Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Tickmill calculator

Tickmill adalah nama dagang kumpulan tickmill syarikat. Tickmill.Com dimiliki dan dikendalikan dalam syarikat kumpulan tickmill.

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Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Kumpulan tickmill terdiri daripada tickmill UK ltd, yang dikawal selia oleh financial conduct authority (pejabat berdaftar: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, yang diatur oleh suruhanjaya sekuriti dan bursa cyprus (pejabat berdaftar: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (PTY) LTD, FSP 49464, diatur oleh financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (pejabat berdaftar: the colosseum, tingkat 1, century way, office 10, century city , 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, yang dikawal selia oleh financial services authority of seychelles dan anak syarikat 100% miliknya procard global ltd, nombor pendaftaran UK 09369927 (pejabat berdaftar: tingkat 3, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england ), tickmill asia ltd - dikawal selia oleh lembaga perkhidmatan kewangan labuan malaysia (nombor lesen: MB / 18/0028 dan pejabat berdaftar: unit B, lot 49, tingkat 1, blok F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 FT labuan, malaysia).

Kalkulator forex

Penukar mata wang

Kalkulator margin

Kalkulator pip

MULA BERDAGANG dengan tickmill

Ia mudah dan pantas untuk menyertai!


Pendaftaran lengkap, log masuk ke akaun anda kawasan pelanggan dan muat naik dokumen yang diperlukan.


Setelah dokumen anda diluluskan, buat akaun dagangan langsung.


Pilih kaedah pembayaran, dana akaun dagangan anda dan mula berdagang.










Tickmill adalah nama dagang kumpulan tickmill syarikat.

Tickmill.Com dimiliki dan dikendalikan dalam syarikat kumpulan tickmill. Kumpulan tickmill terdiri daripada tickmill UK ltd, yang dikawal selia oleh financial conduct authority (pejabat berdaftar: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, yang diatur oleh suruhanjaya sekuriti dan bursa cyprus (pejabat berdaftar: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (PTY) LTD, FSP 49464, diatur oleh financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (pejabat berdaftar: the colosseum, tingkat 1, century way, office 10, century city , 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, yang dikawal selia oleh financial services authority of seychelles dan anak syarikat 100% miliknya procard global ltd, nombor pendaftaran UK 09369927 (pejabat berdaftar: tingkat 3, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england ), tickmill asia ltd - dikawal selia oleh lembaga perkhidmatan kewangan labuan malaysia (nombor lesen: MB / 18/0028 dan pejabat berdaftar: unit B, lot 49, tingkat 1, blok F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 FT labuan, malaysia).

Pelanggan mesti berumur sekurang-kurangnya 18 tahun untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan tickmill.

Amaran risiko tinggi: kontrak perdagangan untuk perbezaan (CFD) pada margin mempunyai tahap risiko yang tinggi dan mungkin tidak sesuai untuk semua pelabur. Sebelum memutuskan untuk memperdagangkan kontrak untuk perbezaan (CFD), anda harus mempertimbangkan objektif perdagangan, tahap pengalaman dan selera risiko anda dengan teliti. Adalah mungkin bagi anda untuk menanggung kerugian yang melebihi modal yang anda laburkan dan oleh itu anda tidak seharusnya menyimpan wang yang anda tidak mampu kehilangan. Pastikan anda memahami sepenuhnya risiko dan berhati-hati untuk menguruskan risiko anda.

Laman ini juga mengandungi pautan ke laman web yang dikawal atau ditawarkan oleh pihak ketiga. Tickmill tidak menyemak dan dengan ini menafikan tanggungjawab untuk apa-apa maklumat atau bahan yang dipaparkan di mana-mana laman web yang dipautkan ke laman web ini. Dengan membuat pautan ke laman web pihak ketiga, tickmill tidak menyokong atau mengesyorkan sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan di laman web tersebut. Maklumat yang terdapat di laman web ini hanya bertujuan untuk tujuan maklumat sahaja. Oleh itu, ia tidak sepatutnya dianggap sebagai tawaran atau permintaan kepada mana-mana orang dalam mana-mana bidang kuasa di mana tawaran atau permohonan itu tidak diberi kuasa atau kepada mana-mana orang yang akan menyalahi undang-undang untuk membuat apa-apa tawaran atau permintaan, atau dianggap sebagai syor untuk membeli, menjual atau sebaliknya berurusan dengan mana-mana mata wang tertentu atau perdagangan logam berharga. Sekiranya anda tidak pasti tentang mata wang tempatan dan peraturan perdagangan logam maka anda harus meninggalkan laman web ini dengan segera.

Anda dinasihatkan untuk mendapatkan nasihat kewangan, undang-undang dan cukai bebas sebelum meneruskan dengan sebarang mata wang atau perdagangan logam spot. Tiada apa-apa pun dalam laman web ini yang perlu dibaca atau ditafsirkan sebagai menjadi nasihat di bahagian tickmill atau mana-mana sekutunya, pengarah, pegawai atau pekerja.

Perkhidmatan tickmill dan maklumat di laman web ini tidak diarahkan kepada warganegara / penduduk amerika syarikat, dan tidak bertujuan untuk disebarkan kepada, atau digunakan oleh, mana-mana orang di mana-mana negara atau bidang kuasa di mana pengedaran atau penggunaan sedemikian akan bertentangan dengan undang-undang tempatan atau peraturan.

Kalkulatory forex

Przelicznik walut

Kalkulator depozytu zabezpieczającego

Kalkulator wartości pipsa


Jest to łatwe i szybkie!


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Po zatwierdzeniu dokumentów otwórz rzeczywisty rachunek handlowy.


Wybierz metodę płatności, zdeponuj środki na konto i zacznij handlować.











Tickmill to nazwa handlowa firm z grupy tickmill.

Tickmill.Com jest własnością i jest zarządzana w ramach grupy firm tickmill. Grupa tickmill składa się z tickmill UK ltd, regulowanego przez financial conduct authority (numer licencji: 717270 i siedziba: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, anglia), tickmill europe ltd, regulowanego przez cyprus securities and exchange commission (numer licencji: 278/15 oraz siedziba: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cypr), tickmill south africa (PTY) LTD, FSP 49464, regulowanego przez financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (siedziba): the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, regulowanego financial services authority of seychelles (numer licencji: 278/15: SD008 oraz siedziba: 3, F28-F29 eden plaza, eden island, mahe, seychelles) oraz jej spółki w 100% zależna procard global ltd (numer rejestracyjny: 09592225 oraz biuro: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, anglia), tickmill asia ltd - regulowany przez financial services authority of labuan malaysia (numer licencji: MB/18/0028 i siedziba statutowa: unit B, lot 49, 1st floor, block F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 F.T. Labuan, malaysia).

Klienci muszą mieć powyżej 18 lat, aby móc korzystać z usług tickmill.

Ostrzeżenie przed wysokim ryzykiem: handel lewarowanymi kontraktami na różnice kursowe (CFD) niesie ze sobą wysoki poziom ryzyka i może nie być odpowiedni dla wszystkich inwestorów. Przed podjęciem decyzji o handlu kontraktami CFD (kontrakty na różnice kursowe), należy dokładnie rozważyć cele handlowe, poziom doświadczenia i apetyt na ryzyko. Istnieje możliwość poniesienia strat przekraczających zainwestowany kapitał i dlatego nie należy deponować pieniędzy, na których utratę nie można sobie pozwolić. Upewnij się, że w pełni rozumiesz ryzyko i zachowaj odpowiednią ostrożność w zarządzaniu ryzykiem.

Niniejsza strona zawiera również łącza do witryn nadzorowanych lub udostępnianych przez strony trzecie. Tickmill nie zapoznało się z i z tego powodu zrzeka się odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek informacje lub materiał opublikowany na jakiejkolwiek witrynie, do której łącza można znaleźć na tej stronie. Umieszczając łącze do witryny strony trzeciej, tickmill nie promuje ani nie poleca żadnych produktów ani usług oferowanych na tej witrynie. Informacja, znajdująca się na niniejszej stronie ma służyć wyłącznie celom informacyjnym. W związku z tym, nie należy jej traktować, jako oferty lub nakłaniania kogokolwiek podlegającego dowolnej jurysdykcji, w której taka oferta lub nakłanianie nie jest dozwolone, ani żadnej osobie, której składanie takiej oferty lub nakłonienia byłoby niezgodne z prawem. Nie powinna być również traktowana, jako zalecenie do kupna, sprzedaży lub innego rodzaju obrotu jakąkolwiek walutą lub metalem szlachetnym. Jeżeli nie masz pewności, co do lokalnych przepisów prawa dotyczących handlem walutą lub metalami, to powinieneś natychmiast opuścić tę stronę.

Stanowczo zaleca się zasięgnięcie niezależnego doradztwa finansowego, prawnego oraz podatkowego zanim rozpocznie się obrót jakąkolwiek walutą lub metalami. Żadna informacja zawarta na tej stronie nie powinna być rozumiana lub uznana za poradę ze strony tickmill lub jej partnerów, dyrekcji, urzędników lub pracowników.

Usługi tickmill i informacje na tej stronie nie są skierowane do obywateli/rezydentów stanów zjednoczonych i nie są przeznaczone do dystrybucji lub wykorzystania przez jakąkolwiek osobą w jakimkolwiek kraju lub jurysdykcji, gdzie taka dystrybucja lub wykorzystanie byłoby sprzeczne z lokalnymi przepisami prawa lub regulacjami.

Calculadoras de forex

Conversor de divisas

Calculadora de margem

Calculadora de pip

COMECE A NEGOCIAR com a tickmill

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Registro completo, inicie sessão na sua área de cliente e carregue os documentos exigidos.


Depois de os seus documentos serem aprovados, crie uma conta de negociação live.


Selecione um modo de depósito, aporte na a sua conta de negociação e comece a operar.











Tickmill é o nome comercial do grupo de empresas tickmill.

A tickmill.Com pertence e é operada dentro do grupo de empresas tickmill. Tickmill group é composto por: tickmill UK ltd - regulada pela financial conduct authority (FCA) do reino unido (número de licença: 717270 e sede: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, londres EC2R 8DQ, inglaterra), tickmill europe ltd - regulada pela cyprus securities and exchange commission (número da licença: 278/15 e sede: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, chipre), tickmill south africa (PTY) LTD, FSP 49464, regulada pela financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (sede: the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd - regulada pela financial services authority de seychelles (número da licença: SD008 e sede: 3, F28- F29 eden plaza, eden island, mahe, seychelles) e sua subsidiária 100% proprietária procard global ltd (número de registro: 09592225 e sede social: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, londres EC2R 8DQ, inglaterra), tickmill asia ltd - regulada pela financial services authority de labuan malásia (número da licença: MB/18/0028 e sede social: unidade B, lote 49, 1º andar, bloco F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 FT labuan, malásia).

Os clientes devem ter pelo menos 18 anos para usar os serviços da tickmill .

Aviso de alto risco: negociar contratos por diferença (cfds) acarreta um alto nível de risco e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. Antes de decidir negociar contratos por diferença (cfds), você deverá considerar cuidadosamente os seus objetivos de negociação, nível de experiência e apetite ao risco. É possível que você sustente perdas que excedam o seu capital investido e, portanto, você não deve depositar dinheiro que não pode perder. Por favor, certifique-se que entende completamente os riscos e que toma os cuidados necessários para gerir o risco.

Este website não deverá ser considerado como um meio de publicidade ou de solicitação ,mas sim um canal de distribuição de informação. Nada neste website deverá ser considerado como um anúncio, oferta ou solicitação para o uso dos nossos serviços.

O website contem links para websites oferecidos e controlados por terceiros. A tickmill não inspeccionou e, por este meio, nega a responsabilidade por qualquer informação ou material publicado em qualquer um dos websites vinculados a este website. Ao criar um link para um website de terceiros, a tickmill não confirma, nem recomenda quaisquer produtos ou serviços oferecidos nesse website. A informação contida neste website destina-se somente para fins informativos, portanto não deverá ser considerada como uma oferta ou solicitação a qualquer pessoa, em qualquer jurisdição, em que tal oferta ou solicitação não seja autorizada ou a qualquer outra pessoa a quem seria ilegal fazer tal recomendação ou solicitação, nem considerada como recomendação para comprar, vender ou lidar com qualquer moeda em particular ou negociação de metais preciosos. Se você não tem a certeza de qual é a sua moeda local e quais os regulamentos para a negociação me metais preciosos, então você deverá deixar este website imediatamente.

Será fortemente aconselhável, antes de proceder com a negociação de moedas ou metais preciosos, obter aconselhamento financeiro, jurídico e fiscal de forma independente. Nada neste website deverá ser lido ou interpretado com um conselho por parte da tickmill, ou de qualquer um dos seus afiliados, diretores e colaboradores.

Os serviços da tickmill e as informações contidas neste website, não são dirigidas a cidadãos/residentes dos estados unidos da américa e, não se destinam a ser distribuídos ou, usados por qualquer pessoa, em qualquer país ou jurisdição, onde tal distribuição ou uso, contrariam as leis ou regulamentos locais.


Enter the world of trading in the easiest and simplest way possible.

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Minimum deposit 100
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Trade cfds on 62 currency pairs, major stock indices, oil, precious metals and bonds on your classic account, with variable spreads starting from 1.6 pips and no commissions.

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START TRADING with tickmill

It's simple and fast to join!


Complete registration, log in to your client area and upload the required documents.


Once your documents are approved, create a live trading account.


Select a payment method, fund your trading account and start trading.



Forex & cfds









Tickmill is the trading name of tickmill group of companies.

Tickmill.Com is owned and operated within the tickmill group of companies. Tickmill group consists of tickmill UK ltd, regulated by the financial conduct authority (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (registered office: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (pty) ltd, FSP 49464, regulated by the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (registered office: the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, regulated by the financial services authority of seychelles and its 100% owned subsidiary procard global ltd, UK registration number 09369927 (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill asia ltd - regulated by the financial services authority of labuan malaysia (license number: MB/18/0028 and registered office: unit B, lot 49, 1st floor, block F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 F.T. Labuan, malaysia).

Clients must be at least 18 years old to use the services of tickmill.

High risk warning: trading contracts for difference (cfds) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade contracts for difference (cfds), you should carefully consider your trading objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. It is possible for you to sustain losses that exceed your invested capital and therefore you should not deposit money that you cannot afford to lose. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

The site contains links to websites controlled or offered by third parties. Tickmill has not reviewed and hereby disclaims responsibility for any information or materials posted at any of the sites linked to this site. By creating a link to a third party website, tickmill does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on that website. The information contained on this site is intended for information purposes only. Therefore, it should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, nor regarded as recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any particular currency or precious metal trade. If you are not sure about your local currency and spot metals trading regulations, then you should leave this site immediately.

You are strongly advised to obtain independent financial, legal and tax advice before proceeding with any currency or spot metals trade. Nothing in this site should be read or construed as constituting advice on the part of tickmill or any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees.

The services of tickmill and the information on this site are not directed at citizens/residents of the united states, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Leverage & margin

Defining how you trade with tickmill.

Trading conditions
to enhance your success

As you start your trading career, two of the most fundamental concepts for you to grasp is the use of leverage & margin and, how the leverage determines the required margin.

Check out the margin and leverage that we offer below:

The use of leverage & margin

What is leverage?

Technically, leverage is where a trader has a large sum at their disposal while using a significantly smaller amount of their own funds. They effectively borrow the rest from their broker.

For example, if you’re trading with a 1:100 leverage, and you have $1,000 USD in your account, you’ve got $100,000 available for trading. Although this sounds like an insanely good opportunity, you must always remember that it’s a double-edged sword.

When you trade with a larger amount, as leverage enables you to do, you can open bigger positions and potentially earn larger profits. However, with bigger positions you also have a higher risk whereby your losses could also be larger.

What Is Leverage?

What Is Margin?

What is margin?

It may be easier to understand if you think of the margin as a deposit for the trade that you want to open and maintain. The broker that you’re trading with will keep a portion of your balance to cover the potential loss of that trade. Once you close the position, the margin will be put back into your account.

The margin that you need for a trade is normally expressed as a percentage of the whole trade and is called the ‘margin requirement’. You’ll be given a margin requirement for every trade that you open, and it will vary depending on the instrument that you trade and the broker that you choose to trade with.

How do you calculate the margin requirement?

Well, the required margin will be a percentage of the size of the trade that you want to open and is calculated according to the base currency of the pair that you want to trade. Using the equation below you can work out how much margin you’ll need for each trade.

Required margin = position size X margin requirement

For example:
you’d like to open a mini lot (10,000 base units) in USDJPY. How much margin do you need to open the position?

As the USD is the base currency, the position size (or notional value) is 10,000 USD. Your broker has given you a margin requirement of 5%.


START TRADING with tickmill

It's simple and fast to join!


Complete registration, log in to your client area and upload the required documents.


Once your documents are approved, create a live trading account.


Select a payment method, fund your trading account and start trading.



Forex & cfds









Tickmill is the trading name of tickmill group of companies.

Tickmill.Com is owned and operated within the tickmill group of companies. Tickmill group consists of tickmill UK ltd, regulated by the financial conduct authority (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (registered office: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (pty) ltd, FSP 49464, regulated by the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (registered office: the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, regulated by the financial services authority of seychelles and its 100% owned subsidiary procard global ltd, UK registration number 09369927 (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill asia ltd - regulated by the financial services authority of labuan malaysia (license number: MB/18/0028 and registered office: unit B, lot 49, 1st floor, block F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 F.T. Labuan, malaysia).

Clients must be at least 18 years old to use the services of tickmill.

High risk warning: trading contracts for difference (cfds) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade contracts for difference (cfds), you should carefully consider your trading objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. It is possible for you to sustain losses that exceed your invested capital and therefore you should not deposit money that you cannot afford to lose. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

The site contains links to websites controlled or offered by third parties. Tickmill has not reviewed and hereby disclaims responsibility for any information or materials posted at any of the sites linked to this site. By creating a link to a third party website, tickmill does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on that website. The information contained on this site is intended for information purposes only. Therefore, it should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, nor regarded as recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any particular currency or precious metal trade. If you are not sure about your local currency and spot metals trading regulations, then you should leave this site immediately.

You are strongly advised to obtain independent financial, legal and tax advice before proceeding with any currency or spot metals trade. Nothing in this site should be read or construed as constituting advice on the part of tickmill or any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees.

The services of tickmill and the information on this site are not directed at citizens/residents of the united states, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Tickmill calculator

Estimated time to complete your registration is 3 minutes
please complete the following form using latin letters only

Tickmill is a trading name of tickmill UK ltd (a company registered in england and wales under number 09592225). Principal and registered office: 3rd floor, 27-32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ. Authorised and regulated by the UK financial conduct authority. FCA register number: 717270.

High risk warning: cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 75% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with tickmill UK ltd. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading contracts for difference (cfds) and seek advice from an independent adviser if you have any doubts. Please refer to the summary risk disclosure.

The information on this site is not directed at residents of the united states and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Important notice

You are about to leave tickmill europe ltd client area registration page. By clicking “continue” you will be redirected to the registration page of tickmill UK ltd, a company registered in the UK and regulated by the financial conduct authority of the united kingdom.

You are about to leave tickmill europe ltd client area registration page. By clicking “continue” you will be redirected to the registration page of tickmill ltd, a company registered in the seychelles and regulated by the financial services authority of seychelles.

Deposit and withdrawals

Add, transfer or withdraw funds with ease, using the payment method that's most convenient for you.

your account

Being able to make a deposit or withdrawal on your own terms is so important to your trading experience. At tickmill we think it’s crucial that you’re able to manage your funds effectively. So, we provide a range of secure, instant and easy to use deposit and withdrawal options.

All deposits starting from 5,000 USD or equivalent, processed in one transaction by bank wire transfer, are included in our zero fees policy. *

We will cover your transaction fees up to 100 USD or equivalent. Just email a copy of your bank statement or any other confirmation document for the transferred deposit to our support team. Within one calendar month after the deposit was made we will compensate your fee.

*we reserve the right to charge a maintenance fee where there is a lack of trading activity.

Control Your Account
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Deposit / withdrawal methods

Some options are only available to residents of certain countries. Also note that, when you request a withdrawal from your client area, the withdrawal will be in the base currency of your trading account. E.G. If your trading account is in USD, then your withdrawal will be processed in USD.

Currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit within 1 working day
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100 EUR, USD, GBP
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , IDR
min. Deposit $100 or 1,500,000 rp
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies CNY
min. Deposit 700 ¥ or € / $ / £ 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit 1-2 hours
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies VND
min. Deposit 2,000,000
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , RUB , EUR
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instantly
on withdrawal within 1 working day

Deposit and withdrawal conditions

Simply login to your client area and click on the green ‘deposit’ button, located to the left of your dashboard.

Step 1: you’ll first be prompted to select which account you’d like to deposit in. Step 2, will then automatically appear below.

Step 2: you then select the payment method using the buttons on the right of the payment method table. Step 3 will then automatically appear below.

Step 3: state how much you would like to deposit into your account.

You may also be prompted to enter the currency in which you’d like to make the deposit and some other options.

Please carefully read all of the instructions, terms and conditions and if you agree make sure that you check the box that says “I have read all instructions and agree with terms and conditions of payments operations.”

Click submit.

We do not accept any payments made via a third-party source.

You must only use payment methods that are under your name and lawfully belong to you.

We reserve the right to require proof from you at any time. Failure to comply with this, will result in your payment getting frozen or being refunded.

We reserve the right to apply a penalty processing fee if a third-party payment is made.

If you use a credit/debit card to deposit, we may require scanned colour copies of both sides of your card to combat fraud. But, please do NOT send us any copies if we didn’t ask for them.

– upon receiving our request and before sending any copies to us, please cover (black-out) all digits except the last 4 on the front side of your card for security purposes.

– please also cover (black-out) the CVV code on the back of your card.

– all other details must be clear and visible.

– your card must be signed, and your signature must be clear and readable.

Please be informed that we will NEVER ask you for any sensitive card details (such as your full card number, CVV code, 3D-secure code, PIN code, etc.). If you received a suspicious request for any sensitive details from an unclear source, please contact us immediately.

If your credit/debit card deposit was unsuccessful, please try depositing again, while checking if:

– you have entered your card details correctly.

– you’re using a valid (not expired) card.

– you have sufficient funds on your card.

– if all of the above is fine, but your card deposit is still unsuccessful, it may mean that your issuing bank does not authorise your card to make the deposit. In that case, please use another card or any other payment method available in your trading account.

Simply login to your client area and click on the ‘withdrawal’ button, located to the left of your dashboard.

Step 1: you’ll first be prompted to select which account you’d like to withdraw from. Step 2, will then automatically appear below.

Step 2: you then select the method of withdrawal using the buttons on the right of the table. Step 3 will then automatically appear below.

Step 3: state how much you would like to withdraw from your account. Depending on the withdrawal method, you may have to enter more information related to the withdrawal type.

Please carefully read all of the instructions, terms and conditions and if you agree make sure that you check the box that says “I have read all instructions and agree with terms and conditions of payments operations.”

Click submit.

As a general rule, we only process withdrawals back to the payment method you originally used for depositing.

For credit cards ONLY:

– if you use a credit/debit card to deposit, we will always send the same total amount of withdrawals equal to your total deposits back to your card. Any remaining withdrawal amount which is above the deposited amount, will be processed to the payment method of your choice.

Example: if you deposited $100 by credit/debit card, earned a profit of $1,000 and requested a withdrawal of $1,000, you will get $100 back to your card and the remaining $900 to the payment method of your choice.

Alternative payment methods:

– if you use a credit/debit card and another method (e.G.: skrill ewallet) to deposit, your withdrawal will first be processed back to your card and any remaining withdrawal amount will be sent back to the other method used (e.G.: skrill ewallet).

Example: if you deposited $100 by skrill and $50 by credit/debit card, and requested a withdrawal of $90, you will get $50 back to your card and $40 to your ewallet.

Internal transfers from an MT4 account to another MT4 account are instant when the base currencies of both accounts are the same.

If the base currencies of the MT4 accounts are different, such internal transfers should be requested manually by sending an email to [email protected] .

Internal transfers from an IB account to an MT4 account are processed automatically.

Please familiarise yourself with our general terms & conditions found on our website. Our customer support team is available monday – friday 07:00 am – 20:00 pm GMT to assist you if you need any help with making your payments.

It’s also important to note that, should we become aware that you’re purposely abusing our payment methods, we reserve the right to close your account and also charge you all applicable transfer and refund fees incurred on our side.

START TRADING with tickmill

It's simple and fast to join!


Complete registration, log in to your client area and upload the required documents.


Once your documents are approved, create a live trading account.


Select a payment method, fund your trading account and start trading.



Forex & cfds









Tickmill is the trading name of tickmill group of companies.

Tickmill.Com is owned and operated within the tickmill group of companies. Tickmill group consists of tickmill UK ltd, regulated by the financial conduct authority (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (registered office: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (pty) ltd, FSP 49464, regulated by the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (registered office: the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, regulated by the financial services authority of seychelles and its 100% owned subsidiary procard global ltd, UK registration number 09369927 (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill asia ltd - regulated by the financial services authority of labuan malaysia (license number: MB/18/0028 and registered office: unit B, lot 49, 1st floor, block F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 F.T. Labuan, malaysia).

Clients must be at least 18 years old to use the services of tickmill.

High risk warning: trading contracts for difference (cfds) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade contracts for difference (cfds), you should carefully consider your trading objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. It is possible for you to sustain losses that exceed your invested capital and therefore you should not deposit money that you cannot afford to lose. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

The site contains links to websites controlled or offered by third parties. Tickmill has not reviewed and hereby disclaims responsibility for any information or materials posted at any of the sites linked to this site. By creating a link to a third party website, tickmill does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on that website. The information contained on this site is intended for information purposes only. Therefore, it should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, nor regarded as recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any particular currency or precious metal trade. If you are not sure about your local currency and spot metals trading regulations, then you should leave this site immediately.

You are strongly advised to obtain independent financial, legal and tax advice before proceeding with any currency or spot metals trade. Nothing in this site should be read or construed as constituting advice on the part of tickmill or any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees.

The services of tickmill and the information on this site are not directed at citizens/residents of the united states, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Honest tickmill forex broker review – scam or not?

Review:regulation:min. Deposit:forex pairs:spreads:
(5 / 5)FCA (UK), cysec (EU), FSA (SE) 100$50+0.0 pips + 1$ commission per 1 lot

Are you looking for real experiences and a critical test to the tickmill broker? – then you are exactly right on this page. As traders with more than 7 years of experience in the financial markets, we have tested the provider in detail for you with real money. Learn more about the conditions and seriousness of the broker. Is it really worth it to invest in forex broker tickmill money or not? – inform yourself in detail now.

Official website of Tickmill

Official website of tickmill

What is tickmill? – the company presented

Tickmill is an international broker for trading derivatives financial forex and cfds. The main headquarters are located in london: 1 fore street, london EC2Y 9DT, united kingdom. For many years, the company has proven itself to offer traders professional trading on the best terms. Also, there are branches in cyprus and seychelles.

According to the website, tickmill should provide an excellent trading experience with the cheapest spreads and commissions, which we will take a closer look at in the following test. Furthermore, the broker shines with many different awards in the industry and allows his traders to pursue any trading strategies.

Facts about tickmill:

  • Forex broker from great britain (london)

  • Made by traders for traders

  • Specialized in forex trading with special conditions and lowest spreads

  • Worldwide branches in different countries

  • 114 billion average trading volume per month

(note: get 5% spread rebate with the codes: IBU13836682 (EU) & IB60353132 (international))

Is tickmill a regulated forex broker?

Regulations and licenses are important for traders and brokers so that a trusting relationship can be created. When a broker applies for a license, certain criteria and requirements must be met. A violation of the policy means in most cases a direct loss of the license.

Tickmill is even regulated several times. The broker has licenses from the FCA (UK), cysec (cyprus) and FSA (seychelles). It gives us a positive direct impression. European traders have to trade with the english license (FCA) or cysec license, which brings further benefits. On the other side, international traders have to choose the FSA license.

Tickmill group activity

The safety of customer funds

The security of client funds should be given to a trusted broker. In online investments, trust in a broker is very important. Many smaller brokers with no license and experience sometimes handle money incorrectly. In order to avoid such a fraud, one should pay attention to certain criteria in broker selection.

Tickmill insures client funds separately from corporate funds to manage. For this purpose, the barclays bank is used, which operates internationally and is always liquid. In addition, client funds will be protected in the unlikely event of a bankruptcy or financial dilemma of tickmill with the financial services compensation scheme (FSCS) of up to £ 75,000. This is a very high value compared to other brokers, which usually have no deposit guarantee or a smaller one.

Regulation and safety:

  • Regulated by FCA, cysec, and FSA

  • Customer funds are managed by barclays bank

  • High deposit guarantee of 75,000 GBP (FCA license)

  • Safe website communication

Review of the tickmill conditions for traders

Tickmill is a true NDD broker (non-dealing desk) with well-known liquidity providers. It is traded herewith excluded conflict of interest between broker and customer. This is a big advantage as it is not a market maker.

There are more than 84 instruments available on the market. The broker is constantly trying to expand its offer and, for example, integrate new assets such as bitcoin. The offer is quite manageable and the tickmill tries to specialize with its offer on currencies (forex). Cfds (contracts for difference) are also available for commodities, government bonds or stock indices. Individual shares cannot be traded on this broker, so here’s a small smear in the rating that must be made.

Tickmill is characterized by its extremely tight spreads and low commission. We have compared many providers in recent years and tickmill is and remains the cheapest. The typical spread in the EUR/USD is only 0.00 – 0.01 pips small and the commission is a maximum of $ 2 per traded $ 100,000 (1 lot) in the pro account. Traders with higher deposits can even benefit from even smaller commissions ($ 1).

In addition, there are no requotes, as it is a true forex broker. This means you will always be able to open and close a position for the next best price in the market. The liquidity is always given by the various liquidity providers and the slippage is also very low on business news.

The best conditions:

  • Very low spreads starting at 0.0 pips

  • The extreme low commission in pro and VIP account is a huge advantage

  • Pay only 2$ (pro) or 1$ (VIP) commission per 1 lot traded

  • Fast execution and high liquidity

  • More than 50 forex pairs

  • Max. Leverage of 1:500

(note: get 5% spread rebate with the codes: IBU13836682 (EU) & IB60353132 (international))

Tickmill trading platform test

As a trading platform, the metatrader 4 is offered to you. This is a proven and worldwide trading platform for private and professional traders. The platform is available for the browser (web), desktop (download), android (app) and ios (app). With the metatrader, you can easily and flexibly access the markets of tickmill from anywhere in the world.

The metatrader is perfect for any trader who wants to earn sustainable money in the markets. Even with small capital can be traded, because there are micro lots available. In addition, there is always a guaranteed execution at tickmill and no partial execution.

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Professional charting and analysis

A trading platform should be user-friendly and flexible. This can offer the metatrader. Several chart settings for the technical analysis are adjustable. Use the well-known candlesticks for an even better analysis of the markets. Tickmill also provides educational tutorials for beginners.

In addition, use free indicators, which are adjustable for your personal strategy. The metatrader comes with a lot of tools after installation. If you do not have enough, you can add additional tools to metatrader 4. Use self-programmed indicators for every chart.

Facts about the platform:

  • Flexible and user-friendly trading platform

  • Available for every device

  • Free indicators

  • Very many different analysis tools

  • Automated trading possible

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Available for any device

In addition, tickmill offers education material and webinars for its clients.

Trading tutorial: how do forex and CFD trading work?

Forex is the largest market worldwide. Daily several trillions of dollars are being transacted in this market. That is why it is also highly liquid and interesting for beginners and experienced traders. Tickmill offers over 60 different currency pairs. Including many currencies from emerging markets. This is a huge advantage for those who are looking for an exotic currency pair for trading. For currencies, you can bet on falling or rising prices. Buy one currency and sell the other currency from the currency pair. The difference in the price is well written as profit.

Cfds are also offered. They are leveraged derivatives that can be traded on a variety of values. For the opening of a CFD trade, you do not buy directly the underlying asset, but only the contract to that value. This has several advantages because you can act with a high level of leverage and very easily place short trades. The broker rounds off the offering with cfds on stock indices, commodities, precious metals, and bonds.

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Invest in falling or rising prices and secure the position with a stop loss and take profit. These are limits that automatically close your position. Since the calculation is sometimes confusing, tickmill offers a forex calculator. With this calculator, you can determine your risk and the position size in just a few seconds.

Tickmill offers fast order execution and high liquidity

Tickmill has several data and data centers around the world. In metatrader 4 you can choose the best access (server) for you. The broker is also characterized by its low latency. With the connection to the live server in london I have a latency of under 30 ms. If that is still too slow, you can rent a VPS server.

Personally, we had no problems with the order execution. The website also emphasizes that there are no requotes. Even with large position sizes 30 lot + can be traded easily. You always get a direct and immediate execution at the best prices.

Tickmill is a non-dealing desk broker, which has a similarity to an ECN broker. The difference between NDD and ECN is that the broker still sits between the market and clients. An obligation to pay additional funds can be excluded.

Use a VPS-server for the best connection

The provider allows any strategies and automatic programs. Expert advisors (eas) can run 24 hours a day automatically through a VPS server at tickmill. The latency is very low and the price from $ 22 a month too.

  • The best choice for automatic programs

  • Low latency

  • Cheap fees (22$ per month)

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

Tickmill automated trading is possible

Tickmill allows every strategy and also automated programs. As mentioned above you can rent a VPS server very cheap. In connection with the metatrader 4 it works without problems and the setup is very simple. Program automatic programs for your trading or use provided trading systems. Today, more than 50% of the order executions are made automatically in the forex market.

Here you can see again that tickmill is a serious NDD broker. Dubious brokers forbid strategies or automatic programs. In addition, tickmill has no limit for stop-loss and take-profit brands. So it can be traded very small movements. Due to the low fees, it is worthwhile to scalping and day trading.

VPS-server allows you trading 24/7 on tickmill.

How to open your free tickmill account:

Another plus point for tickmill is the simple depot opening. According to the website, you need a maximum of 3 minutes for this and we can confirm this personally. Fill in the form with your personal data. Then you get direct access to the customer portal of tickmill. In addition, your email must be confirmed.

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

After that, the account has to be verified. Thanks to the strong regulations, brokers are not allowed to pay out to unverified customers. Even after the first deposit, the account must be verified urgently. Since our account is a bit older, we can not tell you whether a deposit without verification is possible.

For verification, it is sufficient to upload your ID and proof of address. The broker confirms the documents within 24 hours (weekdays). For even faster verification, contact support and say that your documents have been uploaded. Then you have access to the full functions of the trading account.

Unlimited demo account for beginners at tickmill

The free demo account of tickmill is perfect for beginners or experienced traders. It is unlimited and without expiration time. Traders can trade the markets with virtual assets and simulate real trading. Experienced traders learn new strategies or test new markets. For the demo account, no deposit or verification is necessary.

(note: get 5% spread rebate with the codes: IBU13836682 (EU) & IB60353132 (international))

3 different account types – which one you should choose?

Tickmill offers 3 types of accounts for traders. Interesting for us is only the pro and VIP account. From our experience, it is not worth the classic account to open, because the fees are accordingly higher than in the pro account. In the following text, we will inform you about the terms of each account.

As described above, the fees are sensationally low. Read the table below for more details. The pro accounts commission is only $2. So you pay only a fee of $4 per completed trade. When you open a VIP account, you save another 50%, because you only pay $2 for each completed trade. Even with our code (under the registration button) can save another 5%.

Tickmill gives you the exact interbank spreads from 0.0 pips. Trading is smooth and fast processing is provided by european servers. Upon request, an islamic account without swaps (interest) can be created.

min. Deposit:100$100$50.000$
spreads:1.6 pips0.0 pips0.0 pips
leverage:max. 1:500max. 1:500max. 1:500
commission:0$2$ per 1 lot traded1$ per 1 lot traded

Info: tickmill also offers its european customers to sign up as a professional trader and keep the high leverage of 1: 500.

The VIP account is the best choice for high volume forex traders

High-volume traders or companies can open a VIP account. From a deposit of 50,000$, you have even cheaper fees. You then only pay $ 1 per traded lot. This makes $ 2 per completed trader. These low costs can generate an increased profit. In addition, stop orders and limit orders are allowed close to market prices. This is a very good offer in comparison.

In summary, tickmill account types offer a great opportunity for every trader. The terms are very good and much better than other forex brokers. No matter if you want to trade the markets with small or big capital, tickmill is the right decision for beginners or advanced traders.

Compare the terms between tickmill and other brokers yourself. Tickmill is always the cheapest and has, therefore, made the first place in my forex broker comparison. With no other broker, you get so cheap trading fees without conflict of interest.

Tickmill VIP Account

Review of the deposit and withdrawal of tickmill

At tickmill you can deposit and withdraw using the same methods. Bank transfer, credit card, skrill and neteller are available. On the payment and deposit, there are no fees.

My tests and experiences have shown that the payouts are very fast and the money is sent on the journey within 24 hours. You will receive a confirmation email after payment when the payout has been made.

How high is the minimum deposit? – trading with a small amount of money

The minimum deposit is regularly 100$/€. You can trade in the trading platform as low as 0.01 lot. This is a very small position size and the risk is in most cases only a few cents high. The provider is thus broadly positioned because even larger investors can trade without problems at this broker.

Tickmill deposit and withdrawal methods

Tickmill deposit and withdrawal methods

Questions and tips for your transactions:

  1. Open your free account at tickmill. Complete your data and verify the account. After verification, all functions of the broker are available to you.

  2. How much money should you deposit? – this is entirely up to the goals and ideals of the trader. Some trading strategies, for example, are not feasible with a small sum of € 100. Be sure to test the demo account before making your first deposit.

  3. Are my transactions with tickmill safe? – yes, tickmill works only with the best banks and verified payment providers. You can check all transactions in the customer portal.

  4. Also, open several trading accounts in the customer portal. Thus it is possible to use different accounts for different strategies. An internal transfer takes only a few minutes.

New: now use sofortüberweisung (klarna) or paysafecard to capitalize your account even faster.

Is there negative balance protection?

The negative balance of an account is very feared by many traders. And this is also very justified. For some brokers, traders in the past have been able to build up debt or negative balance through extreme market conditions, which had to be balanced.

At tickmill there is no additional funding and you are thus protected against a negative balance.

With tickmill you cannot lose more money than your deposit.

Tickmill service and support for traders

One of the last important points in this review is trader support and service. Tickmill offers support in more than 10 different languages (also africa, asia, india, thai clients). From our experience, the broker employs international employees who exclusively look after every customer.

Support is available to customers 24 hours a week, 7 days a week. The support is provided by chat, phone or email. A trader should not lack anything here. My tests showed that the support is always fast and reliable!

Tickmill presented itself in different countries, for example at the world of trading in frankfurt. The broker had his own stand there and sought direct contact with his clients. Service is one of the most important things for traders and tickmill shows confidence and seriousness.

Kalkulator Forex, tickmill calculator.

To further improve its service, well-known and professional traders are invited to hold webinars or other information sessions. Well-known names are giovanni cicivelli or mike seidel. The saying “by traders for traders” also applies here. Tickmill tries to give its customers the best performance combined with good service.

In summary, the support from tickmill is very good and professional. Our personal concerns were always resolved very quickly and we can make a clear recommendation here. Overall, the overall package is rounded off with a great service.

Support:available:phone number:special:
phone, chat, email24/5+44 (0)20 3608 6100webinars, 1 to 1 support, events

Conclusion of my review: tickmill is one of the best forex brokers

My experience and tests show on this page that tickmill is a very good broker. He gets from us a 5-star rating. We recommend this forex broker with a clear conscience. Tickmill offers an offer for every type of trading.

With the world’s cheapest fees, the broker is currently topping any competitor. The trading experience is unique with this broker and you save a lot of money on the order execution. For every trader who trades forex, this is the right provider.

If you have further questions, contact support by phone or chat. International employees are ready to help you.

Tickmill is a trusted Forex Broker (Stamp)


  • UK regulation and high customer safety

  • The cheapest forex broker of the world

  • No requotes and high liquidity

  • The best execution

  • Good service and support

  • The best conditions for forex traders

  • Very low trading fees


  • No stocks for trading

Tickmill is the best forex broker in the world because of the cheap trading fees and good execution. (5 / 5)

Read our other articles about tickmill:

Deposit and withdrawals

Add, transfer or withdraw funds with ease, using the payment method that's most convenient for you.

your account

Being able to make a deposit or withdrawal on your own terms is so important to your trading experience. At tickmill we think it’s crucial that you’re able to manage your funds effectively. So, we provide a range of secure, instant and easy to use deposit and withdrawal options.

All deposits starting from 5,000 USD or equivalent, processed in one transaction by bank wire transfer, are included in our zero fees policy. *

We will cover your transaction fees up to 100 USD or equivalent. Just email a copy of your bank statement or any other confirmation document for the transferred deposit to our support team. Within one calendar month after the deposit was made we will compensate your fee.

*we reserve the right to charge a maintenance fee where there is a lack of trading activity.

Control Your Account
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Deposit / withdrawal methods

Some options are only available to residents of certain countries. Also note that, when you request a withdrawal from your client area, the withdrawal will be in the base currency of your trading account. E.G. If your trading account is in USD, then your withdrawal will be processed in USD.

Currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit within 1 working day
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR , GBP
min. Deposit 100 EUR, USD, GBP
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , IDR
min. Deposit $100 or 1,500,000 rp
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies CNY
min. Deposit 700 ¥ or € / $ / £ 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit 1-2 hours
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies VND
min. Deposit 2,000,000
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , RUB , EUR
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instant
on withdrawal within 1 working day

currencies USD , EUR
min. Deposit 100
min. Withdrawal 25
on deposit none
on withdrawal none
processing time
on deposit instantly
on withdrawal within 1 working day

Deposit and withdrawal conditions

Simply login to your client area and click on the green ‘deposit’ button, located to the left of your dashboard.

Step 1: you’ll first be prompted to select which account you’d like to deposit in. Step 2, will then automatically appear below.

Step 2: you then select the payment method using the buttons on the right of the payment method table. Step 3 will then automatically appear below.

Step 3: state how much you would like to deposit into your account.

You may also be prompted to enter the currency in which you’d like to make the deposit and some other options.

Please carefully read all of the instructions, terms and conditions and if you agree make sure that you check the box that says “I have read all instructions and agree with terms and conditions of payments operations.”

Click submit.

We do not accept any payments made via a third-party source.

You must only use payment methods that are under your name and lawfully belong to you.

We reserve the right to require proof from you at any time. Failure to comply with this, will result in your payment getting frozen or being refunded.

We reserve the right to apply a penalty processing fee if a third-party payment is made.

If you use a credit/debit card to deposit, we may require scanned colour copies of both sides of your card to combat fraud. But, please do NOT send us any copies if we didn’t ask for them.

– upon receiving our request and before sending any copies to us, please cover (black-out) all digits except the last 4 on the front side of your card for security purposes.

– please also cover (black-out) the CVV code on the back of your card.

– all other details must be clear and visible.

– your card must be signed, and your signature must be clear and readable.

Please be informed that we will NEVER ask you for any sensitive card details (such as your full card number, CVV code, 3D-secure code, PIN code, etc.). If you received a suspicious request for any sensitive details from an unclear source, please contact us immediately.

If your credit/debit card deposit was unsuccessful, please try depositing again, while checking if:

– you have entered your card details correctly.

– you’re using a valid (not expired) card.

– you have sufficient funds on your card.

– if all of the above is fine, but your card deposit is still unsuccessful, it may mean that your issuing bank does not authorise your card to make the deposit. In that case, please use another card or any other payment method available in your trading account.

Simply login to your client area and click on the ‘withdrawal’ button, located to the left of your dashboard.

Step 1: you’ll first be prompted to select which account you’d like to withdraw from. Step 2, will then automatically appear below.

Step 2: you then select the method of withdrawal using the buttons on the right of the table. Step 3 will then automatically appear below.

Step 3: state how much you would like to withdraw from your account. Depending on the withdrawal method, you may have to enter more information related to the withdrawal type.

Please carefully read all of the instructions, terms and conditions and if you agree make sure that you check the box that says “I have read all instructions and agree with terms and conditions of payments operations.”

Click submit.

As a general rule, we only process withdrawals back to the payment method you originally used for depositing.

For credit cards ONLY:

– if you use a credit/debit card to deposit, we will always send the same total amount of withdrawals equal to your total deposits back to your card. Any remaining withdrawal amount which is above the deposited amount, will be processed to the payment method of your choice.

Example: if you deposited $100 by credit/debit card, earned a profit of $1,000 and requested a withdrawal of $1,000, you will get $100 back to your card and the remaining $900 to the payment method of your choice.

Alternative payment methods:

– if you use a credit/debit card and another method (e.G.: skrill ewallet) to deposit, your withdrawal will first be processed back to your card and any remaining withdrawal amount will be sent back to the other method used (e.G.: skrill ewallet).

Example: if you deposited $100 by skrill and $50 by credit/debit card, and requested a withdrawal of $90, you will get $50 back to your card and $40 to your ewallet.

Internal transfers from an MT4 account to another MT4 account are instant when the base currencies of both accounts are the same.

If the base currencies of the MT4 accounts are different, such internal transfers should be requested manually by sending an email to [email protected] .

Internal transfers from an IB account to an MT4 account are processed automatically.

Please familiarise yourself with our general terms & conditions found on our website. Our customer support team is available monday – friday 07:00 am – 20:00 pm GMT to assist you if you need any help with making your payments.

It’s also important to note that, should we become aware that you’re purposely abusing our payment methods, we reserve the right to close your account and also charge you all applicable transfer and refund fees incurred on our side.

START TRADING with tickmill

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Once your documents are approved, create a live trading account.


Select a payment method, fund your trading account and start trading.



Forex & cfds









Tickmill is the trading name of tickmill group of companies.

Tickmill.Com is owned and operated within the tickmill group of companies. Tickmill group consists of tickmill UK ltd, regulated by the financial conduct authority (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (registered office: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (pty) ltd, FSP 49464, regulated by the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (registered office: the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, regulated by the financial services authority of seychelles and its 100% owned subsidiary procard global ltd, UK registration number 09369927 (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill asia ltd - regulated by the financial services authority of labuan malaysia (license number: MB/18/0028 and registered office: unit B, lot 49, 1st floor, block F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 F.T. Labuan, malaysia).

Clients must be at least 18 years old to use the services of tickmill.

High risk warning: trading contracts for difference (cfds) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade contracts for difference (cfds), you should carefully consider your trading objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. It is possible for you to sustain losses that exceed your invested capital and therefore you should not deposit money that you cannot afford to lose. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

The site contains links to websites controlled or offered by third parties. Tickmill has not reviewed and hereby disclaims responsibility for any information or materials posted at any of the sites linked to this site. By creating a link to a third party website, tickmill does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on that website. The information contained on this site is intended for information purposes only. Therefore, it should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, nor regarded as recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any particular currency or precious metal trade. If you are not sure about your local currency and spot metals trading regulations, then you should leave this site immediately.

You are strongly advised to obtain independent financial, legal and tax advice before proceeding with any currency or spot metals trade. Nothing in this site should be read or construed as constituting advice on the part of tickmill or any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees.

The services of tickmill and the information on this site are not directed at citizens/residents of the united states, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

So, let's see, what we have: perkemaskan dagangan anda dengan penukar matawang tickmill, kalkulator margin dan kalkulator pip. Kalkulator forex dicipta khusus untuk memudahkan anda. At tickmill calculator

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