Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.

Bitcoin trading brokers

A bitcoin broker allows investors and traders to transact in bitcoin and underlying derivative contracts.

Huge forex bonuses

Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.

Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.

Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.

There are bitcoin brokers who developed a dedicated bitcoin trading app to support trading it. It depends on your geographic location and trading preferences. There is no single bitcoin exchange or broker that is necessarily “safest” for all.

Best bitcoin brokers

Every successful investor and trader should consider adding bitcoin and other digital assets to a well-rounded and diversified portfolio. Read on to discover dailyforex’s picks for the best bitcoin brokers (based on reviewing over 100 bitcoin brokers on eleven criteria) so that you can choose the right one for you.

Best broker for social traders and crypto traders : 75% of retail CFD accounts lose money

Best broker for social traders and crypto traders : 75% of retail CFD accounts lose money

Wide range of cfds + trailing stop losses


Wide range of cfds + trailing stop losses

Highly regulated, choice of fixed or floating spreads

Mifid, central bank of ireland, FSA, ASIC, BVI, FFAJ, FSCA, ADMG - FRSA

Highly regulated, choice of fixed or floating spreads

Great ECN execution on MT4 platform

Great ECN execution on MT4 platform

Excellent educational offerings

1:500 (ASIC entitiy only), 1:30 cysec retail, 1:300 cysec pro

Excellent educational offerings

Bitcoin industry overview

Bitcoin officially launched in 2009 but was a pure retail phenomenon for many years until 2016 when its price began to increase exponentially. It formed a massive bubble which burst in december 2017 after just failing to hit $20,000. This dramatic increase created many new retail millionaires before the crypto winter of 2018 sent it spiraling down to below $3,100. It was a necessary development, allowed bitcoin to mature, and attract institutional capital. Regulators around the globe warmed up to this new asset class. The covid-19 pandemic of 2020 led to panic selling by retail traders while professionals dumped bitcoin to meet margin calls for equity portfolios. This led bitcoin down to a reaction low below $4,000 from where it launched a strong recovery. By the end of 2020 bitcoin was again close to its all-time high price. Bitcoin remains volatile but also possesses tremendous profit potential. More companies have added bitcoin to their balance sheets, banks have started to embrace it, and it has solidified itself as a viable store of value, often labeled digital gold.

While the mining of the first block of bitcoin, on january 3rd, 2009, also referred to as the genesis block of bitcoin or block 0, started a revolution, the idea of digital assets dates back over a decade. Many companies floated ideas and implemented or used digital assets before the yet-to-be-identity behind satoshi nakamoto mined the now-infamous block 0 of bitcoin, which created a new asset class. Computer engineer wei dai and computer scientist nick szabo, the creators of bitcoin predecessors b-money and bit gold, respectively, were early supporters of bitcoin. Satoshi nakamoto, per rumors but without official proof, mined 1,000,000 bitcoin before disappearing from the public, handing over the project to gavin andresen, the lead developer at the bitcoin foundation.

Fast forward a decade, and an entire ecosystem exists around cryptocurrencies and digital assets, of which there are more than 7,000, and the number continues to grow. Following the 2008 global financial crisis, trust in the fractional reserve banking system diminished, debt continues to pose a significant threat, and many, especially those below the age of 40, sought an alternative to fiat currency. The demand for cryptocurrencies results in many exchanges vying for the title of the best bitcoin exchange. It leads to improvements in their trading platforms and services to attract traders. Bitcoin remains the most valuable cryptocurrency, and most online forex brokers start to offer trading in this evolving asset class, either via direct market access or through derivatives, most commonly contract for differences (cfds). Investors and traders need to understand the difference between buying and selling the actual currency or doing so with a derivatives contract.

At first, most bitcoin transactions took place on cryptocurrency exchanges, but forex brokers expanded into the sector. Today, most offer bitcoin cfds, and some support various wallets to allow transactions of actual cryptocurrencies. Our review examined over 100 brokers to determine the best bitcoin brokers for november 2020. The sector remains in its infancy but has matured to a level where trading has become more stable, price action respects technical parameters, and a growing number of professionals have entered the market. Companies, especially software companies, and banks started to embrace bitcoin and company as an asset, and investors and traders have one more sector to analyze, trade, and generate profits. Bitcoin trading will continue to attract new traders and expand its market share among traded assets. With this list of our best bitcoin brokers, you will have the infrastructure to add bitcoin trading to your daily routine successfully.

Bitcoin trading regulation

As with all assets, regulation varies by jurisdiction, and in the case of bitcoin and other digital assets, it may differ between regions within the same country if there is some kind of federalized political system. Since all our reviewed brokers provide exposure to the cryptocurrency market via cfds, traders do not possess ownership of the underlying asset. Therefore, cryptocurrency regulation, spotty and changing as it may be, does not apply. All that matters is that the broker remains well-regulated and compliant with all rules, and CFD traders have nothing to worry over. It is important to note that those seeking to buy and hold, or hodl as the cryptocurrency sector refers to it, must do so by purchasing bitcoin on an exchange, which requires a cryptocurrency wallet. Cfds are for trading purposes with a short-term approach only, due to daily financing costs on leveraged overnight positions. So, if you want to hodl, you must own the asset in your cryptocurrency wallet, but if you seek to trade and profit from the volatility in price action, you will do so with ease by using cfds. Ensure you do so with a regulated broker, which was a criterion for all the bitcoin brokers we reviewed.

What to look for in a bitcoin broker?

While managing your assets from a competitive bitcoin trading platform remains essential, there are several other factors to consider when evaluating a broker to ensure you deposit your capital into a safe, secure, and transparent environment.

Here are some attributes each bitcoin broker must excel at:

  • Regulation:always make sure that you trade with a regulated broker. It does not provide a 100% guarantee that you will not experience well-hidden malpractice, but it does go a long way to ensure you remain protected against outright fraud and theft. Traders must avoid trading with an unregulated broker, irrelevant of how attractive an offer may be.

  • Reputation: regulation is not all that traders should rely on, as reputation is equally important. A bitcoin broker that enjoys the trust of a growing number of traders and has been operational for over a decade points to a secure trading environment.

  • Price: while the price of bitcoin may appear the same across all exchanges, you must look at the difference between the bid and the ask price, known as thespread. It is how brokers earn their revenues, and there can be vast differences in the mark-up, which will directly impact your profitability. Select a broker with tight spreads so you can earn more from each trade. Market makers with commission-free trading usually cover the difference with a notably higher mark-up.

  • Payment charges: most brokers waive deposit fees, but some apply internal withdrawal charges. Also, check the costs of your payment processor, as most payment options carry costs. Depending on your preference and circumstances, you may want to make sure your broker supports your payment processor. You may also face currency conversion charges if you transact in a currency that differs from your account base currency.

  • Customer support: you never know when something unexpected occurs, and trading with a bitcoin broker that offers swift access to customer support can assist. Since cryptocurrency trading takes place 24/7, look for a broker with 24/7 customer support. Otherwise, it will be less beneficial than you may need it to be.

  • Design & ease of use: the best bitcoin trading platforms will feature a user-friendly interface, allowing traders to manage their portfolios with ease. The MT4 and MT5 trading platforms require upgrades, available at a cost, to achieve improved usability for trading bitcoin. Some brokers offer them free of charge, while others have developed a proprietary trading platform. Do not be afraid to test them all as demo accounts to see the differences and find the one that suits you the most.

  • Variety of coins:all brokers offering cryptocurrency cfds will provide access to the top four assets by market value. It is adequate for new retail traders to get started, but if you require broader access, the choice of brokers will narrow significantly.

  • Leverage: trading cfds without leverage defeats the purpose of a derivative contract, but always use leverage together with goodrisk management. It remains the most beneficial trading tool and also the most misunderstood and misused one. Since cryptocurrencies remain highly volatile, the maximum is often much lower than on other assets. Trading with a bitcoin broker granting maximum leverage of at least 1:5 will offer enough of a competitive edge.

  • Demo account: A demo account is usually available at all brokers. Use it to test the trading platform, or if you have an automated trading solution, run it in a demo version first. Many brokers create more favorable conditions in a demo account to attract deposits from new traders. Many believe a demo account is ideal for learning how to trade, more effectively conducted in a live trading environment with a small initial deposit.

  • Initial deposit:the smaller the initial deposit, the greater the flexibility of your financial management. Most brokers lowered their minimum to $100, some have it as low as $1, and others waive it altogether. Also, check about follow-on deposits, as most brokers require a more significant initial one and lower it after that.

Pros & cons of trading bitcoin with a broker

There are pros and cons of trading bitcoin with a broker rather than at an official exchange. It often depends on your preferences.

The pros of trading bitcoin with a broker

  • Cfds do not require a cryptocurrency wallet

  • Regulatory restrictions do not apply

  • More leverage on assets

  • Broader range of payment options

  • 24/7 customer service

  • Trading tools, research, and education

  • Ease of use from customizable trading platforms

The cons of trading bitcoin with a broker

  • Higher costs due to mark-up in spreads

  • Not suited for long-term investors and hodlers

  • Fewer assets

How do bitcoin brokerages work?

Most bitcoin brokerages write derivative contracts, usually cfds, that allows traders to profit from price action without owning the underlying asset. Cfds remain the best assets for traders, developed for short-term trading with leverage. Since traders do not own the instruments, there is no need to sign-up for a cryptocurrency wallet. Brokers earn their revenues via spreads, commissions, or a combination of both. Some offer direct investments into the asset and provide clients with a cryptocurrency wallet.

The difference between a bitcoin broker and an exchange

There are three notable differences between a bitcoin broker and an exchange:

  • Brokers offer derivatives without ownership, while bitcoin exchanges grant it. Therefore, the former caters to traders and the latter to investors.

  • Spreads at bitcoin brokers are usually higher.

  • Brokers have fewer assets, often focusing on the top fifteen or less of the ones with the largest market capitalization. The best bitcoin exchange will provide investors and traders with a broad selection of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, allow for swift conversion between them, and grant superior liquidity, leading to improved trading costs.

Bitcoin buying fees

Before you can determine the best bitcoin trading platform, make sure you evaluate the associated fees. They vary across brokers and consist of spreads, commissions, or a combination of both if you trade derivatives. Purchasing physical bitcoin faces network costs and commissions, and depending on the payment processor, you may have to pay a percentage of the deposit amount.

Selling short bitcoin

One of the benefits of trading bitcoin cfds is that you can profit from price action in either direction. Short selling bitcoin allows traders to earn from a decline in the price of bitcoin, while they lose if the asset advances. The best bitcoin brokers have no restrictions on trading strategies, granting complete freedom on how traders approach bitcoin.

Bitcoin CFD to hodl

Since a bitcoin CFD does not offer ownership of the physical asset, and daily swap rates on leveraged overnight positions apply, it is not suited to hodl bitcoin. Anyone interested in hodling should do so in a cryptocurrency wallet that can store bitcoin after its purchase. Hodling derived from a typo on social media from the word holding, which caught on with the cryptocurrency crowd and is now part of the terminology.

Blockchain & bitcoin

Many new retail traders often confuse the two or mistake them for the same product. The blockchain technology is not specific to bitcoin, but rather a requirement for all digital assets to function. Bitcoin requires it, but there are many blockchain solutions, which do not require cryptocurrency assets, spanning other sectors. In plain english, a blockchain compares to a hyper-charged database. It can be centralized or decentralized, and various blockchains use different protocols. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that functions on the blockchain, where transactions are confirmed, ledgers maintained, and new bitcoins mined.

Cryptocurrency wallets

The primary purpose of a cryptocurrency wallet is to store digital assets. It remains a requirement for anyone interested in owning the physical asset or to hodl bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin trading via cfds does not require one since there is no ownership. There are many available, with two distinct ones to consider. A hot wallet is stored online, which remains vulnerable to hacking and theft. A cold wallet keeps bitcoin offline, making it more secure. The former ideal if you need to make online transactions, so maintaining a small amount in a hot wallet is acceptable. The latter is the better alternative for hodlers. Several companies developed cold wallets, and you should keep most of your physical, digital assets in secure offline storage. Paper wallets fail to gain popularity and compare to gift cards. A generator will create a unique bitcoin address that you can print and keep in a safe place. They are less convenient than a cold wallet but do not require hardware.

Cryptocurrency exchanges

With the emergence of the cryptocurrency sector, new exchanges appeared. They allow investors to purchase physical assets delivered to their cryptocurrency wallets. All maintain hot wallets but store most digital assets in cold storage to protect them from theft. Many remain unregulated, some dominant ones went out of business after being hacked, and others appear across the world. Over the past decade, some more trustworthy and stable cryptocurrency exchanges started to form the nucleus of today's infrastructure for all digital assets. Over the next decade, more cryptocurrency exchanges may appear to cater to the growing demand, both from the retail and professional sectors.

Investors can often get improved pricing on exchanges, where broker mark-ups do not factor in. They charge a commission per transaction, and network fees apply. While some do try to comply with AML/KYC requirements, others maintain a pure cryptocurrency approach where privacy and anonymity remain superior to government and regulatory mandated rules and regulations. Others offer a hybrid approach, where investors can transact without account verification up to a specific limit. Trading with exchanges that operate in jurisdictions without proper oversight carries additional risks, and investors must weigh them carefully. The entire sector continues to evolve and mature, and more changes moving forward will reshape the current business model, bringing more in-line with well-established equity exchanges.

ICO & token

An initial coin offering (ICO) refers to the public sale of a coin on an exchange. It allows investors to take part in a new project based on expectations that it will yield disruptive results. Some compare it to an initial public offering (IPO) of a private company that lists its shares in a public market to raise capital. Most legal experts, correctly, disagree with that comparison. While some similarities may exist, an ICO resembles crowdfunding for a project using blockchain technology. After bitcoin kick-started the cryptocurrency sector, over 7,000 assets followed suit, creating an entire ecosystem around it. Early enthusiasts account for a significant part of the initial financing, but institutional capital plays a growing role in it. Investors in an ICO treat the asset as a store of value and generally do not intent to sell for a quick profit.

A token is the opposite and intended for transactions. It is programmable for a specific purpose and can be multi-functional if needed. They usually remain stored on a different blockchain, with ethereum the dominant one. Many dominant projects use the ERC-20 token on the ethereum blockchain, and some migrate to their blockchain following an ICO. There are many token sales as new projects come online and crowd-sale their vision directly to potential future users. Therefore, the cryptocurrency and digital asset sectors are well-positioned to expand to all sectors of life.

Cryptocurrency risks

While the cryptocurrency sector is exciting and offers excellent opportunities for investors and traders alike, they do not come without risks. Regrettably, the industry especially in relation to little-known coins is quite rife with scams and fraud, as criminals seek to profit from the increasing popularity, especially among new retail traders who often follow the social media hype without conducting due diligence. The risk of hacking of cryptocurrency exchanges and loss of assets persists, and while frequency decreased, the threat endures. Safe storage and security of private keys remain additional risks and challenges. This is one reason many forex and CFD brokers do not offer physical transactions of assets while relying on derivative contracts. High volatility also adds a significant trading risk.

Methodology (how we test/choose)

We reviewed over 100 bitcoin brokers based on eleven criteria. Each research consists of over 2,000 words and lasted more than ten hours. Over 100 brokers were reviewed in-depth and from a trader's perspective, ignoring the marketing tactics deployed by some to confuse retail traders. Therefore, we sourced the list of our best bitcoin brokers from more than 200,000 words of dedicated research compiled over 1,000 hours, ensuring the most comprehensive approach to identify the best bitcoin brokers.

The eleven criteria used in our research are:

  • Regulation and security

  • Trading costs

  • Asset selection

  • Account types

  • Trading platforms

  • Unique features

  • Research and education

  • Customer support

  • Bonuses and promotions

  • Account opening process

  • Deposits & withdrawals

What is the safest bitcoin exchange?

It depends on your geographic location and trading preferences. There is no single bitcoin exchange or broker that is necessarily “safest” for all.

Can you buy bitcoin in a brokerage account?

Yes, a growing number of brokers offer bitcoin, but usually as a derivative contract. Some also support bitcoin auto trading as an option.

What is a bitcoin broker?

A bitcoin broker allows investors and traders to transact in bitcoin and underlying derivative contracts. There are bitcoin brokers who developed a dedicated bitcoin trading app to support trading it.

Do I need a broker to buy bitcoin?

No, you can do so on an exchange or peer-to-peer off-exchange.

Who is the best bitcoin broker?

The best forex broker to trade bitcoin depends, once again, on your needs and preferences. All five that made our best bitcoin brokers list are competitive choices worth considering.

How much is the bitcoin fee?

The fees vary across brokers and exchanges but can include spreads, commission, and a network fee if you purchase the physical asset. Deposit and currency conversion costs may also apply.

How are bitcoin fees calculated?

It is a complicated practice of trial and error, but cryptocurrency wallets do the math for you. Miners need to verify each transaction, and they seek the highest reward. Each block has a limited size, and for the inclusion of yours into the next block, you must pay a fee. Usually, the calculation is in satoshi per byte. For example, if your transaction is 10,000 bytes and the current cost on the bitcoin blockchain is 12 satoshi per byte, you will have to pay 120,000 satoshi. As the bitcoin trading price increases, so do the fees in fiat currency value.

Why are bitcoin fees so high?

There is plenty of competition, a growing number of transactions, which significantly outstrip the supply of miners. Scaling has become a distinct issue with cryptocurrencies.

How do I know if a bitcoin broker is regulated?

Each broker provides its regulatory information at the bottom of the homepage. You can then check it against the database of the regulator and verify.

Top 10 online brokers for bitcoin trading

The pioneer of social trading is now offering an exclusive opportunity for investors who want exposure to the most popular cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, dash, ethereum and more. Trade crypto 24/7 at etoro with no rollover fees!

  • World's leading social trading platform

  • Proven track record of security

  • Unlimited daily withdrawals

  • Min. Deposit of $200 to get started

  • Instant trade execution

Easymarkets was formed by bankers and forex experts and has been serving the forex market for 16 years, with transparent pricing, fixed spreads and no commissions on deposits or withdrawals. Now with cryptocurrency cfds!

  • Demo account is unlimited

  • Trade bitcoin with no slippage - ever!

  • No commissions or sneaky fees

  • Free guaranteed STOP LOSS & take profit

With over 30 years of trading experience and trades in over 50 countries, city index is a leader in spread betting, CFD and forex trading. Trade in 12,000+ global markets including bitcoin, indices, shares, forex and much more.

  • Trade on 12,000+ markets including bitcoin

  • Trade anytime, anywhere. Across all devices

  • Risk management & transparent pricing

With markets.Com get ZERO commission trading on cryptocurrency, forex and commodity cfds with one of the most sophisticated trading platforms in the industry.

  • No commission trading

  • Use paypal to trade bitcoin futures

  • Advanced innovative trading platforms

T&C's apply to each of the offers above, click "visit site" for more details.

Risk warning: users should be aware that all investment markets carry inherent risks, and past performance does not assure future results. Trading of any kind is a high-risk activity, and you could lose more than you initially deposited. Cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 73-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds. Please be sure you thoroughly understand the risks involved and do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. Your capital is at risk. Advertiser disclosure: topbrokers.Trade is an independent professional comparison site funded by referral fees. The compensation topbrokers.Trade receives is derived from the companies and advertisements featured on the site. Due to this compensation, we can provide our users with a free comparison tool. Unfortunately we are unable to list every broker or exchange available, however, we do our best to review as many as possible.

The pioneer of social trading is now offering an exclusive opportunity for investors who want exposure to the most popular cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, dash, ethereum and more. Trade crypto 24/7 at etoro with no rollover fees!

Easymarkets was formed by bankers and forex experts and has been serving the forex market for 16 years, with transparent pricing, fixed spreads and no commissions on deposits or withdrawals. Now with cryptocurrency cfds!

With over 30 years of trading experience and trades in over 50 countries, city index is a leader in spread betting, CFD and forex trading. Trade in 12,000+ global markets including bitcoin, indices, shares, forex and much more.

Bitcoin Trading

How to get started in bitcoin trading

One of the foremost cryptocurrencies out there is bitcoin, which was founded several years ago and has really taken off. Below, we discuss the basic things to know about bitcoin, including how to find the best bitcoin trading platform, how to use a bitcoin broker or exchange, as well as how to buy bitcoin with paypal.

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a virtual online currency. Everyone can buy or sell bitcoins on the networks. The bitcoin transaction process is done via online peer-to-peer technology. It is managed by dedicated bitcoin servers. Each time that they communicate, they update and share the information concerning the number of bitcoins that each user owns.

Trade bitcoin online using CFD services

If you are interested in trading because of the opportunity to profit from the incredible volatility of bitcoin, your best option is to use an online trading platform that allows CFD services. Currently, there are very few CFD platforms that allow this kind of trade, so to see available options refer to our recommendations above.

CFD brokers are a great option if you want to trade in bitcoin with the option to accept multiple forms of payment and if you want to buy bitcoin with paypal, you can. These forums also accept major credit cards and wire transfers in exchange for bitcoin. Also, if you choose to trade through a forex platform, you will pay the lowest commissions possible in comparison to other alternatives. CFD and forex companies use an exchange rate that is an aggregate of different bitcoin exchanges.

Trading bitcoin – getting started with cfds (contracts for differences)

Bitcoin cfds allow you to trade bitcoin without owning bitcoin. Bitcoin cfds were generated to give traders exposure to bitcoin without the need for ownership.

Contracts for differences, also known as “cfds,” represent a contract between trader and exchange. Cfds declare that the difference between the price on entry and the price on exit will be a trader’s profit or loss. Basically, cfds are an agreement held between two parties that simulate an actual asset.

How to make money by trading bitcoin

There are many methods one can use to make money in bitcoin trading, here we will cover just the main option. Trading bitcoin against the US dollar is known in market terms as the BTC/USD pair. You would invest in bitcoin in the same manner that you would a physical currency – by buying low and selling high. Since bitcoin is highly volatile, you will want to remain cautious and learn to identify the dip, to protect your assets.

How to buy bitcoin with paypal

One of the biggest issues today with bitcoin is the fact that you are unable to purchase it easily. Although paypal and bitcoin have been well-matched in the past two years, it is not always simple to find credible places to buy bitcoin with paypal in 2018.

If you’re looking to buy bitcoin with paypal (or a credit card) solely for trading purposes, please review the broker recommendations above.

Benefits of contracts for differences

Cfds have a lot of flexibility, meaning that they let traders go long (betting on a price increase) or short (betting on a decrease). When traders use cfds for trading bitcoin, they can enter trades any day, anytime, and likewise close them whenever they want.

Another advantage is the low fees when compared to other trading methods. Although, these fees are slightly above those of exchanges like kraken and bitstamp, which help with the direct buying and selling of bitcoins.

Drawbacks of contracts for differences

While cfds are suitable for experienced traders, they are not an ideal choice for long-term holders. Maintaining an open trade by using cfds is costly, this expense is called a premium. This premium consumes 0.1% of your position each day. Because a CFD’s leverage is enabled with a loan made from exchange to trader, interest is charged for the arrangement duration. By contrast, bitcoins you own can be held at no cost in a bitcoin wallet for an indeterminate length of time.

The dreaded “margin call” is another disadvantage of cfds. Exchanges need to protect themselves against the unexpected, including drastic market moves (also known colloquially as black swan events) that send a client’s balance far into the negative. When there is high leverage, the markets are volatile. The pace of trading is frantic that negative balances are a huge risk.

There are many other ways to invest in bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies, which we will discuss below, including opening a bitcoin wallet at a cryptocurrency exchange.

Bitcoin broker vs. Bitcoin exchange

Investing in bitcoin is an excellent opportunity for traders looking to grow long-term accounts and gain returns. It’s a highly volatile asset in which losses and gains can fluctuate very rapidly. As we know from the very recent past, it is not uncommon for bitcoin to vary in value day by day. Even still, most experts feel BTC has substantial potential for becoming a worldwide currency once it stabilises.

There is an increasing number of people rushing to invest in bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies as well. Those looking to invest in bitcoin can get involved in a couple of ways.

One way to invest is to buy or sell bitcoin on a cryptocurrency exchange, while another popular method is through an online bitcoin broker. There are excellent opportunities for investors using either approach, and there are positives and negatives to both. On a cryptocurrency exchange, you are purchasing actual bitcoins, and through a bitcoin broker, it is slightly different. Rather than buying bitcoin directly, you are trading a bitcoin CFD. Many will argue that investing in bitcoin cfds are better due to its simplicity and regulation. Bitcoin brokers are highly regulated and operate with strict professionalism, with all funds stored in segregated accounts. Unfortunately, cryptocurrency exchanges are entirely unregulated.

It can be challenging to set up a bitcoin wallet at a cryptocurrency exchange, but it’s like that with anything worth doing. With a bitcoin broker, however, you can set up an account in a matter of minutes. Once you deposit currency into your account, you can start trading right away.

Read on to learn more about buying, selling and trading bitcoin at a cryptocurrency exchange.

How to buy and sell bitcoin at a bitcoin exchange

Whether you’re using coins to purchase or sell products and services, investing, increasing your portfolio, or more, cryptocurrencies is the cutting edge way to do it. If you want to grow a currency or invest in newer altcoins as early as you can, once again, crypto is the way to go. You will have to go through a cryptocurrency exchange first, no matter what your end goal is.

If you want to invest in bitcoin, you need to register for and begin to use an online exchange that specializes in this cryptocurrency. Learning the types of exchanges and how to use them should be a priority for any investor-to-be.

What is a bitcoin exchange?

Coins like bitcoin exist only on a software platform known as a blockchain. Because of this, there are two ways to get bitcoins: first, you can be paid in bitcoin for a product or service you provided someone, or, second, you can buy from an exchange.

Online exchanges exist to provide for and allow the conversion of one currency to another. So, in this case, you can convert fiat currency (dollars, euros, etc.) to bitcoin. The online exchange carries this conversion. It can also work vice-versa.

Where are my bitcoins stored?

Bitcoin is kept exclusively in digital bitcoin wallets and from this wallet, investors can receive, send or store their bitcoin. Altogether different than a private bank account, bitcoin wallets are completely anonymous, and to access that wallet you must know the password. Unfortunately, if the password is lost, there is absolutely no way to retrieve any bitcoin stored in it. Meaning wallet security is a high priority for any bitcoin owner.

You can set up your own wallet or alternatively you can use a bitcoin exchange that offers wallet services. However, you are entrusting the service security of your wallet, be sure to properly do your due diligence. After registering with an exchange and enduring their verification process, you will receive an online bitcoin wallet immediately. This wallet has a public address, similar to any other wallet on any other software. This device lets you send and receive bitcoins to and from other desktops, mobile, or other types of wallets.

What should you consider when choosing a bitcoin exchange?

When working with bitcoin, you should select a reputable, safe, and transparent exchange. However, many people don’t know what to look for when deciding which exchange to choose.

Please see our top recommendations for best bitcoin exchange here, and be sure to read on to learn how to choose the best broker bitcoin trading platform for you. For more information on CFD and cryptocurrency investments, please see our education centre.

Bitcoin Trading Banner 2

How to choose the best broker for bitcoin trading online

Because there’s so much competition in the bitcoin exchange market as well as having many brokers and exchanges to choose from, it can be difficult for beginners to know which option will work best. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you decide on the right investment opportunity for you:


Use a regulated bitcoin broker or exchange. The regulatory body develops rules and services protect the integrity of the market, as well as traders, and investors, such as the financial conduct authority (FCA) in the UK. Due to possible safety concerns, open your trading account with a regulated bitcoin trading platform.

Customer service

Bitcoin trading happens 24 hrs a day online, so customer support should be available at all times. You’ll want to be able to speak with a live support person, and many brokerages have a local office for ease of use. The representative’s ability to answer your questions regarding spreads and leverage, as well as company details is very telling.
The details of a good bitcoin broker should be out in the open for everyone to see, either online or otherwise.

Account types

Your ideal bitcoin broker should be able to offer multiple account options or provide an element of customizability. Perhaps the broker even has a separate account for beginners. Look for a bitcoin broker that offers competitive spreads and easy deposits/withdrawals.

Tradeable assets

When selecting a broker bitcoin, many investors may just focus on the one asset. Nonetheless, keep in mind there are many other types of investment alternatives offered. Including forex (FX) currencies, other popular cryptocurrencies (like ripple, ethereum, or dash), stocks, shares, etfs, cfds, futures or options.

Buying and selling bitcoins costs money. However, unlike buying stocks or bonds, bitcoin brokers usually charge a percentage. You may consider looking for an online broker that charges a flat rate fee instead of the percentage model.


Because bitcoin is traded in a market where people are both looking to buy or sell the currency. It’s crucial to consider the amount of liquidity that an exchange can have. Liquidity is the ability to sell without the price being significantly affected, causing the price to drop.

Here at topbrokers.Trade, we take pride in providing the best possible online trading broker comparison, reviews and ratings. These reviews enable you to select the best trading platform for your needs. We don’t just help you to pick a great place to trade, but also do everything that we can, to show you how to get started. For additional information regarding trading bitcoin as a CFD, check out our guide on “the basics of cryptocurrency“. It’s important that you remember that leverage works both ways and it will magnify the gains and losses.

The pioneer of social trading is now offering an exclusive opportunity for investors who want exposure to the most popular cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, dash, ethereum and more. Trade crypto 24/7 at etoro with no rollover fees!

Buy bitcoin online in blakenhall

There are loads of places to but bitcoin online and we can help you find the best trading sites and brokers to use.

Bitcoin trading brokers in blakenhall

Several trading sites are available online if you want to buy cryptocurrency, we provide more details on each one of these to help you.

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Buy bitcoin in blakenhall

Bitcoins are frequently in the news recently, and yet much of the population still has no idea what bitcoin actually is or where they can purchase them.

The process of generating these digital coins is called mining. The easiest way to buy bitcoins is by using a broker. A complex mathematical problem with a 64 digit answer must be solved in order for a bitcoin transaction to be approved. This where a broker comes in, as they will solve the problem for you. You can buy bitcoins directly from sellers on other websites and bypass the broker but you must be extremely careful if you are doing this and ensure that the seller is trustworthy.

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. This means that it is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Put simply, bitcoins are a completely digital form of currency. There is no bank to speak of and no physical currency such as coins, notes and cards. It is created and stored electronically. With this cryptocurrency, the users control the payments, not the banks. This means that it is not subject to rises and falls in value linked to inflation, but it is extremely vulnerable to things like uncomplimentary press reports. It also means that transaction incur either a very small fee or no fee at all because there is no bank to pay.

Bitcoin is still in its infancy, so there aren’t too many businesses (including online retailers) that accept it as legal tender. However, it is exceptionally good for someone wanting to send a direct payment using just an app or website. The payment is anonymous for the large part, as no personal details are sent with the transaction. Users have their own web address to send and receive the coins to and from. Once you have an address, you are free to start trading and buying bitcoins.

Bitcoin exchange

Bitcoin exchange sites have rocketed in popularity in the past few years. Once people understand that using cryptocurrency is just as safe as regular transactions, they embrace it fully. It’s still best to err on the side of caution though and use a broker to do any bitcoin exchange. An exchange is where traders buy and sell bitcoins using different monetary tenders, both fiat and virtual. Any bitcoin exchange is accompanied by a cryptographic maths equation that must be solved used a supercomputer. A broker is a company that will solve the equation and complete the trade for you. They usually charge a small fee for the privilege but it’s worth shopping around as fees will vary.

Top bitcoin trading brokers

It may surprise you to learn that the top bitcoin trading brokers for the UK aren’t actually in the UK. Bitcoins can be used to send payments any time across the world, but the UK banking system has been reluctant to serve these companies. As a result, many brokers are within the EU. Bitcoin trading brokers that are popular within the UK are coinbase, bitbargain, bittylicious and coinfloor, but there are many others to choose from. The bitcoin trading brokers all have different transaction fees for completing a transaction and you can even buy bitcoins and sell them for other cryptocurrencies with them.

Bitcoin price history

Cryptocurrency evaluations are notoriously volatile. Recently, the bitcoin price history started the week at £7,500 before shooting up to £12,500 before settling at around £11,000. And that’s just in one week. Bitcoin was created in 2008 and no-one is entirely sure who created it. When they first appeared they were worthless, but by early 2011 one bitcoin was worth the equivalent of $1 USD. By july of that year it was worth $31, but tanked all the way back down to $2 by the end of the year. By spring of 2013 the value had risen sharply to $266 before half the value was wiped off less than six weeks later. After this, its value continued to grow exponentially. By the start of 2017, one coin was worth $800. By the end of 2017 it was worth $17,000!

If you purchased bitcoins around five years ago and held onto them you’re probably very rich right now. The unpredictability of the value is why banks are so reluctant to catch on to this seemingly burgeoning new form of currency. Much like the stock exchange can close up or down depending on what is happening in the markets, bitcoin can increase or lose value rapidly. There is substantial money to be made from trading, but there is huge risk as well.

Bitcoin online wallet

A bitcoin online wallet is essential if you want to keep track of all your bitcoins. Much like a physical wallet stuffed full of receipts, your bitcoin online wallet keeps your public and private address in one safe place. In order to buy bitcoins and sell them you need two addresses, one public, one private. The public one is much like your email address that you would give to someone who needs to send you an email. The private address is like the password you would enter to access your emails. Because you can have as many public addresses if you like, it makes sense to keep them all in one place, a wallet, so you can keep track of them all. Your wallet can be backed up much like an external hard drive to keep your currency safe.

Best bitcoin wallet address

Much like the bitcoin brokers, providers of bitcoin wallets have surged because of increased demand. Without a bitcoin wallet, you can’t send or receive payments so you need to set up one first. An app like copay, bitpay, bitcoin wallet by coinbase and blockchain can be downloaded to all major IOS platforms including apple and android. They’re free to install in most cases and offer a secure way of doing transactions.

Who accepts bitcoin?

The list of places of who accept bitcoin has been increasing as rapidly as everything else concerned with bitcoins. There are now some huge international companies and brands which recognise it as valid currency. Virgin, expedia, microsoft and subway are just some of the big names that have embraced the future and many more are set to follow.

There are plenty of places where you can buy bitcoin online if you are interested in investing in the cryptocurrency. We would recommend looking at all the different ones that are available before deciding which one to go with.

Best bitcoin brokers in the UK

Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.
Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.
Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.
Best Bitcoin Brokers, bitcoin trading brokers.

On this page you find the best bitcoin brokers for UK citizens. You are welcome to trade bitcoin from london, edinburgh, glasgow or anywhere else in britain on these big international trading sites:

Bitcoin trading platforms in the UK
Fortunately, bitcoin trading in the UK is absolutely legal and unrestricted. All you need is a trustworthy broker and the minimum amount of trading required. The minimum deposit and trading amount varies enormously depending on the type of platform.

Basically we have to distinguish between 2 types of bitcoin brokers.

"real" bitcoin brokers

The first are the ones we call "real" bitcoin brokers. By that we mean brokers to whom you send real btcs and also get real btcs paid out again. Of course you trade the bitcoin price against GBP (or EUR, USD, depending on your needs). There are bitcoin brokers where you can only pay out BTC again, so there you only trade price differences of the BTC against GBP. With other bitcoin brokers, a GBP profit can also be paid out, but this requires customer verification, which is not the case with pure BTC transactions. Only in the case of fiat money transactions (deposits or withdrawals) are brokers obliged to verify the identity of their customers.

Forex brokers with bitcoin trading

The 2nd general group of bitcoin brokers are those we call "not real" because they do not allow bitcoin payouts. These are usually large international regulated forex brokers or CFD brokers. They only trade price differences based on the fiat currency paid in, such as GBP in the UK.

Here it is therefore opposite to the group of "real" bitcoin brokers. With the latter, BTC is paid in, price differences are traded in long and short trades in order to cash out BTC again. In the other case, british pounds are paid in, the BTC price difference is traded in order to cash out GBP again. With such forex or CFD brokers you always have to verify yourself completely before you are allowed to trade at all.

However, there are now also forex brokers who accept bitcoin deposits and withdrawals. The borders are a bit blurred. A striking difference, however, remains the issue of ID verification, which is only ever necessary for forex brokers. On the other hand, there are much more deposit options, such as bank transfer, credit card, paypal, skrill or others.

Depending on your requirements and objectives, you have to choose the right type of broker.

UK tax directive for bitcoin & co.

Regarding tax on cryptocurrencies there is a guideline called "cryptoassets for individuals" published by the UK government in december 2018. It provides guidance on what people should pay attention to when taxing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Tax on holding bitcoin in the UK

As the guidelines show the government believes that most individuals hold bitcoin & co. To make a profit. Ultimately, the capital gains tax will be levied first.

Income tax and insurance contributions would be payable accordingly in case people also mined cryptocurrencies or received bitcoin from their employer for certain services.

Tax on trading bitcoin in the UK

Bitcoin trading regulation are based on securities: when bitcoin & co. Get traded, the legislation is based on the existing regulations on securities. This means that according to the governmental guidelines for crypto taxation a trade with crypto assets is to be classified similarly as a trade with shares, securities and other financial products.

Therefore, the approach to determining whether or not trading is conducted would be similar. The existing case law on trading in shares and securities can be used as a guide".

Ultimately, however, it has to be decided on a case-by-case basis, as the authority cannot automatically assume that it is "trading" in the strict sense. This is not the case, for example, if one cryptocurrency is exchanged for another.

In addition, however, it is also possible to assert losses in trading in the tax return by drawing up a corresponding cost accounting.

Loss of private keys

The authority also recognizes that everyone is responsible for their own private keys. Nevertheless, in the event of a loss, this can be claimed from the authority:

If you should lose your private keys you have no more access to the crypto asset, never again. The private key then still exists as part of the cryptography, but is no longer known to you. The crypto assets also remain in the respective distributed ledger. This means that the loss of the key is not considered a sale in the sense of capital gains tax."

Bitcoin investing: compare accounts for buying & selling bitcoin

Use our comparison table of bitcoin accounts to compare costs and the different ways to buy and sell bitcoin. Please note: investing in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is very high risk and not regulated by the FCA. There is a very high chance you may lose all your money.

How to choose an account for investing in bitcoin

Here are three tips and things to consider when deciding which provider to buy bitcoin through:

Look for a regulated provider who also offers bitcoin

Even though bitcoin is an unregulated digital currency, many providers that offer bitcoin investing are regulated by the FCA for other things such as stocks, bonds, bank accounts and trading. By choosing a bitcoin account that is attached to a regulated entity, you will be dealing with a provider who is responsible for treating clients fairly (although not directly for cryptocurrency investing).

Compare the costs of investing in bitcoin

The costs of investing in bitcoin can vary dramatically. The key things to consider are:

  • Bitcoin commission- some bitcoin accounts will charge a fee when you buy and sell bitcoin on their platform.

  • Bitcoin currency exchange fees- if you are buying bitcoin against the USD (BTCUSD) but depositing GBP into your bitcoin wallet, there will be a fee for converting the GBP into USD. It is possible with some exchanges to buy bitcoin against GBP where you do not need to convert fiat currencies.

  • Bitcoin price spread- this is the difference between the buy and sell prices. As with investing in stocks, there is always a spread between where people are prepared to buy and people are prepared to sell. The bitcoin spread varies, depending on how active the market is (liquidity) and how much the price is moving (volatility), as well as which bitcoin platform you are investing through.

Understand the risks involved in investing in bitcoin

Before you start investing in bitcoin, decide if you should be investing in bitcoin. The major risks of investing in bitcoin are:

  • Sudden price moves- the price of bitcoin can drop and rise quickly and for no apparent reason.

  • High investment costs- compared to investing in stocks, it is still expensive to buy and sell bitcoin.

  • Bitcoin scams- there are lots of scammers using fake bitcoin ads to scam potential bitcoin investors, so always research bitcoin accounts before investing.

How do you invest in bitcoin?

The world's most famous crypto-currency is an obvious target for investors and traders due to its history of rapid gains and falls in value. This volatility makes it both very risky and potentially very lucrative as an investment.

How to get started investing in bitcoin

If you are buying bitcoins, then you will require a bitcoin address. This is a code to which the bitcoins that you buy will be allocated. You can acquire an address by downloading a bitcoin client to your computer or setting up an online wallet.

What to avoid when you start investing in bitcoin

When using cfds or placing spread bets, it is possible to lose more than your initial stake. This will be amplified if you use leverage. Don't risk more money than you can afford to lose when you take a position. Placing stop loss orders, which automatically close down your position when bitcoin hits a particular value, are an essential way to limit the risk that you face.

What to look for when choosing an account to buy bitcoin in

The various bitcoin exchanges and CFD/spread-betting companies have different fee structures for their services. Make sure that you're not being overcharged and that the trading platform on offer is to your liking. As with any investment, the more you know about factors that will impact the price of bitcoin, the more likely you are to profit.

To invest in bitcoin, you need a bitcoin wallet or account. You can compare bitcoin accounts with our bitcoin account comparison table.

Bitcoin FAQ:

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions people ask before they invest in bitcoin:

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency. It was launched in 2009, can be mined, bought and sold against many fiat currencies, and is the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalisation.

How much is bitcoin worth?

The price of bitcoin moves all the time and is priced most commonly against the USD. See our bitcoin price chart for the current price.

How does bitcoin work?

Bitcoin works as a digital currency where a record of all transactions are kept on the block chain. Each bitcoin is stored in a digital wallet where it can be spent or sent.

How to get bitcoins

There are two ways to get bitcoin. You can either mine them or buy them through a bitcoin exchange platform.

Is bitcoin safe?

This is undermined yet and the safety of bitcoin is one of the major risks of investing in bitcoin.

Is bitcoin regulated by the FCA?

No, bitcoin is not regulated by the FCA. However, there are FCA-regulated providers that also offer options for buying and selling bitcoin.

Are bitcoin adverts real?

From peter jones to PSY, new scam adverts advertising get-rich-quick bitcoin schemes are flooding the internet. Despite a global ban from google on non-regulated brokers advertising derivatives products, they are still getting through. Amazingly, you see them in the header of the dailymail and other mainstream media websites. Martin lewis, the money-saving-guru from money saving expert, recently sued facebook because they failed to stop scammers using his image in scam ads for get-rich-quick bitcoin schemes. Martin lewis settled with facebook for a £3m charitable donation in the end.

Is bitcoin a scam?

If you see an advert for bitcoin investing, it may well be a scam as google and facebook have banned cryptocurrency advertising. If it looks like a scam, it's a scam. And always check the FCA register for any broker you deal with.

Keep in mind too though that the scammers make clone websites of real brokerages to scam you. So, double and triple-check any broker before sending money. A quick google search can save you from becoming a victim.

How to make money with bitcoin

It is possible to make money investing in bitcoin in the same respect that it is possible to make money investing in high-risk stocks. If you buy low, sell high, you will make money. But unlike investing in stocks where a company generates revenue and profits, bitcoin has no underlying value so it is also possible to lose money very quickly by investing in bitcoin.

Where to buy bitcoin

For more information on where to buy bitcoin, read our guide to choosing a bitcoin account.

Is bitcoin legal?

How to use bitcoin

Bitcoin is becoming more usable every day. Some online merchants accept it as payment and recently, paypal announced that it would accept bitcoin as a payment source.

Is bitcoin a good investment?

Whether or not bitcoin is a good investment is relative to your investment objectives. It is a very high-risk investment.

How to sell bitcoin

When you choose a bitcoin account, make sure there is also the option to sell the bitcoin on it as well.

Where can you get bitcoin investing ideas?

Never believe anyone who says they can make you rich or adopt trading as a career if you are a complete beginner. However, if you do want trading ideas, you can find news and analysis on bitcoin here:

  • Bloomberg

  • Reuters

  • Tradingview provides excellent crypto charts and lots of users post trading ideas.


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ALL INVESTING INVOLVES RISK. Investing, derivatives, spread betting and CFD trading carry a high level of risk to your capital and can result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. They may not be suitable for everyone, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.
ESMA & FCA risk warning – “cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 68-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Capital at risk”

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Best online brokers for bitcoin trading

Blain Reinkensmeyer
Steven Hatzakis

The best crypto exchanges for US bitcoin trading offer three essential benefits. The first, and most important, is robust security with two-factor authentication, cold storage, and integrated safe wallets. Second is a user-friendly website and platform. Third, they provide access to trading a variety of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

In our assessment and ranking of cryptocurrency exchanges, we focused on traditional exchanges headquartered and regulated in the united states, as well as the incumbent online brokers in the US, which are expanding to offer bitcoin trading on top of regular stock trading (e.G. Buying shares of apple or google).

Best bitcoin trading platform

  • Tradestation - best trading platform

  • Coinbase - best crypto exchange

  • Etoro - low fees

  • Kraken - maker-taker fee schedule

  • Bittrex - most altcoins

  • Gemini - offers gemini dollar

  • Robinhood - best mobile app

Here's a breakdown of some of the best online brokers for US crypto trading.

Best trading platform

As a trading technology leader, tradestation supports casual traders through its web-based platform and active traders through its award-winning desktop platform, all with $0 stock and ETF trades. Tradestation crypto allows you to buy, sell, and trade bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash and XRP. Tradestation crypto caters to both institutional and recreational clients. Read full review

Best crypto exchange

Founded in june of 2012, coinbase is the largest US-based cryptocurrency exchange, housing over 20 million users. Coinbase is best known for its easy to use website and crypto trading platform, coinbase pro. Coinbase supports 14 different cryptocurrencies for trading, including bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), and litecoin (LTC), among others.

Low fees - open account
promo offer: 0% commission stocks

Etoro is great for traders seeking zero-commission stock and ETF trades, an efficient platform, and access to copy trading. That said, there are hidden fees, education is sub-par, and etoro doesn't offer the same range of investments as traditional brokers. Etoro's crypto offering includes 16 different coins. Although crypto fees are cheap, you can only withdraw your crypto assets with a dedicated etoro wallet.

Maker-taker fee schedule

Kraken was founded in july of 2011 and offers trading on 18 different cryptocurrencies, including monero (XMR), ripple (XRP), and dash (DSH). Kraken currently offers a web platform but does not have a mobile app.

Most altcoins

Bittrex was founded in seattle, washington in 2014. Although bittrex doesn’t provide a mobile or desktop platform, it still offers over 100 tradeable coins, including bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), and litecoin (LTC).

Offers gemini dollar

Founded in 2015 by the winklevoss twins, gemini is a licensed digital asset exchange and custodian built for both individuals and institutions. Gemini lets users buy, store, and sell bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), litecoin (LTC), bitcoin cash (BCH), and zcash (ZEC), as well as the self-named gemini dollar (GUSD).

Best mobile app

Robinhood crypto allows users to trade bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), bitcoin cash (BCH), litecoin (LTC), dogecoin (DOGE), ethereum classic (ETC), and bitcoin SV (BSV). Ten additional coins can be added to a watch list. Robinhood crypto is best-fitted for users who trade multiple classes of assets. Read full review

Pricing details

Below is pricing information for each of the top online brokers for bitcoin trading. Each company uses a different structure.


Headquartered in plantation, florida, tradestation is a wholly owned subsidiary of monex group, inc., one of japan’s largest online financial services providers (1). Tradestation's roots date back to the 1982, when the company was formed under the name omega research. The company's flagship tradestation platform was launched in 1991, and tradestation group was a NASDAQ listed company from 1997 - 2011, until it was acquired by monex group (2).

Tradestation crypto features a simple pricing structure. Account balances below $100,000 pay a 0.50% maker fee and a 0.50% taker fee. Account balances over $100,000 don’t pay a maker fee, paying either a 0.25% or 0.125% fee based on account size. At this commission rate, it would cost $5.00 to buy $1,000 worth of bitcoin (BTC).

Coinbase - coinbase.Com

If buying bitcoin from a linked ACH account, the average commission is

1.49%. If buying bitcoin by selling another cryptocurrency you already hold in your coinbase wallet (or vice versa), then the average commission is

.50%. For example, buying $1,000 worth of bitcoin would cost

$15 from a linked bank account.

Etoro - open account
promo offer: 0% commission stocks

As an early pioneer in social copy trading, etoro was founded in israel in 2006 as a financial trading technology developer. After launching its first product, it has since grown to service over 9 million users with an innovative platform that continually evolves to be one of the largest social networks globally, with clients in over 170 countries.

Etoro charges no fees for sending or receiving transactions. Blockchain fees are applicable for sending and receiving. However, etoro does charge a conversion fee of 0.1%, set to market rates. Minimum withdrawal amounts and fees are also imposed for each type of cryptocurrency. The minimum bitcoin withdrawal amount is 0.0086 BTC and the withdrawal fee is 0.0005 units.

Kraken uses a maker-taker fee schedule with price incentives based on your trading volume over the last 30 days. For example, the average customer who trades less than $50,000 a month will pay $2.60 in fees for every $1,000 in trading volume. Fees for market makers range between 0% and 0.16%, while fees for takers range from 0.10% to 0.26%. This fee schedule, is more competitive than competitors like coinbase and gemini.

Bittrex - bittrex.Com

Bittrex has a simple pricing model, and charges a flat 0.25% on all trades. At this commission rate, it would cost $2.50 to buy $1,000 worth of bitcoin (BTC). Higher-volume traders, those trading more than $25,000 a month, should look at kraken for discounted pricing.

Gemini is much more expensive than other exchanges, charging between $0.99 - $2.99 on transactions under $200, and 1.49% on orders over $200. This means it would cost $14.90 to purchase $1,000 worth of bitcoin (BTC). Overall, gemini is the most expensive crypto exchange included in this guide, charging more than five times what other exchanges would charge for the same transaction.

Robinhood crypto does not charge a commission for placing crypto trades; however, it generates tiny profits from each order as it is routed. This routing practice, known as payment for order flow (PFOF), is also how robinhood makes money from stock trades. In their user agreement, robinhood crypto states that they may receive activity-based rebates from crypto exchanges, brokers, and market-makers, among other crypto intermediaries. Bottom line, since robinhood is not transparent with its pricing structure, there is a possibility the all-in costs per trade are actually much higher than some competitors. Unfortunately, there is no way to know for certain.

Pricing details per exchange

Final thoughts

Trading cryptocurrencies is becoming more widespread as investors around the globe become more comfortable with blockchain technology and the exchanges that offer online crypto trading. Security enhancements for digital wallets continue to improve as well, providing traders more confidence that buying bitcoin is safe.

Read next

Explore our other online trading guides:

About the author: blain reinkensmeyer as head of research at stockbrokers.Com, blain reinkensmeyer has 20 years of trading experience with over 1,000 trades placed during that time. Referenced as a leading expert on the US online brokerage industry, blain has been quoted in the wall street journal, the new york times, and the chicago tribune, among others.

Steven Hatzakis

About the author: steven hatzakis steven hatzakis is the global director of research for forexbrokers.Com. Steven previously served as an editor for finance magnates, where he authored over 1,000 published articles about the online finance industry. Steven is an active fintech and crypto industry researcher and advises blockchain companies at the board level. Over the past 20 years, steven has held numerous positions within the international forex markets, from writing to consulting to serving as a registered commodity futures representative.

All pricing data was obtained from a published web site as of 01/19/2021 and is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. For stock trade rates, advertised pricing is for a standard order size of 500 shares of stock priced at $30 per share. For options orders, an options regulatory fee per contract may apply.

Advertiser disclosure: stockbrokers.Com helps investors across the globe by spending over 1,000 hours each year testing and researching online brokers. How do we make money? Our partners compensate us through paid advertising. While partners may pay to provide offers or be featured, e.G. Exclusive offers, they cannot pay to alter our recommendations, advice, ratings, or any other content throughout the site. Furthermore, our content and research teams do not participate in any advertising planning nor are they permitted access to advertising campaign data. Here is a list of our partners.

Disclaimer: it is our organization's primary mission to provide reviews, commentary, and analysis that are unbiased and objective. While stockbrokers.Com has all data verified by industry participants, it can vary from time to time. Operating as an online business, this site may be compensated through third party advertisers. Our receipt of such compensation shall not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by stockbrokers.Com, nor shall it bias our reviews, analysis, and opinions. Please see our general disclaimers for more information.

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So, let's see, what we have: bitcoins are traded primarily through bitcoin brokers and bitcoin forex brokers. Read our reviews below before deciding which bitcoin broker to use. At bitcoin trading brokers

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