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Kini, sentraegold telah memiliki ribuan klien setia yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia. Bekerjasama dengan 4 bank lokal indonesia -yaitu bank BRI, BNI, BCA, serta mandiri-, sentraegold berkomitmen untuk memudahkan klien dalam melakukan transfer balance forex. Seperti apakah caranya? Mari simak ulasan selengkapnya berikut ini. Sebagai salah satu broker yang memiliki banyak klien, broker XM berkomitmen untuk selalu menghadirkan beragam fitur serta fasilitas yang memanjakan para trader. Sebut saja kemudahan registrasi akun di XM yang bisa selesai hanya dalam beberapa menit saja, hingga proses verifikasi yang sangat mudah dan sederhana. Ditambah adanya berbagai promosi serta bonus menggiurkan yang ditawarkan oleh XM, menjadikan broker satu ini banyak difavoritkan oleh para trader. Salah satu contoh bonus yang banyak dinantikan oleh klien XM adalah bonus berbasis loyalitas (XM loyalty program).

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Tak hanya menghadirkan kemudahan deposit balance, broker XM juga menawarkan kemudahan withdrawal melalui beragam cara. Salah satunya ialah melalui exchanger sentraegold.

Sebagai salah satu broker yang memiliki banyak klien, broker XM berkomitmen untuk selalu menghadirkan beragam fitur serta fasilitas yang memanjakan para trader. Sebut saja kemudahan registrasi akun di XM yang bisa selesai hanya dalam beberapa menit saja, hingga proses verifikasi yang sangat mudah dan sederhana. Ditambah adanya berbagai promosi serta bonus menggiurkan yang ditawarkan oleh XM, menjadikan broker satu ini banyak difavoritkan oleh para trader. Salah satu contoh bonus yang banyak dinantikan oleh klien XM adalah bonus berbasis loyalitas (XM loyalty program).

Di samping itu, XM juga menyediakan layanan di situs resminya dalam lebih dari 18 bahasa, termasuk bahasa indonesia. Hal ini tentu akan semakin memudahkan trader indonesia saat menjelajah situs broker XM. Namun, bagaimana jika anda masih menemui kesulitan mengenai layanan di situs XM? Tak perlu risau, karena anda bisa mendapatkan bantuan customer service yang standby selama 24/5 (senin - jumat).

Poin penting yang turut mendukung prestasi XM di mata trader indonesia adalah kemudahan proses deposit dan withdrawal melalui berbagai metode. Klien dapat melakukan deposit maupun penarikan melalui kartu kredit atau E-payment. Akan tetapi, pembayaran via kartu kredit dan E-payment masih memiliki beberapa kekurangan, sehingga perlu adanya suatu metode yang jauh lebih mudah dan cepat. Jika demikian, maka alternatif lain yang dapat dipilih adalah melalui jasa exchanger lokal, seperti sentraegold.

Sentraegold adalah salah satu exchanger lokal asal indonesia yang telah beroperasi sejak 2004 silam. Kini, sentraegold telah memiliki ribuan klien setia yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia. Bekerjasama dengan 4 bank lokal indonesia -yaitu bank BRI, BNI, BCA, serta mandiri-, sentraegold berkomitmen untuk memudahkan klien dalam melakukan transfer balance forex. Seperti apakah caranya? Mari simak ulasan selengkapnya berikut ini.

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  1. Login di member area sentraegold. Jika belum menjadi member, maka anda perlu registrasi terlebih dahulu.

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Satu hal yang perlu diingat sebelum melakukan transfer adalah pastikan anda menuliskan berita transfer. Karena jika tidak, maka order deposit XM anda akan diretur, serta terkena biaya admin sebesar rp 50,000,-. Agar tidak terjadi demikian, maka sebaiknya anda juga membaca peraturan transfer rupiah untuk order beli atau cara deposit XM melalui bank lokal.

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  1. Login di member area sentraegold. Jika belum menjadi member, maka anda perlu registrasi terlebih dahulu.

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  4. Login ke member area XM, pilih menu withdrawal.

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Apabila sudah mengikuti langkah-langkah penarikan balance XM seperti di atas, maka selanjutnya anda hanya perlu menunggu notifikasi melalui email. Pihak sentraegold akan melakukan follow up order terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian memproses dan mengirimkan bukti order di email anda. Dengan demikian, mengirim konfirmasi berupa chat, SMS, ataupun e-mail ke pihak sentraegold tidak diperlukan.

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XM is the brand name of trading point holdings limited. They own four subsidiaries, each with their own license.

In cyprus, XM is licensed by cysec. This regulatory body is authorized to work by the governing laws of cyprus when investigating broker firms. Cysec covers its clients’ funds with the ICF which permits for a compensation of up to €20 000 to be paid to traders in case the broker fails to pay its dues.

In australia, XM is certified by ASIC. As most regulatory bodies do, ASIC aims to enforce laws concerning the financial markets, and strives to deliver good investment environment.

XM is also regulated in the mesoamerican country of belize by their respective body: the international financial services commission (IFSC). Their main goal is to promote belize as a financial offshore center while also providing the appropriate regulatory measures to support said endeavor.

The average EUR/USD spread at XM is 1.6 pips, and goes as low as 0.1 pips for XM zero account (plus commission- read below). The leverage can go as high as 1:500. However, due to ESMA introduced laws the leverage in the UK and EU has been limited to 1:30.

XM provides a rich choice of assets, making sure that almost every taste is met accordingly. These are: forex cfds, commodities cfds, equity indices cfds, precious metals cfds and energies cfds.

Expanding XM even further is the baffling volume of languages available: english, australian english, russian, italian, polish, japanese, thai, czech, malaysian, greek, indonesian, swedish, arabian, portuguese, filipino, bengali, chinese, hungarian, french, german, spanish, vietnamese and dutch.


The inclusion of the two most popular trading platforms- MT4 and MT5- is not surprising.


MT4 is always a good reminder of just how far the industry has gotten. This platform holds the popularity title for many a reason: advanced charting tools, custom indicators, expert advisors and more. MT4’s VPS allow for seamless automated trading at all times, uninterrupted by computer failures, sudden power cuts or connectivity issues.

Average EUR/USD spread is 1.6 pips, and 0.8 pips for the XM zero account (including commission). Due to ESMA the UK and EU are limited to provide a leverage no bigger than 1:30. Offshore subsidiaries of trading point holdings limited are not bound by this rule and can afford a max leverage of 1:500.

XM zero account holders will be commissioned by $3.5 per side (7$ round turn) for every standard lot ($100 000), in turn changing the minimum cost of trading from 0.1 pips to 0.8 pips.

Besides the desktop version of MT4, there is also a neat web based alternative (no trading bots though). Get direct access to MT4 on virtually any device (mobile or tablet) operating with an android or ios operating system.


Offering more in pure quantity than MT4, MT5 has still a hard time replacing its predecessor mostly due to the fact that MT4 is universal, and essentially used by every online broker. Nevertheless, MT5 allows for full expert advisor support, has a built in economic calendar, more pending orders are available, has increased time-frames, and much more. Virtual private servers can be utilized as well.

The spread has not changed: with standard account it is 1.6 pips for EUR/USD. By adding the commission to the 0.1 pip spread for XM zero, account holder will get an actual spread starting from 0.8 pips.

In the UK and EU the leverage has been set by ESMA to 1:30 max. Outside of the EU and UK expect the leverage to be as high as 1:500.

The means of access to MT5 are various: desktop, web based platform, ios and android apps.


The minimum deposit is $5, and $100 if you’re using an XM zero account.

The broker purposefully retains payment methods information from non-deposited traders. From what we gathered, after extensive digging in the website and long customer support chat sessions, XM group is accepting multiple local payment methods including credit/debit card, skrill, bank wire transfer, etc. The full list of payment methods can be seen in user’s member’s area once an account is registered.

The base currencies at XM are: USD, EUR, GBP, CHF,‎ AUD, HUF, PLN.

Wire transfer users will have to wait 2-5 days for their XM accounts to be funded. Card methods and ewallet deposits are instant.

The broker offers free of charge deposits for all methods except those made by wire transfer. If such is the case anything below a $200 (or other currency) will be billed with a commission by the broker.


Cysec regulations guarantee that all withdrawals will be safe and secure.

As mentioned above, payment methods are vague and unspecified unless you open an account. What we got from our own research is that XM group is accepting multiple local payment methods including credit/debit card, skrill, bank wire transfer, etc.

All withdrawals are processed within 24 hours. Users of XM card or any ewallet methods will receive their money on the same day the request has been processed, while wire transfer and credit/debit card user will have to wait 2-5 working days.

The minimum withdrawal amount is $5. However the amount does vary depending on the payment methods. And as specified, without an account you cannot see all available methods of payment.

XM covers the fee for wire transfer for 200$ withdrawal and above. Anything below will not be covered by XM and can be burdened with a fee by the client’s bank of choice. All other withdrawal methods are free of taxes.


XM is massive in both quantity and quality. The regulations mean business, but also security for clients, while the amount of content is, quite frankly, impressive to say the least.

However every rose has its thorns. In XM’s case it’s the commission for XM zero account holders, and the withheld information on deposits and withdrawals.

Withdrawal! Complete withdrawal request within 1 minute!

How to withdraw money on XM group

Withdrawal request from XM group, complete within 1 minute! Very simple

There are different ways to withdraw money such as credit card, debit card, NETELLER, bank transfer, but it should be noted that basically you can not withdraw money using methods other than those used to deposit funds.

This is not just limited to XM group but other foreign forex brokers to prevent money laundering.

Step 1 click “withdrawal” button on my account page

After logging in to my XM group account, click “withdrawal” on menu.

XM member area

Step 2: select withdrawal options

Select the withdrawal method similar to the deposit method

withdrawal method

Credit cards or debit cards can be withdrawn up to the deposit amount.

After withdrawing up to the amount deposited, you can choose to withdraw the remaining amount using whichever method you like.

For example: you deposited 100,000 VND into your credit card, and you make a profit of 100,000 VND after trading. If you want to withdraw money, you have to withdraw 100,000 VND or the amount deposited using credit card, the remaining 100,000 VND you can withdraw by other methods.

Deposit methodspossible withdrawal methods
credit cardwithdrawals will be processed up to the amount deposited by credit card.
The remaining amount can be withdrawn via other methods
debit cardwithdrawals will be processed up to the amount deposited by debit card.
The remaining amount can be withdrawn via other methods
NETELLERchoose your withdrawal method other than credit or debit card.
Bank wirechoose your withdrawal method other than credit or debit card.

Step 3 enter the amount you wish to withdraw and submit the request

Enter the amount you wish to withdraw. Note that you should not enter “comma” when entering the amount. Number only

Click “yes” to agree to the preferred withdrawal procedure, then click “request”

Enter the amount you wish to withdraw

Thus, the withdrawal request has been submitted.

The withdrawal amount will be automatically deducted from your trading account. Withdrawal requests from XM group will be processed within 24 hours (except saturday, sunday, and public holidays)

As for credit cards and debit cards, since refunds are handled by card companies, even if XM group has completed the withdrawal request within 24 hours it could take a few weeks to a month to complete the process so, it is recommended that you withdraw the funds in a timely manner.

XMP (bonus) that has been redeemed will be removed entirely even if you only withdraw 1 USD

At XM, a client can open up to 8 accounts.

Therefore, it is possible to prevent the removal of the entire XMP (bonus) by opening another account, transferring the investment amount to this account and using it to withdraw money.

Panduan cara withdraw forex

Perlu diperhatikan bahwa broker menerapkan aturan yaitu metode withdraw harus sama denga metode deposit ke akun trading anda. Jika anda menggunakan metode deposit dengan bank lokal maka penarikan dana juga harus menggunakan bank lokal. Silahkan lihat metode deposit yang kami rekomendasikan untuk setiap broker mitra kami.

Berikut adalah metode withdraw yang kami rekomendasikan untuk masing-masing broker mitra kami:

Cara withdraw FBS dengan bank lokal

Cara withdraw exness via omahforex

Silahkan menggunakan fasapay untuk withdraw

Silahkan menggunakan fasapay untuk withdraw

Silakan menggunakan fasapay untuk withdraw

Panduan withdraw XM via omahforex (bank lokal)

Panduan withdraw justforex via omahforex (bank lokal)

Panduan withdraw FXTM via omahforex

Panduan depsodit orbex via fasapay

Mohon maaf, alaman ini sedang dalam pengembangan

Silakan menggunakan fasapay untuk withdraw

Silakan menggunakan fasapay untuk withdraw

Silakan menggunakan fasapay untuk withdraw

Silakan menggunakan fasapay untuk withdraw

Panduan withraw firewoodfx fix rate 10.000

Panduan withdraw superforex

Rebate broker

  • FBS markets

  • XM

  • Tickmill

  • Roboforex

  • Justforex

  • FXTM

  • Exness

  • Firewoodfx

  • Weltrade

  • Broker lainnya

Belajar forex

Analisa & berita

Alat forex

Program afiliasi

Pusat download

Omahforex adalah penyedia rebate (cashback) forex dari beberapa broker forex yang terpercaya dan teregulasi. Keamanan dana anda adalah prioritas kami, itulah sebabnya kami hanya bekerjasama dengan broker-broker yang memiliki lisensi (regulated broker) serta dalam pengawasan otoritas yang berwenang di negaranya. Kami bukan broker forex dan bukan bagian dari broker mitra kami, serta kami tidak mengelola dana klien semua penyetoran dan penarikan dana langsung ke broker mitra kami. Sebelum bergabung harap baca dengan seksama “peringatan resiko” dibawah ini.

Peringatan resiko: perdagangan forex, komoditas, option dan CFD adalah produk leverage yang memiliki tingkat reward yang tinggi, tetapi juga memiliki tingkat resiko yang tinggi, anda bisa kehilangan modal yang diinvestasikan dan mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua orang. Pastikan bahwa anda telah memahami risiko untuk terlibat dalam perdagangan ini dan tidak menginvestasikan uang anda yang tidak mampu untuk kehilangannya

My withdrawal from XM





Sorry to hear.
Email them everyday and draw attention to your case every way possible.

Yes, even XM is a scam company.

Pro tip: if it's not you bank, it's a scam!

Or if they aren't regulated in your country, with a know address your actually aware of. Most international e brokers are scams.

Keep the pressure of XM and also retitle this thread to include XM.Com in the title to draw more attention to your issue.




2nd lieutenant

XM (xemarkets, trading point, etc) has been scamming people for quite some time now.

Invite XM.Com to this thread using 2 different methods (email, live chat, FPA forum representative, etc)

If you do not get a resolution to your problem within a few days, then I suggest you file an FPA trader's court case.

BTW, how much was the amount of withdrawal?


Lt. Colonel

Few steps that you must follow to draw their attention to your issue,
follow the suggested steps below:
invite them to join this thread via email (send an email to every possible address).
Go to their website and invite them to here via live chat
you will find their email and address here https://www.Xm.Com/support

You can also share your story on their social media pages mentioned below:


Lt. Colonel



XM (xemarkets, trading point, etc) has been scamming people for quite some time now.

Invite XM.Com to this thread using 2 different methods (email, live chat, FPA forum representative, etc)

If you do not get a resolution to your problem within a few days, then I suggest you file an FPA trader's court case.

BTW, how much was the amount of withdrawal?

The reaper of F


In the past, XM had been known for its fairly/transparency dealing with their respective clients. Nowadays, it's just another scam broker operating internationally to entice new clients to deposit more.

Three red flags.
A solid broker wouldn't offer (free trading bonus).
A solid broker would not delay its client withdrawals and will most of time making up for the mistakes made. (such as free additional margin, VPS or perhaps a live VIP webinar).
A solid broker will be operating with extremely strict regulators such as the FPA, ASIC, mifid. (if you ever see a broker operating with cyprus. Just get your bag and run as fast as possible).

Chris zacharia

XM.Com representative

It is not fair to be calling a licensed and regulated forex broker a scam and to be posting faulty information and hiding the truth. This is NOT ethical towards other traders and is totally unacceptable.

Kindly note that XM accepts no deposits from any third party. Payments can only be made from an account that has the same name as the one on your XM trading account. Any funds from a third-party account will be returned regardless of losses/profits incurred.

This applies to your case, your payment is categorized as a third party payment and as such we have returned back all your funds to the source of the original deposit in accordance with our withdrawal procedure policy.

Cara withdraw xm forex


Catatan : withdrawal XM di imperialforex.Net hanya berlaku bagi yang telah berlangganan dan yang perna melakukan deposit melalui imperialforex.Net (wajib)

1. Melakukan withdrawal XM di member area XM

  1. Login ke https://my.Xmasean.Com

  2. Setelah login silahkan lanjutkan dengan mengakses https://my.Xmasean.Com/payment/ld_withdrawal
    Cara withdraw XM

  3. Isi form order withdrawal XM pilih ID lokal penarikan, select ID: 60200067 risnawati S.ST

  4. Masukkan jumlah penarikan (USD)

  5. Centang untuk menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan dan prosedur prioritas penarikan XM

  6. Klik PENGAJUAN untuk menyelesaikan order withdrawal
    Cara Lokal Withdraw XM

  7. Jumlah penarikan akan otomatis terpotong

  8. Silahkan cek history withdrawal anda di menu : penarikan saya

  9. Menunggu permintaan penarikan di setujui

  10. Anda akan mendapatkan pesan email konfirmasi dari funding XM

  11. Proses persetujuan withdraw ditentukan oleh funding XM yaitu paling cepat 1 x 24 jam paling lama 48 jam kerja.
    Sabtu/minggu libur.

2. Buat order withdrawal XM diimperialforex.Net

  1. Login ke imperialforex.Net di https://www.Imperialforex.Net/login.Html

  2. Setelah login silahkan lanjutkan dengan memilih transaksi withdraw XM

  3. Lengkapi form order transaksi withdraw XMdan menyelesaikan order dengan mengklik withdrawal.

  4. Detail withdraw XM anda akan dikirimkan ke email anda yang terdaftar di imperialforex.Net

3. Konfirmasi setelah withdrawal disetujui

  1. Anda akan mendapatkan email pewmberitahuan bahwah permintaan withdrawal telah disetujui

  2. Lakukan konfirmasi ke kami setelah mendapatkan email tersebut

  3. Kami akan memproses pembayaran penarikan anda ke rekening bank anda yang terdaftar di data order withdrawal anda

Imperialforex.Net adalah partner resmi XM indonesia yang menyediakan imperialforex & withdrawal di broker XM
layanan imperialforex dan penarikan XM ,tersedia untuk semua pelanggan/trader di broker XM

Cara deposit XM | imperial forex

Imperialforex.Net melayani transaksi penukaran atau deposit saldo usd broker XM dengan waktu proses : 5 -15 menit (sesuai antrian) layanan customer live service dengan live chat atau melalui whatsapp di nomor : 0823 1111 0004 layanan transaksi imperial changer senin- jumal : buka 08.00 tutup 21.00 WIB | sabtu : buka 08.00 tutup 17.00 WIB | minggu libur.

Berikut panduan cara deposit broker XM di imperial changer

  1. Daftar menjadi member imperialforex.Net di link bawah ini :

  2. Log in di member area imperial changer di link bawah ini :

  3. Tambahkan data bank anda di link bawah ini :

  4. Tambahkan no akun broker XM anda di link bawah ini :

  5. Klik tombol deposit broker XM atau link dibawah ini :

  6. Konfirmasi transaksi anda ke admin atau CS kami melalui live chat atau kontak WA : 0823 1111 0004

proses transaksi deposit : 5-15 menit sesuai antrian (normal deposit 1X24 jam kerja)
proses transaksi penarikan : 1x 24 jam normal (WD 48 jam kerja)

Silahkan konfirmasi permintaan anda melalui live chat atau kontak lain yang kami sediakan.

Withdrawal! Complete withdrawal request within 1 minute!

How to withdraw money on XM group

Withdrawal request from XM group, complete within 1 minute! Very simple

There are different ways to withdraw money such as credit card, debit card, NETELLER, bank transfer, but it should be noted that basically you can not withdraw money using methods other than those used to deposit funds.

This is not just limited to XM group but other foreign forex brokers to prevent money laundering.

Step 1 click “withdrawal” button on my account page

After logging in to my XM group account, click “withdrawal” on menu.

XM member area

Step 2: select withdrawal options

Select the withdrawal method similar to the deposit method

withdrawal method

Credit cards or debit cards can be withdrawn up to the deposit amount.

After withdrawing up to the amount deposited, you can choose to withdraw the remaining amount using whichever method you like.

For example: you deposited 100,000 VND into your credit card, and you make a profit of 100,000 VND after trading. If you want to withdraw money, you have to withdraw 100,000 VND or the amount deposited using credit card, the remaining 100,000 VND you can withdraw by other methods.

Deposit methodspossible withdrawal methods
credit cardwithdrawals will be processed up to the amount deposited by credit card.
The remaining amount can be withdrawn via other methods
debit cardwithdrawals will be processed up to the amount deposited by debit card.
The remaining amount can be withdrawn via other methods
NETELLERchoose your withdrawal method other than credit or debit card.
Bank wirechoose your withdrawal method other than credit or debit card.

Step 3 enter the amount you wish to withdraw and submit the request

Enter the amount you wish to withdraw. Note that you should not enter “comma” when entering the amount. Number only

Click “yes” to agree to the preferred withdrawal procedure, then click “request”

Enter the amount you wish to withdraw

Thus, the withdrawal request has been submitted.

The withdrawal amount will be automatically deducted from your trading account. Withdrawal requests from XM group will be processed within 24 hours (except saturday, sunday, and public holidays)

As for credit cards and debit cards, since refunds are handled by card companies, even if XM group has completed the withdrawal request within 24 hours it could take a few weeks to a month to complete the process so, it is recommended that you withdraw the funds in a timely manner.

XMP (bonus) that has been redeemed will be removed entirely even if you only withdraw 1 USD

At XM, a client can open up to 8 accounts.

Therefore, it is possible to prevent the removal of the entire XMP (bonus) by opening another account, transferring the investment amount to this account and using it to withdraw money.

XM: login, minimum deposit, withdrawal time?

Ingin Deposit Withdrawal XM Dengan Mudah? Ini Solusinya, cara withdraw xm forex.

XM is the brand name of trading point holdings limited. They own four subsidiaries, each with their own license.

In cyprus, XM is licensed by cysec. This regulatory body is authorized to work by the governing laws of cyprus when investigating broker firms. Cysec covers its clients’ funds with the ICF which permits for a compensation of up to €20 000 to be paid to traders in case the broker fails to pay its dues.

In australia, XM is certified by ASIC. As most regulatory bodies do, ASIC aims to enforce laws concerning the financial markets, and strives to deliver good investment environment.

XM is also regulated in the mesoamerican country of belize by their respective body: the international financial services commission (IFSC). Their main goal is to promote belize as a financial offshore center while also providing the appropriate regulatory measures to support said endeavor.

The average EUR/USD spread at XM is 1.6 pips, and goes as low as 0.1 pips for XM zero account (plus commission- read below). The leverage can go as high as 1:500. However, due to ESMA introduced laws the leverage in the UK and EU has been limited to 1:30.

XM provides a rich choice of assets, making sure that almost every taste is met accordingly. These are: forex cfds, commodities cfds, equity indices cfds, precious metals cfds and energies cfds.

Expanding XM even further is the baffling volume of languages available: english, australian english, russian, italian, polish, japanese, thai, czech, malaysian, greek, indonesian, swedish, arabian, portuguese, filipino, bengali, chinese, hungarian, french, german, spanish, vietnamese and dutch.


The inclusion of the two most popular trading platforms- MT4 and MT5- is not surprising.


MT4 is always a good reminder of just how far the industry has gotten. This platform holds the popularity title for many a reason: advanced charting tools, custom indicators, expert advisors and more. MT4’s VPS allow for seamless automated trading at all times, uninterrupted by computer failures, sudden power cuts or connectivity issues.

Average EUR/USD spread is 1.6 pips, and 0.8 pips for the XM zero account (including commission). Due to ESMA the UK and EU are limited to provide a leverage no bigger than 1:30. Offshore subsidiaries of trading point holdings limited are not bound by this rule and can afford a max leverage of 1:500.

XM zero account holders will be commissioned by $3.5 per side (7$ round turn) for every standard lot ($100 000), in turn changing the minimum cost of trading from 0.1 pips to 0.8 pips.

Besides the desktop version of MT4, there is also a neat web based alternative (no trading bots though). Get direct access to MT4 on virtually any device (mobile or tablet) operating with an android or ios operating system.


Offering more in pure quantity than MT4, MT5 has still a hard time replacing its predecessor mostly due to the fact that MT4 is universal, and essentially used by every online broker. Nevertheless, MT5 allows for full expert advisor support, has a built in economic calendar, more pending orders are available, has increased time-frames, and much more. Virtual private servers can be utilized as well.

The spread has not changed: with standard account it is 1.6 pips for EUR/USD. By adding the commission to the 0.1 pip spread for XM zero, account holder will get an actual spread starting from 0.8 pips.

In the UK and EU the leverage has been set by ESMA to 1:30 max. Outside of the EU and UK expect the leverage to be as high as 1:500.

The means of access to MT5 are various: desktop, web based platform, ios and android apps.


The minimum deposit is $5, and $100 if you’re using an XM zero account.

The broker purposefully retains payment methods information from non-deposited traders. From what we gathered, after extensive digging in the website and long customer support chat sessions, XM group is accepting multiple local payment methods including credit/debit card, skrill, bank wire transfer, etc. The full list of payment methods can be seen in user’s member’s area once an account is registered.

The base currencies at XM are: USD, EUR, GBP, CHF,‎ AUD, HUF, PLN.

Wire transfer users will have to wait 2-5 days for their XM accounts to be funded. Card methods and ewallet deposits are instant.

The broker offers free of charge deposits for all methods except those made by wire transfer. If such is the case anything below a $200 (or other currency) will be billed with a commission by the broker.


Cysec regulations guarantee that all withdrawals will be safe and secure.

As mentioned above, payment methods are vague and unspecified unless you open an account. What we got from our own research is that XM group is accepting multiple local payment methods including credit/debit card, skrill, bank wire transfer, etc.

All withdrawals are processed within 24 hours. Users of XM card or any ewallet methods will receive their money on the same day the request has been processed, while wire transfer and credit/debit card user will have to wait 2-5 working days.

The minimum withdrawal amount is $5. However the amount does vary depending on the payment methods. And as specified, without an account you cannot see all available methods of payment.

XM covers the fee for wire transfer for 200$ withdrawal and above. Anything below will not be covered by XM and can be burdened with a fee by the client’s bank of choice. All other withdrawal methods are free of taxes.


XM is massive in both quantity and quality. The regulations mean business, but also security for clients, while the amount of content is, quite frankly, impressive to say the least.

However every rose has its thorns. In XM’s case it’s the commission for XM zero account holders, and the withheld information on deposits and withdrawals.

So, let's see, what we have: tak hanya menghadirkan kemudahan deposit balance, broker XM juga menawarkan kemudahan withdrawal XM melalui beragam cara. Salah satunya ialah melalui exchanger at cara withdraw xm forex

Contents of the article

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