whom I recommended tp join my STAR on fort fs, also pleased

Got a no deposit bonus. 2 months later got my withdrawal. Everything went smoothly - definitely recommend. Has been scammed before by other brokers, so it's nice to actually see my hard earned money on my card =) dank fortfs

Never had any problems despite trading for 2 years. Spreads are low and support is helpful. Almost 2k profit. Very good broker.

Fortfs is a well know broker with a nice support and tight spreads. I suggest you to try the welcome bonus

I had the chance to use this broker and the truth is the spreads are tights and the withdrawals are fast, sometimes in just few minutes and they are giving different types of deposit bonus. I realy like it

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Please, try to avoid profanity and foul language in the text of your review, or it will be declined from publishing.

Fortfs.Com review

Fort financial services

Fortfs is a forex broker. Fort FS offers the metatrader 4 and MT mobile currency trading top platforms. Fortfs.Com offers currency pairs for your personal investment and trading options.

Other websites of this company include tradefort.Com, tradefort.Ws.

Broker details

deposit methods: VISA, mastercard, fasapay, local bank deposits, neteller, perfectmoney, qiwi, skrill, webmoney

withdrawal methods: VISA, mastercard, fasapay, local bank deposits, neteller, perfectmoney, qiwi, skrill, webmoney

Live discussion

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Let other traders know if this service is worth checking or should be avoided.

Traders reviews

Length of use: over 1 year

Then finally start transferring the money to perfect money according to your guidelines.
The withdraw request W1022881 was rejected on the grounds that € 500 exceeds the payout amount. You can see below that I can withdraw the maximum amount of € 500 and see attachment.
The withdrawal W1022833 request was created on 09/30/2020 and the transfer to perfect money has not been processed for two working days.

Von: michael gimelfarb [mailto:support@fortfs.Com]
gesendet: mittwoch, 30. September 2020 11:04
an: di
betreff: [#337810]: withdrawal to perfect money refused

Kindly note that your withdrawal request W1022883 has been confirmed and will be executed in accordance with the standard procedure.

Kindly pay your attention, that according to the client agreement withdrawal requests operating may take up to 5 working days.

Funds are credited on your wallet/account:
- instantly after the withdrawal request is approved by financial department manager if the withdrawal is requested to neteller, skrill, perfect money, webmoney, qiwi and fasapay;
- within 3-7 banking days after the withdrawal request is approved by financial department manager if the withdrawal is requested to a bank card;
- within 48 hours after the withdrawal request is approved by financial department manager if the withdrawal is requested to local bank (malaysia / thailand / vietnam / indonesia).

Kindly note, that the financial department working hours: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm GMT+3 (monday-friday).

Thank you for contacting fortfs customer support service. Please, feel free to contact us at your convenience in the future - we are always happy to help.

Ticket ID: 337810
department: complaint
type: feedback
status: closed
priority: normal

So, according to your rules, you are two business days overdue.
As per your policy, you denied me a withdrawal that you must withdraw!
When will the money be transferred?

Sep 21, 2020 - 1 star I have been trying to withdraw EUR 4800 from account 4108992 for the last 4 weeks. I had to completely re-verify myself. I created my mastercard-wallet at fort FS three weeks ago. Fort FS refused to pay me out although they themselves recommend mastercard on the website for european customers. I should then withdraw with perfect money. Perfect money account set up. Now the perfect money wallet has been set up at fort FS. Withdrawing all the money at once was denied to me. The following e-mail shows that I can withdraw EUR 900 at once.

Von: fortfs team [mailto:no-reply@fortfs.Com]
gesendet: freitag, 18. September 2020 13:44
betreff: funds withdrawal request #1022636 from 18.09.2020 canceled.

Your withdrawal was rejected due to payment limits. Kindly create a new withdrawal request for the total amount of 900 EUR, please.
Sincerely yours,
fort financial services – citadel of trading!

But I was also denied the payment of EUR 900 from my account - see below.

Von: fortfs team [mailto:no-reply@fortfs.Com]
gesendet: montag, 21. September 2020 09:16
betreff: funds withdrawal request #1022652 from 18.09.2020 canceled.

Your request was rejected due to the limits. Please make withdrawal request with amount no more than 500 EUR.
Sincerely yours,
fort financial services – citadel of trading!

Now I have made several payments in the amount of 500 euros. They were denied to me.
I received the following letter for this:
von: michael gimelfarb [mailto:payments@tradefort.Ru]
gesendet: montag, 21. September 2020 18:35
betreff: [#336771]: withdrawal to perfect money

Kindly note that withdrawal requests are operated in a sequential order, meaning that you cannot create a second withdrawal request in case if your ongoing request has not been completed yet. Your current request W1022695 will be executed in accordance with the standard procedure stipulated in the client agreement. Once W1022695 is executed and you receive the funds you will be able to create a new withdrawal request.

Thank you for contacting fortfs customer support service. Please, feel free to contact us at your convenience in the future - we are always happy to help.

Ticket details
ticket ID: 336771
department: payments
type: feedback
status: closed
priority: normal

I answered the following:

Von: di
gesendet: montag, 21. September 2020 20:39
an: 'payments@fortfs.Com'
betreff: AW: [#336771]: withdrawal to perfect money

That means, if I had 50,000 euro with you, then I would have to debit 100 times EUR 500 and that would take 100 weeks, since the debit is made after 5 working days at the earliest. That is a period of almost two years. So do I need around 10 weeks to withdraw EUR 4809?
There's no other broker like this.

So do I need around 10 weeks to withdraw EUR 4809?
I will report in all portals whether I got the money back and how.

Reply by mark miller (fortfs) submitted sep 29, 2020 dear dididi,

Unfortunately, due to changes in policies of payment processing companies for the EU citizens, currently perfect money is the only available option for you. Please note that the changes are not coming from our side and are completely out of our influence. All clients were informed of these changes through our website.

We are thankful for your cooperation; your withdrawal requests will be completed in standard time according to the client agreement.

Length of use: over 1 year

I have been with fortfs since 2018 and thru my trading experience, I have lost during 2018 till early this year. My account number is 499413.

Now, I have finally managed to polish my skills and get a decent profit. I requested withdrawal on 14th august and it was denied as they said the verification is not complete. I send the required documents and it took more than usual time until I had to join fortfs official telegram and raise my concern in the group. I have also pmed mr evgeny 888 (the telegram's name - fortfs CEO/ representatives I guess). Only on 18th august, my documents were verified.

Next, come another problem as when I am fully verified, I request for another withdrawal of USD2000 on 18th august 2020. After that, again my withdrawal is cancelled by fortfs team and they imposed me another clause that the limit for withdrawal is only set to be USD500. The claus given are as follows, c. 6.3.: "the company reserves the right to set the maximum and minimum deposit and withdrawal limits for any particular request according to the risk management decision, the payment systems request, the legislative regulations or any other circumstances that can affect company’s capabilities to comprehensively fulfill its financial obligations."

Abiding this clause, I made withdrawal but limit it at USD500 only on 18th august 2020. On the next day (19th august 2020), I also made another withdrawal amounting USD500 as I am following their withdrawal limit clause.

And what upset me today, my withdrawal made on the 18th august and 19th august were again cancelled by fortfs by their staff named michael gimelfarb on 20th august 2020. This time, fortfs requested another verification from me which is to upload a full-sized photo of yourself holding your national ID card / passport and a sheet of paper with the current date on it in the hand.

Again, I abide their requirement which is for me I considered absurd as previously I did request for withdrawal amount USD30, but no problem arise at all. So, I have uploaded the extra verification documents needed by fortfs thru their website and also thru the email of michael gimelfarb of fortfs.

The best part is, today, 20th august 2020, I am blocked from the official fortfs telegram. And I just took my chance to again pmed evgeny 888 (the telegram's ID of their CEO/representative).

I am demanding that my withdrawal is no longer being denied by fortfs as I have follow all their demands and I am just asking for my profit which I hardly earned.

The full sum of your initial deposit has been already refunded to you even before you wrote this review.
As you were informed by email, you have clearly violated the KYC / AML policy, and consequently, the risk management of the company stopped the services for all your trading accounts.

As I already reported here about the withdrawal problem at this broker, I managed to make 3 withdrawals of 500, but I still have 2 more withdrawals of 500 to make, 1 of which is already more than 20 days ago and nothing about me receiving my money, they no more excuses to give and now the chat is only offline, finally the agreement that was absurd to be able to withdraw only 500 and have to wait 5 working days to receive is not fulfilled . Shame on such a broker and I will go to the end to activate the responsible bodies so that this broker fulfills its obligations !!

May 27, 2020 - 2 stars my complaint I think is the same as everyone's here, withdrawn, I made my deposit via neteller and decided to withdraw my money from the broker, when I requested the withdrawal (05/26/2020), I saw that I could not withdraw more 2K per day, until then all right, a withdrawal of $ 529 was approved which I have not yet received on my neteller account, the informed being that it is instantaneous by neteller, and it was uncomfortable that it can take 5 business days, the next day (05/27/2020) I requested the 2K withdrawal as reported and was rejected and I received an email that could only request another withdrawal of $ 500 after the 1st withdrawal of 529.00 was completed, summing up if I manage to withdraw my money, it will take me more than 1 month to withdraw everything . This is absurd .
I have never had withdrawal problems with any broker, I will wait for the solution to be on time, even if I am not informed about limits and deadlines for withdrawals.
I am willing to come back here and withdraw my complaint if the problem is resolved.

We have already informed you (3 times!) that due to maintenance on the side of neteller payment system, withdrawals can take longer than usually! We kindly asked you (3 times!) NOT to make withdrawal request to neteller but to withdraw to skrill or perfect money, where the withdrawal would be completed faster, but you keep on creating withdrawals to neteller. Please do not mislead people!

Delay in withdraw

They do my request withdraw delay ., why dont according to rules and agreements(after 5 working days) with the client ? So far , two of my withdrawls have lasted more than seven days!No one is accountable.This is an example of a lack of accountability :
department: common queries
full name: shahin raz
email: sh.R2005@gmail.Com
your question: withdraw
operator: arina richardson
09:02 your question: withdraw
09:02 please wait and one of our operators will be with you shortly.
09:02 you are now chatting with arina richardson - common queries
09:02 arina richardson: hello, how can I help you?

09:02 shahin raz: hi pay your attention that according to the client agreement withdrawal requests operating may take up to 5 working day ,but to day is 7working days now.Why the client agreement withdrawal is not implemented for me?
09:06 arina richardson: request has been passed to the payments department.
09:10 shahin raz: you tell me on friday:I will provide your request to financial department but not implemented !
09:11 arina richardson: sir, it is the only thing I can do for you.
09:14 shahin raz: ok if it is not done to day , I am complaining(forex peace army) , according to my agreement .
09:17 arina richardson: is there anything else I can help you with?
09:18 shahin raz: no,thank you
helpdesk: https://support.Fortfs.Com/

May 6, 2020 - no rating in reply to your respon my complaint, I would just like to confirm the main points:
1- on opening my account, I will be tempted to deceive your advertisement in your telegram channel( LOW SPERADS, SAWP FREE) . This is contrary to your agreement with the client(5-5) .
2-reviews show (up to email) all my friends who work with this broker and have similar status have not encountered this issue (swap charge).
3-there is a general principle in the legal rules and this is expostfacto,you may be the only broker who withdraw 50 percent of the deposit after 5 months as SAWP charge . Don 't you think that trader in the last 5 months has not included the expense(SAWP charge) in his analysis?
4-in terms of delay in withdraw , why dont according to rules and agreements(after 5 working days) with the client ? So far , two of my withdrawls have lasted more than seven days!
5-why , now that I want to be closed my account in your broker , you put on a withdraw limit ?

Apr 29, 2020 - no rating 1- " in response to why my withdraw is limits(500$)? , " broker says(apr 21, 2020, 12:05 AM):
unfortunately the card processing company we are cooperating with has changed withdrawal limits for a number of countries including iran .
2-and in the case delay in application withdraw request, the broker says(fri, apr 24, 6:37 AM):
kristján madsen: kindly pay your attention that according to the client agreement withdrawal requests operating may take up to 5 working days.
But not done؟! After 13 working days , the broker says: we apologize for a temporary inconvenience and hope for your understanding.
And unfortunately , this problem is repeated every time and no one is accountable .

Mar 17, 2020 - no rating I have been with broker forrest for 5 months now. When registering and opening an account, I chose the free swap option. Today, after 5 months, broker fortes e-mailed that he had decided to charge swap for all of my (even past trades) transactions. And unfortunately, I was immediately charged $ 2. Please treat this unprecedented and immoral act.
No account:3183791
shahin raz

Reply by mark miller (fortfs) submitted apr 30, 2020 dear shr2005,

As you have been fully informed, the decision to disable the swap-free service for your accounts was taken in full accordance with the agreed upon client agreement documents (https://static.Fortfs.Com/download/docs/en/10_rules_of_proceedings_for_trading_operations.Pdf). We quote:

5.5: the company has the right to disable the swap-free service at any time and without notice, as well as to charge swap for all positions in the account history, based on the current swap rates.

Unfortunately, the withdrawal limits are set by our payment provider. Your withdrawal requests are being regularly completed and we can assure you that all funds will be withdrawn in full.

Please contact our support with any additional questions.

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So, let's see, what we have: information about brokers offering clients work on the FORTS market. History of FORTS, types of fixed-term contracts. The advantages of trading contracts for FORTS. Risks of options and futures trading at forts forex

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